Cream with ana acids

A huge amount of stress falls on our skin. She suffers from stress and lack of vitamins, and is negatively affected by wind and ultraviolet radiation. Add to this mechanical injuries, improper care, and age. It's not at all surprising that sometimes there are problems with it. You need to take care of your skin, and then it will delight you with its smoothness and velvety feel. And the miraculous power of nature can help with this. For example, AHA acids. Haven't you heard of them yet? Then it's time to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what it is.

Fruity kingdom of acids

Alpha hydroxy acids (abbreviated as AHA) are biologically active components. Their main advantage is considered to be naturalness, and this is very important in the modern world of cosmetics. They are often called fruit acids. This is due to the fact that they were first discovered in fruits. But they can also be found in old wine, sour milk, and sugar cane.


Today, the production of cosmetics is unthinkable without AHA acids. Due to their beneficial properties, they are considered the most popular ingredients in gels, masks, and creams.

Ana acids: types and characteristics

A variety of fruit acids helps solve many problems. Alpha hydroxy acids are a collective concept that includes several types:

  1. Glycolic. It is extracted from green grapes and sugar cane. Among all types, it has the smallest molecular weight, which ensures its ability to easily penetrate the skin. In addition, glycolic acid can reduce pigmentation, and sometimes even get rid of it.
  2. Dairy. It is found not only in yogurt or sour milk, but also in tomatoes, blueberries, and apples. Its main task is hydration (moisturizing) of the skin. It regulates pH levels and retains moisture.
  3. Apple. Another type of AHA acid. It can be found in apples. It is responsible for cellular metabolism and also has an exfoliating effect. A kind of natural scrub.
  4. Tartar (in other words, wine). As you may have guessed, it is found in grapes and mature, well-aged wine. It exfoliates dead cells and serves as a good skin whitening agent.
  5. Lemon. Its guardians are all types of citrus fruits: lime, grapefruit, orange. In contrast to glycolic acid, this acid has the highest molecular weight. Well whitens the skin and prevents its aging. Efficiency increases in combination with tartaric acid.

The effect of AHA acids on our skin

How does all this fruit kaleidoscope affect our skin?


  1. AHA acids have a pronounced exfoliating property. The upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner, and in its place soft, young skin appears. This renewal process is explained by increased collagen production. Its synthesis is provoked by fruit acids.
  2. These natural helpers also have a moisturizing effect. Lactic acid is particularly responsible for this, but others are not far behind. After all, hydration becomes possible through exfoliation and renewal. Young cells have much higher levels of a natural moisturizing factor called NMF.
  3. AHA acids are excellent antioxidants. The effect of them is simply amazing: they promote the proper functioning of cells and protect the skin from the effects of free radicals.
  4. It should also be said about the anti-inflammatory properties of these fruit helpers. After using them, the skin looks healthy, elastic, and renewed.

To summarize, we can safely say that these acids have a youthful effect, restoring beauty and health to us.

Advantages of AHA acids over other substances

These biologically active natural helpers gained their popularity due to their undeniable advantages. Judge for yourself:

  1. These acids are highly effective because they act at 3 levels at once - molecular, cellular and tissue. That is, they not only have a beneficial effect on the skin, but also stimulate cell growth and improve their structure.
  2. They have no age restrictions. They can be used both by teenagers and retirees. But it’s better to start getting to know them after 25 years.
  3. Unlike retinoic acid, AHA acids are suitable for almost everyone. In any case, there are much fewer people with individual intolerance to these substances.

Indications for use

In what cases is the use of these substances considered justified, and sometimes simply necessary?


You should pay attention to cream with AHA acids or other cosmetic products saturated with them if:

  1. You have dry skin.
  2. You notice the inexorable signs of aging. There are more and more wrinkles.
  3. You have long wanted to get rid of acne.
  4. There are scars on your skin.

