Cosmetological facial skin care

Few women do not dream of maintaining freshness and beauty, if not forever, then for as long as possible. And at least look younger than your age. Of course, first of all, when forming an opinion about age, they pay attention to the condition of the skin, the presence or absence of wrinkles, age-related changes, evaluate the clarity of the oval of the face, the brightness and moisture of the skin and other factors that are difficult or impossible to hide.

Without radical means of influence, it is impossible to completely eliminate existing signs of age. But knowing how to properly care for facial skin, smoothing out problems and slowing down the aging process of the epidermis is within the power of every woman.

Careful care every day is a basic part of maintaining a satisfactory appearance and, as a result, self-confidence. An important rule is to do this in accordance with your skin type, its age stage and in accordance with the principles that professional cosmetology dictates to us.

The structure of facial skin and the effect of cosmetic procedures on it

Skin is one of the most important and complex organs of the human body, containing 60% of the moisture necessary for life. And numerous pores, nerve endings, capillaries and blood vessels, sebaceous and sweat glands in the skin are a whole factory for serving the needs of the body.

The external state of this organ is not only determined by genetic and age factors, but also directly depends on lifestyle, the presence of diseases, including chronic ones, and dietary characteristics.


Numerous skin cells with ongoing metabolic processes throughout life directly affect how any person will look at any given time. Cosmetology helps us improve our appearance.

The structure of facial skin begins with the upper layers of the dermis. The most active, but not too long-lasting effect can be exerted on them with the help of care products and procedures at home. The underlying subcutaneous fat layer consists of connective tissue and significant accumulations of fat, with multiple blood vessels and nerve endings passing through them.

The subcutaneous fat accumulates and stores nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the epidermis. The appearance and deepening of wrinkles on the face requires strengthening the skin and relaxing the facial muscles, since such wrinkles are aggravated by facial expressions and sagging skin fiber structure. First of all, sufficient hydration and products that promote the production and increase of collagen and elastin are required.

Skin types determined by cosmetology

The structure of facial skin is determined by nature and is the same for absolutely all people, but the appearance of each person is strictly individual. In addition to hormonal status, the appearance is seriously influenced by the work of the sebaceous glands, which determines the skin type. Traditionally the following types are classified:

  1. normal
  2. fatty
  3. dry
  4. mixed or combined.

You should know that it may change with age and with certain diseases of the internal organs. Knowing how facial skin works and determining its type, you can choose an effective cleansing and care program.

Normal type

The normal type is a real natural gift for its owner. It is the least common. The structure and structure of this type of skin is distinguished by elasticity, smoothness and even tone. Pores and vascular network are not expressed, pigment spots, peeling, redness, inflammation, acne and oily sheen are absent.

Unfortunately, these days it is almost impossible to have such skin without making any effort, since the environment, modern lifestyle, and food are now far from ideal. In addition, with age, it turns into the dry type at one rate or another.


Dry skin

She looks best at a young age, as there is no oily shine on her face, no enlarged pores, and the appearance of pimples is minimized. However, very soon it becomes very thin, loose, and also quite vulnerable, prone to peeling and redness.

With age, spider veins become noticeable on the face (most often in the cheek area). This dermis of the skin is prone to painful reactions to aggressive environmental influences, changes in climatic conditions and temperature changes. If it is not provided with regular nutrition and additional fats and moisture, it loses firmness and elasticity much faster than other types and becomes covered with a fine network of wrinkles, even in relatively young women.


Oily skin

Oily skin can be recognized by enlarged pores that are prone to acne and purulent pimples and an oily sheen due to the accelerated production of sebum. The skin is quite thick, with a grayish tint. But, despite all the obvious disadvantages, it also has advantages: good elasticity, endurance, which allows you to be less afraid of an aggressive external environment and premature aging. After thirty years, women with oily skin type most often look younger than their peers with dry skin type and in most cases move into the group of women with mixed (combined) type.


Mixed skin

This skin type is the most common. In the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin (in the T-zone), where the pores are enlarged, blackheads are often noticeable, and there is often an oily sheen. And the area around the eyes and cheeks remains normal or even dry. Knowing how to properly care for facial skin, this type can become normal over the years, albeit with areas of dryness.

All major skin types have been described above. In some materials you can find references to sensitive type or about acne-prone skin care, but such designations are not entirely professional, since each of the classic four types can at times have similar problems.

