Avocado oil for the skin around the eyes reviews

The inclusion of avocado oil in homemade cosmetic face masks significantly increases their effectiveness. After all, the fat composition of this product is as close as possible to the composition of skin fats. In addition, it is absorbed much faster than other vegetable oils and does not leave an oily sheen. It is suitable for any skin type.


The Indians call this unique fruit “forest oil” - it is so rich in useful substances. After squeezing excess liquid out of fruits, their concentration increases significantly. Thus, avocado oil contains 12 types of vitamins, essential fatty acids and more than a dozen essential microelements. In terms of the amount of vitamin F (this term was once used to describe the group of Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids), it is 3 times greater than even fish oil!

High in avacado and concentration:

  1. vitamin E: it is contained much more than in olive oil;
  2. Retinol (A): an antioxidant that can destroy radicals that negatively affect skin elasticity;
  3. B vitamins, including the most important B6 for skin, necessary for lipid metabolism;
  4. B3 (niacin), involved in the metabolism of lipids in living cells;
  5. Biotin (B7), which helps synthesize collagen;
  6. ascorbic acid (C), which slows down aging; the presence of this vitamin in cosmetic masks helps restore skin elasticity and increase its protective functions;
  7. folic acid, necessary for the creation and maintenance of healthy new cells;
  8. phylloquinone (K), which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The sterols contained in avocados (substances similar in composition to hormones) can prevent aging. This amazing fruit also contains significant amounts of minerals: manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. But most of all it contains magnesium, which is necessary for normal cell development.


Avocado oil contains 12 types of vitamins, essential fatty acids and more than a dozen essential microelements

Advice! Real unrefined avocado oil should have a slightly greenish or yellow-green color and a peculiar smell, similar to the smell of nut oil.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Residents of South America have long appreciated the magical effect of this fruit on the skin and hair. Following them, cosmetologists began to actively include the oil of this fruit in all kinds of cosmetic creams and masks. After all, avocado juice and oil make the skin unusually soft and elastic. They are able to nourish the skin, protect it from the harmful effects of the sun and adverse weather conditions, soothe irritations and smooth out flaking.

However, the most valuable thing about avocado oil is its ability to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin. Using avocado oil on the face for a long time promotes the regeneration of even loose and aging skin. Even after several sessions, it comes to life, as if by magic, and is saturated with moisture.

This product can be used for any skin: dry, oily or normal. Avocado oil is also suitable for caring for delicate skin in the eye area - after all, it can cope with even small expression wrinkles.


The most valuable thing about avocado oil is its ability to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.

Advice! Before use, be sure to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to this oil. Although it is not an allergenic product, you may have an individual intolerance to it. To test, apply the oil to a small area of ​​skin and wait a while.

Mask for dry skin

Avocado oil can tone even loose and dry skin. It can be the only component of the mask or combined with grape seed, jojoba or almond oil and wheat germ. Adding citrus and rosewood essential oils to it will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles (in this case, add 3 drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of base oil).

With a face mask with avocado oil, soak a cosmetic napkin or thin cloth well and apply it to your face. The optimal time for this procedure is 20 minutes.

The mask is washed off with plain warm water without adding soap. You can simply wipe your face with a swab dipped in warm water.


Avocado oil can tone even loose and dry skin. It can be the only component of the mask or combined with grape seed, jojoba or almond oil and wheat germ

Advice! Steamed skin absorbs any cosmetic products faster, so it is better to apply avocado oil after any water procedures.

Avocado oil for acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of this product can be successfully used to care for problematic inflamed skin. Avocado oil can not only soothe irritation and heal wounds, but also fight pathogenic bacteria and prevent the formation of new acne.

It can be applied directly to inflamed areas only or used as a mask or night cream. You can increase the effectiveness of this product by mixing it with aloe juice and yeast.

Our reader shared another recipe for acne with us. To obtain this mask, you need to mix about 1 teaspoon of cocoa (it increases lymph flow) with warm honey and avocado oil. Add 1 tablespoon each of honey and oil.