Side effects and safety

Many people are interested in the question: “Will using fruit acids cause harm?” It will not work if you choose the right means and use them. The fact is that all cosmetics with fruit acids are divided into 2 types:

  1. For home use.
  2. For professional use.


Conventional products that we use ourselves contain no more than 10% alpha hydroxy acids. Therefore, they are absolutely safe and will not cause you any trouble. In beauty salons they use products in which the concentration of these substances can reach up to 30%; for medicinal purposes they can use products containing up to 70% AHA acids. Therefore, if you decide to improve your skin health yourself, choose cosmetic products that contain only slightly fruit acids (no more than 10%).

When the treatment is correct, there are no side effects. Sometimes slight redness of the skin and burning are possible. This is how she reacts to the use of these substances. If such symptoms appear only in the first days of use, then there is no reason to worry. When this continues throughout the entire period of use of these drugs, you should stop using them and consult a doctor.

Features of application

To avoid unpleasant consequences, use cosmetics containing AHA acids correctly:

  1. Before trying out a new product, it is better to first apply it to the crook of your elbow joint and wait a while. If no negative reaction follows, you can safely carry out cosmetic procedures using this product.
  2. It is better to start using cream with AHA acids once a day. And for sensitive skin - every other day.
  3. It is advisable to apply such preparations before bedtime, but in no case should this be done after exposure to the sun.
  4. Don't forget about one more condition. In the morning, be sure to apply sunscreen.
  5. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out cosmetic procedures according to the following schedule: use products with alpha acids for a while, then replace them with regular cream. This way you can reduce the risk of skin damage.
  6. It is advisable to use such cosmetics in combination with a moisturizer.


Kaleidoscope of cosmetics

Today, products with fruit acids are presented in a wide range: cream, regular masks and peeling masks, gels. When choosing a product, do not forget about some nuances:

  1. The most optimal concentration of AHA acids is 5-8%.
  2. Products that need to be washed off after the procedure do not have the desired effect. After all, acids must be absorbed into the skin, and then they begin to act.

When gel comes to the rescue

A few years ago, cosmetologists warned us about the harm that ordinary washing with soap causes to the skin. At the same time, the first gels appeared that were used for this purpose. For those times it was know-how. Today you won’t surprise anyone with special cleansers, but progress does not stand still. Currently, gel with AHA acids is popular.


The only thing that experts warn about is that it is better not to use products with fruit acids for girls under 25 years of age. At this age, the skin is able to take care of itself.

The miraculous power of masks

For many of us, this procedure is one of our favorites in the arsenal of other cosmetic products. The advantages of a mask compared to creams are visible to the naked eye:

  1. It contains a higher concentration of nutrients.
  2. It has a more powerful effect, as it is better absorbed by the skin, and it penetrates deeper due to the special base on which it is created.
  3. The mask works instantly. If you need to look 100% in the evening, use this product. The result will not be long in coming.

Masks with fruit acids are especially popular among lovely ladies. They can be cleansing or renewing. They can be purchased in pharmacies, large supermarkets, and specialty stores. Or you can do it yourself. Would you like to try such simple but beneficial masks for the skin?

  1. Mix mashed strawberries (100 g) with one raw yolk. Keep on face for 15 minutes. This product will perfectly moisturize the skin and give it elasticity.
  2. Mix the pulp and juice of one orange with honey. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with warm water. The mask will return healthy color and radiance to your face. In addition, orange will make the skin elastic.

Peeling with AHA acids is also useful. Under the influence of biological substances, dead cells are removed and dissolved. But after it it is necessary to calm the skin. To do this, you can simply wipe the treated areas with a swab dipped in a decoction of rose hips or chamomile.


What buyers are talking about

Reviews from those women who constantly use cosmetics with AHA acids confirm the effectiveness of these products. Many people also say that it is better to combine them with salicylic acid. It is known to be a beta hydroxy acid and is fat soluble, unlike water soluble alpha hydroxy acids. In addition, many advise buying sunscreen at the same time, since you cannot do without it when using AHA acids.

