
Floods are temporary flooding of large areas of the area with water due to rising water levels in rivers and other bodies of water, damage to hydraulic structures, etc.
The main causes of flooding can be heavy rainfall, intense snow melting, and annual floods. Floods that occur as a result of sudden failure of hydraulic dams, landslides, or rock slides are especially dangerous.
Floods can also occur at the mouths of rivers flowing into the sea under the influence of powerful cyclones, when high-speed winds form a huge surge wave.
Various categories of the population in connection with the emergence of an immediate threat of flooding, as a rule, take part in preparing industrial, agricultural and household enterprises, utility and energy networks, transport for operation in flood conditions, protecting material assets from water, as well as in bringing to full readiness swimming and other means of performing emergency rescue operations.
During the flood
In the event of a flood, timely warning and evacuation of the population, farm animals and material assets from the probable flood area are important.
All citizens, before evacuating to non-flooded areas, perform work to protect their homes:
1. Turn off the gas valve. Turn off the electric
tric current. If near a switch or
switch is wet, stand on dry ground
switchboard and turn off the electrical
current using a dry wooden pole
melons. When color, taste or phenomena change
odor-laden tap water
Howling is prohibited. Move the furniture, elek
tric instruments and other property on the upper
2. If you are driving, drive very carefully
it's good. If the engine stalls in a flooded mi
ski, leave the car.
3. If you find yourself in water:

• if you find yourself in a stream, do not swim about
you are the currents. Take a sitting position, expose
feet with the flow;
• try to get to a high place and you
take from the water;
• try to grab onto any float
whose subject;
• do not grab the side of an overloaded boat;
• Watch for signs of hypothermia.
The population subject to evacuation must
but arrive at the specified time at the collection point,

having with you documents, basic necessities, a small supply of food and drinking water. During a flood, every resident must be prepared to fulfill all the requirements of rescue units:
• activate existing watercraft;
• primarily provide assistance to children and
• take part in the construction of protozoa
modern watercraft made from local materials.
Certain groups of people who remained
melted area, must comply
the most important safety rules:
• do not eat foods that have come into contact with dirt
noah water;
• do not drink undigested water;
• do not use wet electrical devices
• do not touch the electrical wiring and turn on
electrical appliances connected to the network;
• limit unnecessary movement outside
melted area;
• move, if possible, to the upper regions
on top of houses or on the roof.