Basic rules of care

Of course, all types of facial skin have their own characteristics, which determine an individual set of rules for cleansing and nutrition, as well as exceptions from the list of this or that item, however, there are also general basic measures and laws according to which basic facial skin care should be carried out, regardless of specifics of its type. Professional cosmetology helps determine these basic rules.

The structure of the facial skin in this matter is of paramount importance, therefore the most important stages of care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. And only after this, scrubs, peelings and masks suitable for a specific type and age serve as an additional measure.


Facial cleansing

The face needs daily thorough cleansing, and this should be done both in the morning and in the evening. Even if there is no need to remove decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to cleanse the face of dust, accumulation of fatty secretions and toxins, as well as dead cells that form a layer that prevents the skin from breathing and receiving beneficial substances from skincare cosmetics.

If you have makeup, you must completely remove it with a suitable product, depending on the durability of the cosmetics and your skin type, and only then wash your face with warm or cool water. You should never wash off your makeup or wash your face (even if you have oily skin) with regular toilet soap, even if advertising promises miracles when using it.

Bar soap with an alkaline base, unlike special cleansers, destroys the natural protective layer, disrupting the acid-base balance. This causes irritation, excessive dryness and the proliferation of bacteria, which the dermis with impaired natural barrier functions is no longer able to cope with.


Oily skin, as well as inflamed, dry, sensitive, young or mature skin, must be cleansed in accordance with its characteristics only with special cleansers - gel, mousse, cream or facial foam. You should try to rinse off not with chlorinated water directly from the tap, but with boiled water or passed through a filter. You can use drinking bottled water without gas.

It is very useful to sometimes wash your face with water diluted with decoctions of plants valued by cosmetologists. It could be chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, mint, sage. Decoctions also require a competent approach, because St. John's wort and calendula have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which makes them useful for oily skin, and flaxseed decoction is loved by dry and sensitive skin.

It is useful to wipe your face with an ice cube, which can also be made from a herbal decoction. It is good to use table mineral water for making ice. This procedure perfectly tones and refreshes the face. However, cosmetologists do not recommend it for those with reactive, sensitive skin, as well as for skin with a pronounced vascular pattern.

Peeling is an important procedure that can be easily done at home using exfoliating scrubs and masks. They can be purchased according to your skin type and personal preference. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the peeling is specifically for the face, and not for the body, with small scrubbing particles and an elastic structure, so as not to unnecessarily injure the epidermis - the top layer of skin - during the exfoliation process.

That is why when peeling it is important to massage your face along the massage lines, without being overzealous or pressing too much. It is also necessary to remember that such a product may contain extracts and extracts from exotic fruits, which can cause an allergic reaction. And on sensitive skin, the peeling procedure itself can cause it.


Any skin after the cleansing procedure must be toned. Many people neglect this stage, but in vain. It is tonics and special lotions that help maintain the elasticity and freshness of your face for a long time. Cosmetic tonics remove excess cleanser, open pores, helping to prevent keratinization of the upper layer of the epidermis, and help prepare for the final stage of the main care program - applying suitable serums and creams.



If the skin becomes irritated, drier than usual, if it is dull and flaky, it means it lacks moisture. She requires gentle care - gentle cleansing and enhanced nutrition with the help of masks and applications.

Even with a visible absence of dryness, almost every woman faces dehydration. This is especially noticeable in the spring months. In place of winter, heavier and greasy creams, intensive moisturizers should be purchased to restore the natural protective barrier of the skin.

It happens that after the end of the winter season, on the contrary, it becomes oilier and the pores become enlarged. Most often, this is observed after excessively active cleansing, using too many fatty creams, as well as changing the diet towards calories. This means that you will need regular degreasing and mattifying of your face. But in no case should you use alcohol-containing preparations, because they will only aggravate the problem, drying out and aggressively removing the natural fat layer. At the same time, the work of the sebaceous glands becomes even more intense.

Without the risk of harming the skin, degreasing agents can be used no more than 2-3 times a week for oily skin, and even less often for normal skin. For other types, additional degreasing procedures are not necessary and are even contraindicated. Oily shine is best neutralized by cosmetics with an absorbent and mattifying effect, without sacrificing constant hydration.


Cleansing masks with kaolin perfectly help regulate excess oil. Decorative cosmetics, selected to suit all needs, help hide excessive shine. Mineral cosmetic products are good in this case.

If the skin experiences regular dehydration, it will react to the problem with redness, irritation and peeling. Thus, oily types with enlarged pores often react to improper care with acne. Although most often the inflammatory process indicates a reduced immune system, gastrointestinal diseases or dietary errors, however, incorrectly chosen care tactics can provoke the appearance of comedones and acne.