Avocado oil can not only soothe irritation and heal wounds, but also fight pathogenic bacteria and prevent the formation of new acne

Advice! Natural avocado oil has a liquid consistency, so there is no need to dilute it.

Fighting crow's feet

The epidermis in the eye area is the most sensitive. The skin in this place is very thin, loose and easily stretchable - because the collagen fibers here have the shape of a mesh. Due to the small number of sebaceous glands, fat lubrication is insufficient. That is why the first wrinkles appear in these places.

Regular use of this oil to care for the skin around the eyes will make it more hydrated and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. With its help, you can remove or at least slightly reduce bags under your eyes over time.

To make eye cream, just mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of avocado base oil and grape seed oil with a couple of drops of essential oil. After applying around the eye area, you need to do a light massage - lightly, without stretching the skin, massage it in the direction from the inner corners to the outer corners of the eye.


Regular use of this oil to care for the skin around the eyes will make it more hydrated and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

Advice! Apply any cream into the skin around the eyes using the pads of both little fingers. In this case, the force of impact when tapping will be minimal.

Night face cream

For dry and irritated skin, it is better to use this cream as a night cream, especially at first, daily. In the future, it will be enough to apply it at night 2-3 times a week. Face cream with avocado oil will also be useful for oily and problem skin. It will become healthier and smoother, and acne will bother you less over time.

After thoroughly cleansing the skin, you need to moisten a cotton pad with warm water and drop 3-4 drops of oil on it. Then, using light patting movements, distribute it over the entire skin, including the skin around the eyes and in the neck area.


For dry and irritated skin, use this cream as a night cream, especially at first, it is better to use it daily

Advice! To avoid waking up swollen, apply cream with avocado oil to your face not before going to bed, but at least half an hour to an hour before falling asleep.

Recipes for various masks

You can combine avocado oil with any other cosmetic products:

  1. to moisturize the skin, you need to mix it with honey in a 1:1 ratio and apply the mixture to your face for 15–20 minutes;
  2. a mask of oat flakes and avocado oil (in a 2:1 ratio) nourishes and moisturizes the skin; in addition, oatmeal acts as a scrub; used for skin prone to flaking and dryness;
  3. if the skin is often inflamed, you can treat it with a mixture of this product with tea tree oil (add 3-5 drops); the product can be added only to problem areas or applied to the entire skin of the face;
  4. for irritated skin, you can also use avocado oil mixed with aloe juice;
  5. tidy up aging skin by mixing it with carrot juice and honey;
  6. to soften the skin, you can also add a spoonful of cream and yolk to the mixture;
  7. An effective anti-wrinkle mask is a mixture of natural yogurt, honey and base; to treat oily skin, you can add yeast;
  8. a whitening mask includes sour cream (preferably not too fatty), base oil and a few drops of lemon juice.


You can combine avocado oil with any other cosmetic products, enhancing the effect of each

Advice! Avocado oil can be added to toners, lotions, day or night creams. Squeeze a little product from the bottle onto your palm, then add a couple drops of oil and immediately apply to the skin.

Make avocado oil at home

If you cannot find high-quality avocado oil on sale or decide to save money on purchase, make it yourself. For this you will need:

  1. several ripe fruits 300 g;
  2. coconut milk 150 g;
  3. blender;
  4. pot;
  5. gauze.

First, peel the fruits and grind them in a blender. Mix this paste with coconut milk and whisk again. Place the saucepan with the mixture over low heat to evaporate excess liquid. To prevent our mixture from burning, do not move far from the stove and stir it constantly. After the liquid has evaporated, strain the resulting oil through 2 layers of gauze and pour it into any suitable container.

Advice! If your lips are chapped, apply a small amount of avocado oil to them. The skin will recover much faster.

DIY avocado oil. Second recipe

The fruits of this tree can also be infused in olive oil. However, keep in mind that the composition will be heavier and will take a little longer to absorb into the skin.

To prepare the medicine, the fruits are cut, poured with warm (but not hot) olive oil and left for several days in a dark place. It's better to put it in the refrigerator. After the specified time, the mixture must be heated over steam or low heat for about 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and pour into a bottle with dark glass.