Such pleasure is not cheap. For example:

  1. Cream with AHA acids will cost 2240 rubles.
  2. Shower gel - 1280 rubles.
  3. Chemical peeling - 2520 rubles.

But beauty and health are much more important than the money spent.

As you can see, AHA acids are a valuable tool that will allow our skin to look attractive at any age.

Among cosmetic products, cream with acids for the face has gained considerable popularity among both women and men. The reason is ease of use and versatility. The product can be used at any age against many defects and imperfections of the skin. Some drugs are in particular demand and have received many flattering reviews on the vast pages of the Internet. Let's try to determine the best compositions and understand their advantages and disadvantages.

Which skin are suitable for acids?

Not so long ago, face cream with fruit acids was used only by cosmetologists - it was believed that they were unsafe and could cause harm if used incorrectly. Now the product can be found in any pharmacy; you do not need a recommendation from a specialist or physician to purchase it. Despite its availability, you should not go shopping without first consulting a specialist.

You can use the products on all types of skin if problems arise:

  1. acne, blackheads;
  2. acne;
  3. unhealthy dull complexion;
  4. disorders in the skin texture;
  5. active work of the sebaceous glands, causing excessive oiliness;
  6. too dry dermis;
  7. lack of moisture in the epidermal tissues;
  8. wrinkles, furrows, folds;
  9. sagging, sagging skin.

Carry out skin care with products based on fruit acid constantly - only this will allow you to achieve the necessary results and get rid of unwanted defects. We should not forget that some components of the products are able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis, causing irreversible processes. A careful study of the list of prohibitions and application features will help prevent complications.

How to choose a face cream with acids?

When choosing a drug that can cope with problems on the face, be sure to determine which defects its effect will be directed against. Only after this can you go to the pharmacy and purchase the product. Be sure to study the composition - it is the components that determine how effective the procedures will be.

Acid-based products may contain the following acids:

  1. hyaluronic (polysaccharides);
  2. glycolic (AHA);
  3. salicylic acid (VCA);
  4. dairy (ANA);
  5. azelaic (a group of antiseptics).

You can learn more about acids in the video:

The ANA group is used in the absence of serious problems. It is most often recommended for the following defects:

  1. post-acne;
  2. age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging, sagging);
  3. photoaging;
  4. dry skin prone to peeling;
  5. normal dermis without pronounced defects.

The VHA group is recommended for complications and problems that require immediate intervention with powerful substances. Typically, drugs are used if there are skin flaws:

  1. profuse rashes;
  2. inflammatory processes;
  3. acne;
  4. clogged or enlarged pores.

Polysaccharides are used in cosmetics in the following cases:

  1. changes in facial relief;
  2. deep folds;
  3. dehydrated dermis;
  4. advanced age-related changes.

Helpful advice! If you have any doubts about which product to entrust for facial care, be sure to ask a cosmetologist for advice. The wrong remedy will cause harm, complications or side effects.

The best cosmetics

When choosing good face creams, you should take into account the characteristics of the skin - often the drug is contraindicated. Another rule that you need to use when purchasing a product is that sensitive skin may experience an allergic reaction under the influence of some components.

There is one way to prevent side effects - carefully study the composition, find out if there are any prohibited ingredients. If the body reacts unpredictably to at least one of them - rashes, extensive redness or itching appear, it is better to purchase a facial composition from a different brand. You should not focus on cost - cheap drugs often have an excellent effect on the skin.

AHA fruit acids

AHA acid is a substance obtained from milk or plant materials (fruits, sugar cane). In the production of aha cream, a natural product is usually used, but it happens that it is replaced by an identical element produced in the laboratory. The effects of the natural substance and the analogue are almost the same. The drugs are suitable for all skin types and rarely cause side effects.

