Cream for bunions on big toes

In complex therapy, ointments for bunions on the big toe should be used daily. The use of external agents is an important component of the treatment regimen for joint deformities. Valgus curvature of the foot occurs with periodic or constant signs of inflammation. This necessitates pain relief. But choosing a safe and effective medicine for a bunion requires serious consideration.

Main groups of external agents

In the initial stages, valgus does not cause discomfort. But the further the disease progresses, the more pressing the question of how to smear the bone on the foot so that it does not grow and does not hurt. To treat cones, people often buy:

  1. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. stimulators of cartilage tissue regeneration;
  3. medicinal cosmetics for feet.


Pharmacy ointments and creams for finger bones are made on the basis of different substances. The excessive abundance of trade names on the pharmaceutical market makes it difficult to choose the right product. Based on their active ingredients, external medications can be divided into groups:

Active substance Trade name and manufacturer
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Diclofenac Diklobene, Voltaren (Germany); Diclofenac, Ortofen, Chondrofen (Russia); Diclogen (India); Naklofen (Slovenia)
Ibuprofen Dolgit (Czech Republic); Nurofen Express, Deep Relief (UK); Ibuprofen (Russia)
Ketoprofen Artrosilene, Flexen (Italy); Artrum, Ketoprofen (Russia); Valusal (Estonia); Ketonal (Germany)
Indomethacin Indomethacin (Russia); Indomethacin Berlin Chemie (Germany); Indomethacin Sopharma (Bulgaria)
Meloxicam Amelotex, Teraflex, Mataren (Russia)
Stimulators of cartilage tissue regeneration
Chondroitin Artrin, Chondroitin (Russia); Teraflex "M" (Germany); Chondroxide (Belarus)
Therapeutic cosmetics for feet
Shark oil Shark oil with glucosamine and chondroitin, Shark oil with formic acid and cinquefoil, Shishka Stop (Russia)
Bile ValgusStop Ostochka (Russia); Gau Misa (Vietnam)

The table shows not only the forms of ointments and creams, but also gels. In addition to these drugs, salicylic acid derivatives and hormones are often used to treat bunions.

Cost comparison


The price of ointments depends on the active substance, manufacturer and dosage. The most popular products and average prices in rubles:

  1. Ortofen 92;
  2. Diclofenac 27;
  3. Chondrofen 163;
  4. Dolgit 81;
  5. Ibuprofen 34;
  6. Ketonal 408;
  7. Indomethacin 78;
  8. Teraflex Hondrocream 450;
  9. Mataren 281;
  10. Chondroitin 94;
  11. Chondroxide 353;
  12. ValgusStop 380;
  13. ShishkaStop 990;
  14. Shark oil 140;
  15. Gau Misa 230.

All drugs have indications for the treatment of diseases of the joints, bones and ligaments. But each ointment for the bunion on the big toe has a specific effect. You need to choose depending on the symptoms and the presence of contraindications.

Products based on diclofenac

These drugs gradually reduce joint pain at rest and during movement. They eliminate morning stiffness and increase mobility. If the pit cream contains diclofenac, it is best to use it before acute pain in the finger appears. The medicine is more aimed at eliminating inflammation and swelling.

Dosage: ointments are used externally in quantities of 2 to 4 grams at a time. Apply to the bone area up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 14 days.

Contraindications and side effects:

  1. Creams containing diclofenac may cause a short-term burning sensation and redness at the site of application.
  2. Contraindications are allergic reactions to the composition and age under 6 years.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, treatment is possible after consulting a doctor.

Preparations with ibuprofen


They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, local analgesic and antipyretic effect. Ointment for big toe bumps with ibuprofen quickly relieves swelling. The active substance penetrates well into tissues and can accumulate.

  1. Apply a strip of ointment at least 5 cm long to the skin of the painful area and rub thoroughly until completely absorbed.
  2. Repeat procedures 2 or 3 times a day.

The therapeutic course should not last longer than 10 days. Long-term treatment is provided only with the permission of the orthopedist.

Ibuprofen is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance. In rare cases, ointments may cause burning, itching and redness.

Creams with ketoprofen

They are used for hallux valgus to relieve pain. They have an analgesic effect. Like all non-steroidal drugs, they effectively suppress inflammation in joint tissues.

Unlike other creams, ketoprofen should be applied only 2 times a day.

It is forbidden to use the medicine on areas with open wounds and ulcers. Ketoprofen is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. When lactation, you need medical advice.


The substance suppresses the production of arachidonic acid in the joints. This eliminates redness of the leg bone and stiffness of movement. Indomethacin cream is indicated for degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the bone system.

  1. The ointments are rubbed into the affected areas of the fingers up to 4 times a day.
  2. If the concentration is more than 5%, twice.
  3. The dosage per application is a column 4 cm long.

Indomethacin is approved for use in children over 14 years of age at a dose of 2 centimeters twice a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the process.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons suffering from stomach ulcers, should not be treated with ointment.

