How to tie a mole with thread

Is it possible to remove a mole? She is small, but protruding, constantly clinging to something.


Moles have been removed surgically for a long time, even here. But, really, not all of them. In any case, the idea begins its implementation by going to the doctor for a consultation, where they will tell you everything. In most cases, they are removed without problems. But sometimes there are contraindications, because moles can be associated with cancer.

. And for God's sake, don't even think about doing this nonsense - bandaging. At best, it will lengthen and remain like a horn for life; at worst, the consequences are unpredictable.

The easiest and safest way is to buy super celandine at the pharmacy and anoint the papilloma with it! It will turn black and fall off on its own! Super celandine is very inexpensive.

Papillomas injuries can be very costly for you.

The papilloma virus has a large number of strains. Types 16 and 18 of papilloma are considered the most dangerous. Among the carcinogenic (cancer-causing) strains of papillomas, there are others.

If you decide to bandage a papilloma with thread, you need to be sure that your papilloma virus is not carcinogenic.

Injuries to papillomas can provoke their growth.

Doctors themselves argue about whether it is possible to tie a papilloma with a thread.

I myself faced such a problem. The papilloma is in such a place that I constantly touch it. The temptation to tie it with thread is quite strong, but I didn’t dare.

It is better to remove papilloma using the cryodestruction method (liquid nitrogen). Laser destruction will get rid of papilloma. This is the most gentle and painless method, but not always available.

It is not safe to remove a papilloma mole by tying it with silk thread.

Since these neoplasms can become malignant with any type of trauma, ultraviolet irradiation, and even without any particular reason.

And this way of dressing at home can prevent infection.

For all neoplasms that are especially troubling, it is best and most correct to consult a dermatologist. After which he, in turn, will refer you to a surgeon, who will excise the tumor using a safe method, and the materials will be sent for histology.

If you independently remove any and similar moles, its root can remain and degenerate into a malignant disease and even melanoma.

Of course, there are cases when removing a mole at home remains without consequences, but there are other sad stories, so it’s better not to risk it.

In the modern world, you can also use medical laser removal - then not even a trace will remain on the skin.

A hanging mole is a type of nevus, which is a neoplasm on a stalk. Neoplasms arise as a result of impaired synthesis of the melanin pigment and are localized in problem areas: armpits, neck, face. You can get rid of hanging moles at home if there are no contraindications. If the nevus does not cause any inconvenience, it is not necessary to remove it.

Indications for removal of hanging moles

Most birthmarks are harmless and no removal procedure is required. It is obligatory to remove the tumor, the cells of which are at the stage of degeneration into melanoma (malignant tumor).

Conditional indications for disposal:

  1. change in color, diameter, shape, size of the nevus;
  2. the mole is in an inconvenient place, where it is constantly exposed to friction against clothing and sweat;
  3. unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, pain, swelling at the site of the tumor;
  4. inflammatory process;
  5. formation of nodules;
  6. thickening of the mole, change in structure.

Removal methods at home

You can remove a hanging mole at home using pharmaceutical products or using folk experience. If you follow the recommendations, you can safely get rid of the problem.

Self-treatment may worsen the situation. Consult your doctor before using these methods.


At the pharmacy you can buy homeopathic medicines based on plants (Stefalin, Malavit), medicines that have a cauterizing effect (Cryopharma). The advantage of the drug treatment method is convenience (you can treat yourself at home), accessibility (compared to laser removal procedures, cryotherapy, the price is much lower).

Preparations based on acids (salicylic, acetic) are used with caution, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood, such medications are taken as prescribed by a doctor.

If there are side effects (burning, itching, swelling of the skin, increased body temperature), stop using the drug and contact a medical facility.

Drug name Composition, pharmacological action How to use
Stefalin (ointment) The drug is created on the basis of natural ingredients (ivy, burdock, celandine, aspen). The components have a cauterizing effect. After steaming the damaged area, apply a thin layer of ointment. Apply 1 time per day.
Malavit (lotion) Ingredients: glycerin, bio-complexes of silver, copper, natural extracts of mumiyo, calendula. The drug has an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect. Apply with a cotton swab and apply a gauze bandage. Duration of use - no more than 30 minutes at a time. Apply once every 2 days.
Collomak (solution) The ointment has a cauterizing effect due to the presence of components: salicylic, lactic acid, polidocanol. Apply to a cotton swab and smear directly onto the neoplasm. Use 1 time per day.
Cryopharma (analogue of Wartner) Dimethyl ether, propane. The tumor is removed by cryo-freezing. Single application of the drug.