A cream with aha must contain lactic or glycolic acid. The peculiarity of the substances is that beneficial elements are able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the dermis and affect skin defects from the inside. Another advantage of an AHA-based cream is the activation of the natural processes of collagen production. This immediately affects the condition of the face - the dermis becomes elastic, folds and furrows disappear, and the pores narrow.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is recommended for people with active sebaceous glands. Oily shine, dull complexion, unhealthy skin - these defects will disappear with regular use of the cream. With long-term use, you can get rid of pigment stains and blackheads. Enlarged pores are another flaw that will certainly disappear after daily manipulation.

Sebium Serum Bioderma

The drug is recommended for use after 35 years - it copes well with age-related changes and has a positive effect on loose, sagging skin. The cream can be used against wrinkles and furrows. Active components penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, saturate the tissues with moisture, and prevent its loss.

Recommended for use before bedtime. Can be used on dry or age-sensitive skin. The concentration of the active substance is low, information about this is contained on the packaging. After application, a pleasant discomfort in the form of tingling is possible. This is normal - beneficial ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. It is better to start with 2-3 applications per week.

10% Glycolic Ac >The peculiarity of the cream is that it is available in two forms with different concentrations of glycolic acid. Cosmetologists advise starting with gentle preparations and only switching to a more powerful cream if there are no adverse skin reactions. Use only in the evening. The first applications may cause a strong tingling sensation, but this will subside over time.

Salicylic acid

For rashes and large pigment spots, a cream is used in which the active ingredient is salicylic acid. You can use it to cleanse the skin - the drug has an antibacterial effect. Destroying bacteria, smoothing the face, drying the skin, returning a healthy tone - the product can cope with all defects.

Pure skin active (from Garnier)

The cream is recommended for profuse rashes, inflammatory processes occurring on the face, hyperpigmentation, and acne marks. Can be used in the evening or throughout the day. Used at a young or old age - the product has no restrictions and is harmless to the epidermis.

It is used for enlarged pores, actively destroys bacteria on the skin, and prevents the spread of the inflammatory process. Can be used to heal pores and maintain a healthy skin tone. It is recommended to apply to the face during the day, but can be used before bed - this will not affect the effectiveness.

Normaderm Total Mat

The cream actively affects enlarged pores and keeps the face matte for a long time. The texture is light, pleasant, perfect for a base for decorative makeup. Recommended for use on oily or combination skin. Due to the low concentration of salicylic acid, it can be applied daily.

Lactic acid

If epidermal cells rapidly lose moisture, it is recommended to use cosmetics with milk-based acid. The substance quickly restores the natural elasticity of the skin, normalizes the water-alkaline balance of dermal tissues, and deeply and intensively moisturizes the epidermis.

Can be used for pronounced pigmentation and abundant acne. The drug acts as a gentle peeling, cleansing the skin of dead particles of the dermis, dust, and dirt. Can be used at any age. The cream will be useful in the presence of fine wrinkles and premature aging.

The drug from the budget series will quickly get rid of pimples, blackheads, and acne. Can be used as a peeling - it does not cause skin irritation and gently cleanses of dirt, fat, and dead particles of the dermis. Recommended for dehydration of epidermal tissues - the cream will saturate them with moisture and retain it inside.

The cream moisturizes, cleanses, eliminates rashes and acne, and can be used for blackheads. A composition based on lactic acid will cleanse the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which abundantly secrete oil. Can be used for pigmentation or red spots remaining after inflammatory processes.

Azelaic acid

Excessive rashes are a problem that women at any age often face. When caring for problematic skin, you need to use special products with active ingredients. When studying the components that make up the cream, you should definitely look for azelaic acid - a substance that can get rid of pimples, acne, and comedones. Another advantage of the product is the elimination of oily shine and cleansing of the dermis.

The drug is used in the presence of a profuse rash. In addition to eliminating rashes, the cream normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates unhealthy complexions, and restores freshness. You can use it only 2-4 times a week, but for serious problems it is better to switch to daily use.

Used on dull skin with pronounced signs of aging. Normalizes oil secretion and completely eliminates dull shine. Can be used in the treatment of seborrhea, but only with the permission of a doctor. Hyperpigmentation is another problem that the cream can cope with.

