
Earthquakes are tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface that occur as a result of unexpected displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or in the upper mantle and are transmitted over long distances in the form of spring vibrations. These vibrations are considered the main destructive force on the earth's surface, leading to injury and death.
Most injuries result from the collapse of buildings and debris after an earthquake. The first shock is usually accompanied by a large roar. The first shock may be followed by others.
The population's response to an earthquake begins with its occurrence after the first tremors. People who feel tremors or receive a warning signal about the occurrence of an earthquake must act in accordance with the information received and recommendations developed in advance, which should reflect the sequence of actions of each person.
During an earthquake
Stay calm. Do not panic.
1. If you are indoors on the ground floor, you have 10-15 seconds to leave.
2. If you are on other floors,
open the door of the room and try
find a place with relatively strong companies
structures next to the wall, which is the supporting one.
Stay away from windows. Try
find storage under strong objects,
for example, under the table. Don't try yourself
Bridgingly repair a broken electrical cable
or plumbing. Never use
in these cases by elevator. Don't use
open fire or matches for education
room lining. Do not smoke.
3. Children who are at school need
look for storage under desks.
4. Leave the premises as soon as the ground
the rabbit will end.
If you are outside a building, stay away from structures that may collapse. Avoid dangling electrical wires and keep your distance from collapsing walls and falling debris.
1. If you are driving, quickly
stop the car and do not get out of it.
Stay away from bridges, land roads
pipelines and tunnels.
2. If you are on a bus, wait
then until the driver stops and opens
door, stay the same
3. Don’t panic on the subway. When you
underground, then you are in greater
safety than on the surface. Get ready for
that the lights will go out. Observe
instructions from the driver of attraction in case of eva
negotiations through the tunnel. Don't use it
indoor fire or matches for education
room layout. Do not smoke.
It is unacceptable for people to stay near objects that contain explosive, flammable or highly toxic substances. We must always remember that injuries are most often caused by fragments of roofing iron, boards, signs and other objects. Broken and endless electrical wiring is especially dangerous.