Features of drugs with meloxicam


Ointments with meloxicam have a quick effect. They can be called first aid for joint pain. They are “chondroneutral” and do not have a negative effect on the articular cartilage of the fingers. Systemic absorption is unlikely.

Treatment is carried out for a month. Every day, 2 times a day, a small amount of medicine is applied to the site of inflammation.

A significant disadvantage is the ban on use under 18 years of age. Ointments with meloxicam are also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Concomitant use with other NSAIDs is not recommended.


A cream for bunions on big toes with this substance stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue and relieves inflammation. Chondroitin stops the production of enzymes that destroy bone tissue. It improves metabolic processes in cartilage.

Additionally, the preparations may contain camphor and peppermint oil. These components have irritating and analgesic effects.

Ointments are applied to the thumb bone three times a day. The quantity is measured in a column, the dose is 2 cm. Treatment is long-term - from 3 to 6 months. Efficiency increases when taking capsules simultaneously.

External products with chondroitin are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and intolerance to the composition.

Therapeutic cosmetics for feet


The natural composition of cosmetics helps soften rough skin and strengthen bone tissue. Creams relieve inflammation, irritation and reduce pain. Among the most popular representatives are ValgusStop and ShishkaStop. They have no serious contraindications or side effects.

The action of ValgusStop is due to the healing properties of bile. ShishkaStop contains shark oil. Both components have anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effects. Additionally, the products contain herbal additives and essential oils.

How to use: medicinal cosmetics are applied once a day after a foot bath with soda. This ensures better penetration of the components into the finger bone.

Efficiency at different stages

Ointments and creams will not be able to return the feet to their normal shape. Their effect is only to relieve symptoms. Medicines can be used at any stage, but at the beginning of the disease the effectiveness is higher.

It is easier to reduce pain and inflammation with a moderate curvature. The stronger the deviation angle, the more difficult it is to improve the condition. Therefore, treatment of the big toe bone with ointments should be started promptly and continued for a long time.

Only a doctor should prescribe ointment for a bunion on the big toe, based on the clinical picture of the disease. The local method of treating foot deformities is effective only with the correct selection of the necessary remedy. Medicines and creams of our own production are used. Both options are allowed for use only after a prescribed treatment regimen by a doctor. Without an integrated approach, it is impossible to get rid of the formation on the big toe.

Indications for use

Conditions for which ointments are prescribed:

  1. hallux valgus;
  2. changes in the shape of the thumb;
  3. formation of growths;
  4. pain in joints and toes;
  5. inflammatory processes;
  6. pain syndrome when wearing narrow shoes.

Treatment of valgus with ointment is one of the methods of local therapy. Doctors' advice: the earlier treatment is started, the better the result will be.

Lumps on the legs do not appear immediately, and it is in the initial stages of the manifestation of neoplasms that it is recommended to use ointments, creams and gels. When the patient feels pain, discomfort when walking, or notices changes in the shape of the foot, the lower extremities should be examined and therapy should begin. Ointment for bumps on the legs will help eliminate symptoms and restore mobility to the patient.

Types of ointments for bunions on the big toe

Ointment for bunions on the feet is often classified as:

  1. medical product;
  2. folk remedy.

The pharmacy sells ointments:

  1. with turpentine;
  2. "Valgus Stop";
  3. with shark oil;
  4. with bodyaga;
  5. “Bump Stop.”

The cream for bunions is selected based on the recommendations of the treating doctor and the individual physiological characteristics of the body. Self-prescription of remedies for valgus is unacceptable. An incorrectly selected drug can aggravate the problem. The choice of remedies is wide - they vary in price, effectiveness and have different treatment regimens.

With turpentine

The main ingredient is extracted from pine needles. Turpentine can be used to effectively treat bunions on the feet, as the ointment relieves pain, stops bleeding, and reduces inflammation. A special property of turpentine is considered to be its irritation of the epithelium and increase its susceptibility to other medicinal components that are part of the ointment. Budget tool. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

ValgusStop ointment

This cream is designed to return the foot to its correct anatomical shape, remove osteophytes and prevent the development of deformity. Valgus Stop contains glycerin, medicinal bile, mountain arnica, salicylic acid and palm oil. This composition allows you to use the cream for pain and healing. The balm softens rough skin and treats calluses. The essential oils included in the preparation have a beneficial effect on joints and create a pleasant aroma. Apply several times a day, with light massage movements on and around the bump.

With shark oil


You shouldn’t apply this ointment to a lump and expect it to go away completely. But this drug will remove the symptoms of the disease. Shark oil affects the entire body as a whole, stimulates local immunity, and regulates blood microcirculation. It is widely available in pharmacies and on specialized websites. The course and treatment regimen are prescribed on the package, but treatment should be started only after consultation with a doctor.

Preparation with bodyaga

To prepare the ointment you will need:

  1. bodyaga - 10 g;
  2. ammonia - 30 g;
  3. camphor - 30 g;
  4. hot red pepper - 30 g;
  5. ethyl alcohol - 125 ml.

