How to rejuvenate your face with massage

Japanese women retain their beauty and youth almost longer than any other people in the world. In particular, this is facilitated by Asahi massage (which means “Morning Sun”) or, more correctly, Zogan (“Face Creation”). If you do this simple massage correctly, you can significantly rejuvenate your face.

Basic principles of self-massage: how to relieve tension

The centuries-old secret of Asahi massage was revealed by cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. She wrote a book about this method called “Special Facial Massage. Go back 10 years." What is the main difference between this method and others?

We are used to following recommendations where we are advised to gently pat our face with soft fingertips. Asahi does not accept such “calf tenderness”; here, force is exerted on the face right up to the skull. This is done to improve the condition of not only the skin, but also the lymph nodes, subcutaneous tissues and bones. In terms of its effects, massage is compared to lymphatic drainage.


Before the massage, you need to completely cleanse your face. It is carried out with only two fingers: the index and middle or middle and ring fingers. The massage is done using cosmetics - milk, foam, oil, cream... Olive oil and oat milk are especially good. As we have already mentioned, the technique involves force, but without fanaticism. Pain is inappropriate, if your face hurts, something is going wrong. Therefore, before you begin, carefully study the location of the lymph nodes on your head. They need to be massaged with care.

Within a few days of onset, you may develop a rash and your face shape will begin to change. Cosmetologists claim that these are normal processes, as toxins begin to be eliminated. And don’t be afraid that the skin will sag due to strong tension. “Bulldog muzzle” does not threaten you, since it can sag only after very strong weight loss.


Massage VK