Hyaluronic acid

Most creams for older ladies contain hyaluronic acid, which can restore youth and eliminate age-related problems. The substance penetrates the layers of the dermis and activates the process of collagen production, which is responsible for the condition of the skin.

The cream is usually used on very dry skin. Active elements penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, saturate the tissues with moisture, and normalize collagen production. Regular use will help you get rid of wrinkles, sagging, correct the facial contour, and eliminate sagging.

The cream will help retain moisture in the epidermal cells, saturate the cells with everything they need, and keep the skin smooth and elastic. The drug prevents aging and can be used for preventive purposes. The general condition of the dermis will improve after the first applications.

Using an acid-based cream, you can expect excellent results, but you should not forget that everything should be in moderation. Abuse of the drug can cause unpleasant consequences, so it is better to strictly follow the care instructions and adhere to the manufacturer's requirements.

Firstly, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of serums, creams and lotions that contain acids for home use. But! They should be selected after a conversation with a cosmetologist or at least a consultant, so that there are no surprises. Secondly, such products are more effective than their acid-free friends. Thirdly, we asked an expert to tell us which acids help remove acne and which help wrinkles. And, based on these comments, we collected the top 11 best funds.

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Vasilyeva Natalya Viktorovna, leading dermatologist-cosmetologist in the cosmetology department, doctor of the highest category at the Doktorplastic clinic: “Since ancient times, acids have been an integral part of beauty recipes used by women in the fight for youth and beauty of the skin. The plot from the now classic film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” immediately comes to mind when one of the main characters appears on the screen with a strawberry mask on her face. A typical example of the positive effects of fruit acids on the skin. When acid is applied to the skin, we receive a chemical burn to a greater or lesser extent. Any damage to the skin helps to activate regenerative processes. The effect of the vast majority of peelings is based on this. The degree of damage depends on three main characteristics: the properties of the acid itself, its concentration in the solution and the acidity index (pH). Thus, the higher the concentration and the more the pH is shifted to the acidic side, the more aggressive the effect on the skin we get. The choice of acid or complex of acids depends on the goal and task that we set. There are no acids for young or mature skin, but there are problems that worry mainly young girls (acne), while others concern older women (wrinkles).

For example, AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) - glycolic, pyruvic, phytic, mandelic and other acids - are widely used in cosmetology. They promote lightening, restoration of the hydrolipid balance of the skin, accelerate its regeneration, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (this leads to increased turgor), reduce the number and depth of fine wrinkles and folds, improve the aesthetic appearance of atrophic post-acne scars, regulate the process of sebum secretion and have an antioxidant effect. Quite versatile AHA acids that can do not everything, but a lot!

If you need hydration, it’s hard to find anything better than hyaluronic acid. But to solve acne problems, salicylic acid is used, which effectively exfoliates the stratum corneum and has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Retinol is used as a regulator of the process of cell keratinization and an antioxidant. In addition, it promotes fiber synthesis and enhances the effect of other active components. These properties can also be used to solve aging problems.

Let's summarize: you shouldn't be afraid of care products with acids, you need to trust them. And then they will return youth, beauty, and health to your face.”

Liposomal facial serum with glycolic acid Acglicolic, Sesderma

One of the best anti-aging concentrated serums with glycolic acid, which is suitable for all skin types. It can and should be used constantly. It simultaneously gently renews, regenerates and moisturizes the skin.

Intensive moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid Hydrating B5, SkinCeuticals

Let's start with the fact that SkinCeuticals is a pharmaceutical brand, which means that your skin is in good hands. Now for some scientific language: Hydrating B5 Gel contains a very high concentration of sodium hyaluronate, the only form of hyaluronic acid used by dermatologists in aesthetic procedures such as filler injections. Its ultra-pure formula, enriched with vitamin B5, instantly hydrates skin, providing it with the nutrients it needs to maintain youth and beauty. And yes, both women and men can use this gel!