Advice! This oil can also be used as a makeup remover. It removes makeup easily, and the skin is nourished and moisturized at the same time.

Reviews from those who have experienced it

Angela, 23 years old: One day, a friend brought a nondescript-looking bottle to my house, I don’t remember what brand, and insisted that I apply it to my pimples every day (I have such a problem). Of course, I still can’t get rid of them completely - coping with hormonal imbalance is not so easy. But I can say for sure that avocado oil heals them just before our eyes. I buy it at a regular pharmacy. Costs about 100 rubles. The manufacturer, in my opinion, is Botanika LLC.

Galina, 19 years old: I use it not only to treat my facial skin, but also my hair. I like. Thank God I don’t have acne, but my skin is too delicate and prone to peeling, especially in summer. True, I only use it occasionally. But even after 2-3 times of use, the peeling disappears.

Renata, 26 years old: I recently bought oil from Vital. I haven’t felt much difference after using it yet (I have skin problems, doctors say it’s eczema, although other people rarely have it on their faces). I read on some website that avocado oil can help. But so far to no avail.


To believe or not to believe reviews is everyone’s business. But you will never know the effectiveness of avocado oil for the face until you try it yourself.

Dina, 23 years old: I paid 450 rubles for my oil from Prirodatela. Manufacturer – Mexico. Dry skin just torments me, so this product is my salvation. Easy to apply, no greasy film. The color of the oil is greenish. The only thing is that I don’t like its smell too much. He is truly unique, not for everyone.

Olga, 29 years old: I'm tired of this advertising. I once tried to use avocado oil on my face, tempted by the reviews. I applied it regularly at night for a month. The effect is zero. Maybe, of course, it was a fake. But personally, I was disappointed. I use Guerlain creams. Expensive, but effective.

Lera, 21 years old: A colleague shared a product from Spivak in a light brown cardboard box. But for some reason it is transparent and absolutely colorless. Maybe refined? Girls who have used it, please respond. Does it have any effect?

Olesya, 31 years old: I use Asper oil to remove makeup. I regularly make masks with it. Most often in its pure form (it turns out faster this way). I apply it to my face with a cotton pad. When it dries, I wet my skin with it again. There are now fewer problems with my face - it doesn’t flake and doesn’t get so chapped in winter.

There was a topic where girls wrote that wrinkles under the eyes respond well to oils. I don’t know the oils themselves, can you tell me? I began to notice a fine mesh under my eyes, not facial expressions. It's in the very beginning stages, but I see it.

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

If in the initial stages, creams from Clinics personally help me. There was a wrinkle under my eyes that infuriated me. I started applying it regularly and it went away!

I read on the Internet that castor oil is very helpful for wrinkles around the eyes. Also, castor oil is used to make scalp masks to strengthen hair. Castor oil is sold at any pharmacy in small bottles; just wet the pad of your finger with the oil and gently massage the skin around your eyes.

I heard it's peach!
But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion!
And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

Well, screw it. Author, the skin around the eyes is so thin, what if some kind of allergy pops up? and oil can get into the eye.. It’s better to use ophthalmologist-tested creams.

I use almond and peach, they are not heavy. Creams didn’t help, oils help.

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

Related topics

jojoba oil diluted with whichever thread is lighter, I smeared it and didn’t feel any heaviness
Sometimes I washed it off with some water after a while just so it wouldn’t be too hard! But it’s better not to do it at night! Only during the day

I don’t recommend applying oil in its pure form, add it to the cream

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

I use cream, maybe that’s why it only appeared when I was 36.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.
In its purest form?

I heard it's peach! But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion! And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.

AuthorGuest In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.
And I used jojoba oil at night and removed the remnants of mascara with it (after rinsing it off). I had good, well-groomed skin. Then the oil ran out.