In addition to the need to treat concomitant diseases and maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is good to use antibacterial drugs and cosmetics to combat the problem. It is better if all this is specifically selected not just by a sales consultant, but by a specialist cosmetologist or dermatologist.

It is important to realize that skin problems are always better to prevent than to solve. That is why basic competent facial care at any age and with any type is the key to a healthy and attractive appearance, and therefore mood, and success in different areas of life.

For results to exceed expectations, you need proper facial skin care an experienced cosmetologist would call this a systematic ritual. After all, it is daily manipulations, using the right means and tactics, that allow you to achieve the desired effect, and most importantly, do not harm the skin.

A lady with a well-groomed appearance is beautiful, fashionable, and has status. Such women feel more confident and attract the attention of others. To join this category of well-groomed beauties, you don’t have to wait for Monday, you need to start today and right now!

A visit to a cosmetologist will certainly affect the quality of your skin, but since not every woman has the time and funds for this event, we decided to help and share the main secrets and advice of facial care professionals.

We recommend reading about: biorevitalization Aquashine.

Determine your skin type

To achieve impressive results, there are many ways and means designed for women of different ages and inclined to spend different amounts of money on their faces.

However, regardless of how cheap or expensive the manipulations are, they must be suitable for a certain skin type, which is easy to determine at home in different ways.

Using a mirror and magnifying glass

You need to carefully examine all areas of the face, evaluate the color of the dermis, the presence of a characteristic oily sheen or dullness, and porosity.

Using a paper towel

Before testing, you need to wash your face with a neutral product and pat dry with a napkin. Without using any cosmetics, wait 20 minutes.

After which: take a paper towel or napkin, place it on your face and, carefully pressing, achieve tight contact with the skin.

Leave on your face for 10 minutes, then remove and carefully examine the prints. Traces of fat are signs of oily skin a clean or moderately soaked napkin indicates normal or dry skin.

Using a mirror surface

It is enough to briefly hold a mirror to a clean face to see traces of sebum on it. If there are different results on different areas of the skin, it is combination.

Having chosen one of the tests and carried out it, you need to compare the results obtained with typical characteristics:

  1. Oily skin is thick, with a characteristic oily sheen and enlarged pores. She is prone to acne breakouts and inflammation. The advantage is that it does not age for a long time.
  2. Dry skin is thin, delicate, like paper, its pores are narrowed. In youth it has an even pinkish tint, but becomes problematic with age. Through a magnifying glass you can see areas of peeling, hyperemia, and the presence of fine wrinkles even at a young age.
  3. Normal skin – balanced in terms of oil and water, looks fresh and healthy. With age, it needs care, systematic nutrition and hydration.
  4. Combination skin is oily in the T-zone, and very dry in other areas of the face.

It is important that when we properly care for facial skin, choosing products according to its type, it immediately responds to care with radiance and freshness.

Your skin type may change

Taking into account the recommendations of cosmetologists, skin testing should be carried out periodically. Since its type can change several times during life. It depends on the:

  1. Seasons (summer – fatter, summer – drier).
  2. Changes in hormonal levels (lack or excess of hormones).
  3. Diet (food should have enough polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  4. Health conditions (some medications cause dry skin).

Find out more about caring for combination and problem skin. This will help you quickly get rid of oily shine and blackheads!

See what cosmetic products should include in proper care for problem skin.

Choose the right facial care for your skin type

In addition to caregivers, cosmetic facial skin care can have negative sides if you do not follow special rules.

For oily skin:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to dry it with alcohol tonics and lotions.
  2. It is not recommended to treat with oil-based nourishing cream.
  3. Products must be tested for comedogenicity.

For dry skin:

  1. Avoid using low-fat products.
  2. For cleansing, use light, gentle products that do not have an aggressive effect.
  3. The composition of caring and decorative products must contain ultraviolet protection.
  4. Be sure to moisturize in the summer, and nourish with fatty creams in the winter.

For sensitive skin:

  1. Avoid contrasting temperatures (steaming, rubbing with ice).
  2. Use the products after testing on the wrist.
  3. Do not use formulations with microparticles that can damage the skin.
  4. Moisturize your face throughout the day.

Choose the right care for sensitive skin! If you do this, you will forget about redness forever!

Caring for oily and sensitive skin is an even more difficult task. Find out what secrets will help you forget about your problems!

