Immuno- (Immuno-)

Immuno- (Immuno-) is a prefix denoting immunity or the immunological response of the body.

The prefix "immuno-" is used in scientific terminology to indicate the association of a word with the immune system or immune response. For example:

  1. Immunodeficiency is a deficiency of the immune system, the inability of the body to produce sufficient quantities of antibodies.

  2. Immunocompetent cells are cells of the immune system responsible for the immune response (lymphocytes, macrophages, etc.).

  3. Immunostimulants are substances that enhance the immune system.

  4. Immunoglobulins are antibody proteins produced by the immune system in response to the introduction of foreign substances.

Thus, the prefix “immuno-” indicates the connection of the term with immunity and the immune system of a person or animal. It is widely used in medical terminology to refer to concepts related to immunology.

Immuno- (Immuno-) is a prefix that is used to denote terms, concepts and processes related to immunity and immunological responses of the body. Immunity is a complex of mechanisms that protect the body from infections, diseases and other harmful influences. The body's immunological response is the reaction of the immune system to any exposure that may be perceived as a threat to health.

The body's immune system and immunological responses play an important role in maintaining health and fighting disease. Immunity can be innate or adaptive. Innate immunity is the body's primary defense mechanism, which is activated immediately after exposure to external factors. Adaptive immunity is a mechanism that develops over time that allows the body to more effectively fight repeated infections.

Immunology is a science that studies immunity and immunological processes in the body. Immunological processes include many different elements and procedures, such as activation of immune cells, synthesis of antibodies, recognition and destruction of infectious agents, and many others.

The use of the prefix “immuno-” in medicine and biology makes it possible to more accurately define terms and concepts related to immunity. For example, immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the body's immunological mechanisms to fight disease. Immunoglobulins are proteins that are synthesized by the immune system and perform the function of antibodies, protecting the body from infections and other harmful influences.

Thus, the prefix “immuno-” is key in medicine and biology, denoting immunity and immunological processes in the body. The study of immunology helps improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, as well as the development of new treatments based on immunotherapy and other immunological approaches.

Immuno- is a prefix that means “privilege” in Latin. The term “immuno” is used to refer to immunity or the body’s immune response to external influences. In the scientific and medical field, the term “immunity” is often used to describe the body's ability to defend itself against foreign agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. The human immune system is made up of various components that work together to maintain health and protect against infections. Studying the immune response may help develop new treatments for diseases related to the immune system. Immuno- can be found in many medical terms. For example, immuno