All elements are thoroughly mixed in a glass container. You need to apply this product to the bump itself; if you touch the skin near it, you can get a burn. It is applied exclusively with a cotton swab, after which it is fixed with a bandage and insulated with a sock. This procedure is done once a day, before bedtime. In the morning the compress is removed. If the redness of the skin does not go away in the evening, a day later you need to apply the ointment with bodyaga again.

Ointment “Shishka Stop”

This is a hypoallergenic product with an easy treatment regimen. Apply to the bone, lightly massaging the valgus. The drug leaves no traces and does not require bandaging. It has good results, in which the protruding bone quickly disappears, and the risk of relapse is low. The composition of the “Shishka Stop” cream has proven itself to be completely natural. Contains camphor, pepper, laurel, honey, fir, lilac, juniper, formic acid, lavender and cinquefoil.

Homemade ointments

Traditional medicine recommends using products based on honey and salt, pharmaceutical bile, or preparing baths with sea salt. These harmless procedures should not be performed in patients with individual intolerance to the components. Traditional methods complement complex therapy well. They won’t be able to remove a lump on the big toe, but they can stop the deformation. An ointment with analgin and iodine mixed in equal proportions or a bay leaf with ammonia is more effective.

How to use?

Each drug comes with instructions for use that should be followed. It is important to take into account the recommendations of the doctor, who may change the treatment regimen for each patient. Do not mix different ointments. The creams are applied to clean and dry feet. In case of skin damage, you need to use the most gentle product possible. Without wearing orthopedic insoles, diet, massage and physical therapy, the effectiveness of the ointment will be low. It is important to undergo comprehensive treatment.

When a lump appears on the foot in the area of ​​the big toe, patients often complain of pain, redness of the skin and swelling near the metatarsophalangeal joint, which indicates an inflammatory process. Curvature of the position of the thumb and the first metatarsal bone may be accompanied by damage to the skin with prolonged bleeding. To effectively combat such symptoms and prevent the progression of the deformity, in the early stages of the disease it is necessary to use special ointments for bumps on the toes.

What to apply to a growing bump on your big toe

Before you look for what exactly to smear a growing bunion on your foot, you need to consult a doctor. He must examine the deformed limb and, if necessary, prescribe additional instrumental research methods.

This will make it possible to determine the degree of development and progression of the disease, which will make it possible to prescribe effective treatment.

After consultation and examination, the specialist will tell and recommend which ointments are best to use individually for each patient. In order to stop the inflammatory process, swelling, pain, redness of the skin, as well as reduce the size of hallux valgus, it is recommended to use the following ointments:

  1. With turpentine;
  2. Dimexide;
  3. Based on iodine;
  4. Ointment with medical bile;
  5. Shark oil.

Turpentine-based ointments


This ointment for bunions can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.

The healing properties of this remedy are achieved thanks to the substance - turpentine. This is what helps relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

Ointment with dimexide

The ointment can be used with the drug "Chlorhexidine". Dimexide increases the permeability of the skin, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. This combination is most often prescribed for rheumatic joint diseases, the attachment of bacterial flora to damaged skin.

Ointment with iodine


The use of iodine-based ointment for leg bumps will reduce the size of the protrusion itself, relieve pain and disinfect the skin around possible wounds.

The remedy will be effective only in the early stages of the disease; later stages of the development of hallux valgus require the use of other methods.

Medical bile


Medical bile is an effective folk remedy in the treatment of diseases associated with bone growths on the feet. Lotions or ointments with bile have a local irritant effect, which improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients.

The main feature of bile is its absorbable effect at the site of application. Allows you to gradually reduce bone growth at the site of valgus deformity in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

Shark oil


It is usually used in combination with other drugs, enhancing the effect of each of them. An ointment for bunions based on shark oil helps to effectively stop the inflammatory process, prevent bacterial infections, and also increase local blood circulation and tissue trophism. Shark oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, penetrates well into its thickness, affecting tendons and ligaments at the site of application.

How to use ointment for a bunion on your thumb

Most methods of using these ointments involve applying the drug to the area of ​​the bulging bone twice a day. In this case, evening application can be left overnight.

Before smearing a growing bone on your foot, you must carefully prepare the surface of the skin:

  1. wash your feet with soap or wipe with a damp antibacterial wipe;
  2. cleanse of drugs remaining after the previous compress;
  3. steam the limb before applying.

If there are wounds, you need to carefully apply the remedy around, and do not use aggressive agents. These drugs are effective when used in combination with other treatment methods. Ointments are used in conjunction with orthopedic devices, which improves the comfort and effectiveness of their use.

She faced the problem of hallux valgus, like her mother, at the age of 32. She managed to stop the progressive development of the bone without resorting to surgical intervention. She claims that if you pay attention to the problem in time and start proper treatment, you can do without surgery.