After age 35, your face begins to dry out and become more sensitive. Find out how to keep your skin youthful and healthy by following the link:

For combination skin:

  1. Use products for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting appropriate to the areas of the face.

For normal skin:

  1. It is important to maintain its condition - not to dry it out.
  2. Do not expose to aggressive atmosphere - use protective equipment.
  3. Use cosmetics recommended by cosmetologists based on age.

Improper care can harm the dermis, aggravate its condition, and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cleansing and exfoliating products

To rid your face of oil, sweat and bacteria, it is not enough just to wash your face with water. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed, removing dead epidermal cells. This will help the beneficial substances of the cream penetrate the dermis without hindrance.

Proper facial care involves the use of the following products, which any experienced cosmetologist will approve:

  1. Cosmetic milk. Suitable for surface cleansing, does not penetrate into deeper layers.
  2. Alkaline-free foam. It is applied to a fabric glove, which is used to gently wipe the face.
  3. Peeling creams based on fruit acids dissolve dirt from the surface and have a bactericidal effect.
  4. Scrubs containing crushed fruit seeds, exotic fruit seeds and other natural abrasives.
  5. Clay mask.

Without these actions, even a super-effective remedy will not have an effect on the dermis and will not bring results.

Do you need a tonic?

After cleansing, the skin, regardless of type, sharply loses moisture. To normalize the water balance and restore turgor within a short time, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the dermis. Moreover, the most effective way to apply it is not with a cotton pad, but spray it as a spray.

Soft and gentle tonics containing amino acids and natural ingredients have proven themselves to be excellent.

How do cosmetologists advise applying the cream?

The delicate dermis of the face can be injured, so all actions should be light and gentle - patting, fluttering, tapping. Which method is the best - care tips are not highlighted, and each lady is given the opportunity to choose the one that is more comfortable for herself.

The cream is applied to the face with both hands in certain directions:

  1. From the center of the forehead to the temples.
  2. From the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes to the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction - under the eyes.
  3. From the nose along the cheeks to the temples.
  4. Around the lips - above and below the center in both directions.
  5. From the middle of the neck in both directions upward.

Important! Nourishing creams and serums should be applied to a moisturized face, and products with an ultraviolet barrier should be applied to a dry face.

Stages of applying cosmetics

The stages of facial skin care are the same for all types only cosmetic products for these procedures, selected on the advice of cosmetologists, are individual. Basic steps:

  1. Cleansing. Using lotions, foams, scrubs and peels.
  2. Hydration. Saturation with moisture will provide elasticity, freshness to the skin, and give it a healthy appearance.
  3. Toning. The PH environment of the epidermis is restored, the skin becomes more receptive to the active components of creams.
  4. Nutrition. Skin nutrition is the main task for mature ladies it is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics in accordance with age recommendations.
  5. Protection. Protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere and adverse external factors.
  6. Regeneration. Activates collagen production, improves metabolism, makes the skin holistic and uniform due to its renewal.

Secrets of cosmetologists for facial care

Regularity and thoroughness are simple tips from a cosmetologist for facial care that will give effective and stable results.

Then you must learn about facial care in a beauty salon! After all, professional procedures will not only take off 10-15 years, but will also revive your skin!

If you are just starting to understand cosmetics, we advise you to read about how to choose facial care.

For women over 40, it is especially important to update your cosmetics set to maintain youth. You can find out how to do this correctly by following this link:

The website of cosmetologists is filled with recommendations, among which several can be identified, combining them into rules:

  1. It is harmful to wash your face with tap water it is better to replace it with mineral water, boiled water or enriched with herbal decoctions.
  2. Apply the cream to your face in the morning - 40 minutes before going out, in the evening - at least an hour before bed. Be sure to remove any residue with a napkin, otherwise you will experience swelling on your face in the morning.
  3. Apply any creams to absolutely clean skin.
  4. The effect of the cream does not depend on the thickness of its layer on the face. Do not weigh down or overload the dermis.
  5. All remedies begin to work when the body is in a relaxed state.

Cosmetologists advise the stronger sex to also use cosmetics. Find out more about what men are advised to include in facial care and buy the right cosmetics!

Popular facial treatment from a cosmetologist

The beauty industry does not stand still and gives women the opportunity to choose the most comfortable procedures for themselves. Advice from cosmetologists regarding the use of salon methods makes you want to experience their miraculous power for yourself. Now popular:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning. Water is supplied in waves deep into the skin and is sucked out along with toxins.
  2. Galivation. Therapeutic cleansing of the deep layers of skin at the cell level, tightens pores, eliminates wrinkles.