High intensity triple action serum C E Ferulic, SkinCeuticals

Another SkinCeuticals product we couldn't help but mention. C E Ferulic serum contains a revolutionary (not otherwise!) combination of antioxidants (L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol and ferulic acid). This trinity prevents premature aging, improves protective properties against UV and IRA radiation, and also corrects superficial and deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, stimulates collagen synthesis, and increases skin firmness and elasticity. Plus, it helps the skin recover as soon as possible after invasive procedures, for example, so-called beauty injections.

Anti-aging serum for normal and combination skin Activ Retinol 0.5, Dermaceutic

This product is suitable for both those who have just developed wrinkles and those who have been struggling with them for a long time. This serum moisturizes, protects against aggressive environmental factors, improves skin structure and slows down the aging process. All this dirty work is done by a powerful composition in which you will find 5% retinol, vitamins C and E, as well as a complex of ceramides, panthenol, allantoin and minerals.

Serum that brightens and evens out skin tone, White Plus, Clarins

The basis of the Clarins White Plus serum is an extract of the fruits and seeds of the Barbados cherry, which expertly erases age spots, evens out the complexion, brightens the skin tone and gives it a healthy glow. The only point: this product does not work on its own, but only in combination with day and night cream, but it is applied before them.

Concentrated serum Hyalu B5, La Roche-Posay

What's good about this serum?! Yes, because it contains vitamin B5, as well as two types of pure (!) hyaluronic acid, which provide intense hydration to the skin, increase its tone, elasticity, density, firmness and, as a result, reduce the depth and size of wrinkles. In principle, Hyalu B5 will help quickly remove traces of lack of sleep and fatigue.

Skin radiance serum “White Queen”, L’Occitane

The texture of this serum is incredibly delicate, so we do not advise you to deny yourself the pleasure of applying it. The White Queen plays a major role in a high concentration of salicylic acid, which is obtained from an extract of meadowsweet, known for its snow-white flowers. As you may have guessed, this product will help make your skin tone more even, removing pigment spots, and restore smoothness and radiance.

Cream smoothie that gives radiance to the skin, Citrus Brightening Cream, Frudia

If you don’t take into account that this smoothie cream (the name itself sounds very tasty, but you can’t eat it!) contains hyaluronic acid, it can be called natural. Since it consists of 61% tangerine peel extract, mango seed oil and other fruits. Citrus Brightening Cream has a black belt in the fight against pigmentation, as it suppresses the formation of melanin, and it also has no equal if you need to revitalize dull, gray skin, giving it radiance and brightness. Despite its natural composition, girls even with sensitive skin can use this product - there will be no allergies!

Glow Boost Hyaluronic Essence, Lumene Valo

Pure Arctic spring water, cloudberry essence, vitamin C and two types of hyaluronic acid - all these components guard the beauty of your skin. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become moisturized and has a radiance, like after a week of relaxation at the sea.

Night peeling emulsion for normal and oily skin Lotion Lite 10, GlySkinCare

If you need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, and at the same time remove pigment spots that appeared after tanning, pregnancy or hormonal disorders, slow down the process of wrinkles and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, then you can’t find a better night peeling Lotion Lite 10 from GlySkinCare! It contains 10% glycolic acid, which copes with all these tasks perfectly. But be careful! This is quite a powerful product, so during your first use, watch your skin reaction for two hours. If everything is ok, then you can safely leave him to work on the night shift while you sleep.

Moisturizing Cream for dry and very dry skin, CeraVe

Like all CeraVe brand products, Moisturizing Cream contains a unique complex of three ceramides obtained from natural sources, and hyaluronic acid has also been added to the team. As a result, this cream provides long-lasting hydration (it’s definitely enough for 24 hours!), restoration and strengthening of the protective skin barrier. By the way, this is the No. 1 moisturizer recommended by US dermatologists. We have no more questions - we just want it! Better yet, give me two!