During therapy, it is recommended to avoid visiting baths, saunas, and solariums. Avoid prolonged exposure to the street during periods of solar activity.

Traditional methods

The following recipes will help you remove hanging moles safely at home. The ingredients have a cauterizing effect; recipes should be used with caution. Before using caustic components (iodine, acids), lubricate the area around the mole with a rich cream to prevent damage to healthy skin.

Components Cooking method Mode of application
Pharmacy tincture of iodine, celandine juice, hydrogen peroxide, garlic juice Mix the components in approximately equal proportions until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Apply to the base of the mole.
Potato Grate. Apply the paste to the damaged area and cover with cellophane. Apply the compress at night.
Acetic acid (10-12%) Apply to a cotton swab. Treat the mole, avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin.
Salicylic acid (buy at the pharmacy) Apply to a cotton swab. Treat the neoplasm, avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin.
Citric acid (crystalline, available in stores) or lemon juice Before use, citric acid is diluted with water (1:1 ratio). Apply to the mole.
Fruit acid (such as green apple juice) Prepare freshly squeezed juice. Process and secure with gauze. Can be used as a compress at night.
Celandine juice, Vaseline Mix the components (ratio 1:1) to an ointment consistency. Apply to the mole 2 times a day.

To help get rid of moles:

  1. Daily treatment with celandine juice. Treat the mole at the base. The course of treatment is carried out until the tumor is completely removed. The method is not recommended for use on exposed skin; if healthy skin is damaged, burns may occur.
  2. A mixture of Vaseline and celandine (ratio 1:1) will help remove a hanging mole.
  3. Compresses made from linseed oil and honey will provide effective assistance.
  4. Treatment with tincture of iodine. The drug is used as an antiseptic when injuring a neoplasm.
  5. Smear the problem area with laundry soap, cover with a plastic bag and a warm cloth on top. The compress is applied at night.

Features of removal depending on location

Depending on the location, the reasons for the formation of nevi can be assumed.

Localization area Factors in the formation of neoplasms
  1. low-quality hygiene products (deodorants);
  2. injuries due to shaving;
  3. ultraviolet irradiation (staying in a solarium, in the open sun).
Genitals, groin
  1. infectious, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  2. use of depilators.
Neck area, décolleté
  1. ultraviolet irradiation;
  2. hormonal imbalances (increased estrogen levels);
  3. wearing clothes with a collar (friction);
  4. regular shaving (for men).
  1. aggressive effects of household chemicals;
  2. exposure to the sun.
  1. the use of clothes for weight loss (fitness shorts), with excessive activity of the sweat glands, skin irritation occurs;
  2. epilation.
Abdomen area
  1. hormonal imbalances (pregnancy, adolescence);
  2. thyroid diseases;
  3. metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  4. tumors of the ovaries, pituitary gland.

When not to remove a mole at home

  1. Use folk methods with caution that contain caustic substances (vinegar, vinegar essence, acids).
  2. Do not use aggressive components to remove moles on sensitive areas (face).
  3. It is not recommended to bandage moles with hair or thread (this will lead to injury).
  4. It is not allowed to pick out or remove tumors yourself with sharp objects.

The following types of nevi cannot be removed at home:

Variety Peculiarities
Dermal-epidermal The color of the seal is light brown and rises above the skin.
Complex The color of the formation is dark brown. The structure and appearance of the neoplasm change.
Sutton moles Birthmarks “hang”, enclosed in a fragment of unpainted skin.

Contraindications for removal

  1. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. dermatoses;
  4. the presence of open wounds, abrasions, and other pigment spots near the tumor;
  5. the mole is at the stage of transformation into melanoma.

Timely consultation with a doctor and correct diagnosis will help prevent the neoplasm from becoming malignant. If there is no effect as a result of using traditional methods, the doctor will suggest hardware procedures: radio wave method, cryodestruction, laser exposure, removal with high-frequency electric current.