They have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in the upper and deep layers and improve its condition.

Find out how to choose the right cosmetic facial care:

Cosmetological facial cleansing

Cosmetic care begins with facial cleansing, which restores the respiratory function of the skin and stimulates metabolic processes.

Cleaning is done manually or using special tools and devices such as:

  1. Brushing.
  2. Ultrasound.
  3. Vacuum.

This procedure is in demand among visitors to beauty salons and gives good results.


Cosmetologists reveal the secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars - they all do regular peelings.

There are three types of peeling to choose from:

  1. Soft superficial, without the use of aggressive means and manipulations.
  2. Median. Exfoliates a deeper layer of skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out tone.
  3. Deep. It is carried out using acids of significant concentration. It can smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Peels are mechanical, hardware and chemical.

Face massage

Cosmetology welcomes facial massage as an excellent cosmetic procedure that allows you to achieve an effect comparable to surgery. Massage:

  1. Corrects facial contour.
  2. Improves microcirculation, which affects appearance.
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles.

After the massage, the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.


This is a method of intensive impact on the deep layers of the dermis with drugs designed to restore youth, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The main active drug is hyaluronic acid, which the body needs as we age. This substance is injected under the skin:

  1. By injection.
  2. Laser.
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. Low frequency current.

After all the manipulations, the face looks renewed, radiant and moisturized. Read more about biorevitalization here.

Every day, women take care of the skin of their face and neck, during which they use a large number of cosmetics. Morning and evening procedures must take place in a certain sequence. One of the most important stages is cleansing.

If you want to prolong youth and cope with skin conditions, listen to the advice of a cosmetologist, and then familiarize yourself with the basic stages of facial care. Practice frequent trips to the salon and do peeling. If you have persistent rashes, consult a dermatologist.


The entire treatment takes about 15-30 minutes a day, and the result will delight you for the rest of your life. Therefore, be careful about your beauty. Use professional products or nourish and moisturize your face with natural masks.

Determining your skin type

Caring for young, mature facial skin is necessary for women of all ages. For the correct result, you need to use nourishing, moisturizing products that are designed for different types of dermis.

Characteristic features of different skin types:

  1. Fat. You can see an oily sheen within 15-20 minutes after washing your face, your pores are enlarged, and there are rashes on your face: papules, pustules, blackheads. Doesn't age for a long time.
  2. Dry. Thin dermis, in some places there are peelings and early wrinkles. It does not tolerate cold and hot winds and becomes covered with red spots in the cold.
  3. Combined. There are areas of increased oiliness, rashes (T-zone), and on the chin, cheeks, and forehead the skin is very dry and peeling.
  4. Normal. The pores are not contaminated, there is a healthy glow on the cheeks, there are no peelings, oily shine, or rashes.
  5. Sensitive. Thin skin with redness, allergic rash, reaction to cosmetics with fragrance, parabens, preservatives.


To see all these features you need to take a magnifying glass and a mirror. Wash with foam or plain water. Carefully examine your face, the condition of the pores, and the number of rashes.

Also, according to the recommendations of the cosmetologist, you can take a paper towel or mirror. If you see sebum marks, you have oily or combination skin.

Video advice from a cosmetologist on determining skin type and selecting cosmetics

Facial care in cosmetology is carried out using nourishing, moisturizing, drying, scrubbing agents. To avoid early aging, you need to take proper care of yourself from the age of 25. In this video, a specialist gives recommendations on the selection of professional creams, masks, and lotions for peeling depending on skin type.

Principles of proper care


To maintain youth for a long time, you must follow the advice of cosmetologists. Many of them relate to lifestyle. If you give up bad habits and get enough sleep, any type of dermis will be healthy. Also, during home skin care, follow these principles:

  1. Wash your face twice a day. If your tap water is too hard, use boiled or distilled water. During the procedure, avoid soap and use foam, gel, and milk.
  2. To cleanse, use de-makeup and lotion.
  3. Apply a nourishing night cream and a moisturizing day cream daily. It is especially important to treat your skin before going out and applying makeup.

Important! Women over 60 years of age are recommended to apply moisturizer up to three times a day. Be sure to use anti-aging cosmetics with retinol and collagen.

  1. Tone your skin with tonic or herbal decoction (chamomile, string, calendula).
  2. To unclog pores and prevent acne, exfoliate your face 2-3 times a week.
  3. The main summer facial care is a protective cream to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation and early wrinkles. In winter, be sure to use nutrients that protect against cold wind and frost.
  4. Use moisturizing, toning, whitening, tightening masks several times a week.
  5. Apply cream and foundation along massage lines. Gently move your fingers from the wings of the nose and the middle of the forehead to the temples. Do not stretch or rub the skin.
  6. Visit a cosmetologist regularly and carry out procedures: peeling, biorevitalization, vitamin injections.

This is interesting! Cosmetologists recommend using serum. This is a serum with a light texture that does not clog pores, normalizes Ph, and improves tone.

Skin care and decorative cosmetics should be suitable for your skin type. Use mattifying cream, anti-greasy toner, exfoliating scrubs, regenerating agents for seborrhea.


If you use decorative cosmetics, be sure to wash it off before going to bed. Washing and cleansing are necessary to get rid of residual foundation, eye shadow, mascara, dirt, and sebum. To do this, I use de-makeup it is better to take a two-phase product with an oil and water component.

Cleansing is also necessary before applying cream, mask, serum. This stage is important for women with problem skin and frequent rashes.


Professional facial care tips always include a washing step. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Apply foam, mousse or milk to damp skin, distribute the product evenly and rinse off. To do this, use pure or micellar water.

Also, to prevent early wrinkles, it is recommended to massage in the morning with ice cubes made from herbal decoctions. After washing, pat your face dry with paper towels. If you like to use waffle or terry towels, keep them clean and change them every 4-5 days.


Peeling is carried out in a salon or at home. There are chemical, mechanical, and ultrasonic cleaning. The products are based on lactic, retinoic, salicylic, and fruit acids. For better effect, abrasive particles of coal, minerals, and clay are added.

Important! For women over 60 years old, anti-aging peeling containing retinol is recommended. This procedure will help get rid of pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and flaky areas.

After the procedure, you must follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations for post-peeling care. For the first 5-7 days, use a protective cream, do not visit saunas, steam baths, or use cosmetics. When a crust appears, do not touch it or rip it off.

Cleansing masks

Tips for caring for the facial skin of women over 35 always include a cleansing step using masks. They are not as aggressive as peeling, so they are used 2-3 times a week. They help open pores, narrow them, create a matte effect on oily skin, and increase exfoliation of dead skin cells of the epidermis.

Care masks are made on the basis of plant, fruit, and chemical components. There are many recipes for home remedies that are made from natural ingredients. They are suitable for sensitive skin.


With the help of moisturizers, natural Ph is restored and elasticity increases. After applying the cream, an invisible film remains on the face, which retains moisture and protects from cold, hot wind, and frost. Therefore, apply it 30-60 minutes before going outside.

At this stage, you can use cream, mask, serum, gel. The products must be used daily starting from the age of 25. If you are over 40 years old, purchase the anti-aging series.


This stage is often underestimated and missed. Toning the skin is necessary to completely cleanse the pores of remnants of cosmetics and cleansers. With the help of tonic, the effect of the cream and mask is enhanced. Beneficial substances penetrate deeper, affecting all layers of the epidermis.

The toner or lotion is applied to a cotton pad or napkin and is not washed off at the end of the procedure. The product should not contain alcohol, fragrances or parabens.


A woman over 35 years of age should receive the necessary nutrition from cosmetics. This will prolong youth and improve the condition of dry dermis. To do this, apply cream at night and use a nourishing mask several times a week.

For oily skin, use light texture products. After salon peeling, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical ointments and creams that promote regeneration and rapid healing of crusts.

Correct skin care steps

All advice from a cosmetologist and dermatologist on facial care is aimed at improving the condition of the dermis, reducing imperfections, preventing and correcting age-related changes. To do this, use a series of cosmetic products daily. For the best effect they should be in one line. Also be sure to consider your skin type.

Cosmetologists identify the following correct stages of facial care:

  1. Cleansing, which is necessary for regeneration and relaxation from cosmetics and dust.
  2. Toning to remove remnants of milk, foam or mousse for washing.
  3. Moisturizing, which restores water balance, protects against the negative effects of the external environment.
  4. Nutrition is necessary to prolong youth and prevent early wrinkles.

Also, be sure to visit a cosmetologist once a month. Carry out salon facial cleansing in winter and autumn to remove blackheads, post-acne, scars, and pigmentation. Also, from the age of 35, use vitamin injections, biorevitalization, chiromassage. Collagen injections are offered for mature women.