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

Tailed Masha, they start with oils and take care of the problems to the fullest. I, just like someone who screwed up in my time, want to warn against some of the most common problems. I rushed from one extreme (almost complete lack of skin care) to the other - hyper-care. True. as always, somewhere in the middle. The main thing is regularity. And then even with the most factory-made cream you will see the effect. What do natural cosmetics provide? Lack of preservatives (on an industrial scale, because even homemade cream needs to be preserved) and parabens. You absolutely cannot expect a super effect. Anything that gives quick results harms the skin. This must be remembered like the ABC. It took me the first year just to figure out MY base oils and assets. As for the “difficulties” of making creams. This is very interesting! This is a hobby. This can become your serious hobby for life. Is this bad? Moreover, excellent high-tech emulsifiers are now being sold, which are very easy to manufacture.
There is a well-known aromarti forum; beginners can go there and take notes, take notes, study the experience and valuable (I would even say the most valuable) advice from experienced forum members.

24, natural cosmetics give, first of all, knowledge of what is in the cream (and any other care product). Based on this knowledge, you can judge the effectiveness, and most importantly, the negative impact on your skin. after all, the same components can behave differently on different skins.
regarding the difficulty of making: not everyone is ready to do this all the time, not everyone is interested and excited about it - and if you do all this without pleasure, then nothing will work out. and one more thing: the average woman is unlikely to want to understand the theory in order to understand the essence of cream making, understand oils and their effects, choose specific ones for her skin - this takes time, all this is learned by trial and error, and most people want just the one mentioned You have an instant effect - you put it on and you’re immediately a beauty. It’s sad.
and advertising is a big deal - “a cream with a lifting effect (or disappearance of acne - who cares) in 2 weeks” - for some reason they still believe it! read the composition - and there is nothing useful, the assets are scanty, mainly components that give a pleasant, beloved texture of the cream, which give an effect only during application. I will not scold all industrial cosmetics, I believe that if someone is not interested in making creams on their own, then it is better to use ready-made ones, because without interest, passion, patience and the desire to learn, nothing good will come of it, you can only do harm.

Avocado oil is a legendary beauty secret from South America. It is believed that women of the ancient Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas used it to care for their face and hair. Today, this ingredient is found in many cosmetics; fans of homemade cosmetics love it. You can include avocado oil in your facial care routine. It can provide the skin of the face, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows, with many benefits.

Beneficial properties of avocado oil for facial skin

Avocado oil is a source of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. This is why it soothes and heals the skin. This exotic product moisturizes the skin and protects against damage, making the skin strong and elastic.

The composition of avocado oil can be compared to the list of ingredients of an expensive anti-aging cream. Judge for yourself, it contains: beta-carotene, lecithin, fatty acids, vitamins A, B and E. It is clear why experts highly value the properties of this product.

Cosmetologists use avocado oil for the skin to:

  1. soothe itching;
  2. get rid of dryness, peeling, cracks;
  3. provide long-lasting hydration;
  4. protect from ultraviolet radiation;
  5. activate skin production of collagen;
  6. straighten wrinkles.


How to use facial oil

Avocado oil is not only one of the ingredients in homemade masks and creams, it can be used as a separate product, it is also mixed with other industrially produced cosmetics.

Avocado oil is beneficial for all skin types. But people with sensitive skin suffering from pimples or blackheads should use it with caution. Therefore, please do a tolerance test before using this product.

Some techniques will require daily use, while others may need to be used several times a week. Find your recipe that you and your skin will like.

How to do an allergy test

Apply a small amount of oil to your wrist or forearm. Monitor changes in the skin in this area throughout the day. If there are no reactions, you can try the product on your face. Otherwise, use of avocado oil should be discontinued.

Avocado oil for dry skin

Are you worried about dryness and flaking on your face? Try avocado oil massage. After washing, do not wipe your face dry. Massage a small amount of oil into damp skin. The product will easily penetrate open pores and deliver moisture deep into the epidermis. Another easy hydration hack: add a few drops of avocado oil to your day cream or make your own homemade face oil.

Avocado oil is present in many face creams and serums from well-known cosmetic brands. Manufacturers use the unique ability of avocado oil to quickly penetrate the skin.

Pure use

This product can be used as a moisturizing facial serum, that is, applied to dry areas after washing the skin and before using day or night cream. Facial oil is also used for a special cleansing method - the so-called oil wash.


Step-by-step instructions: how to make facial oil

  1. Take a dry and clean bottle.
  2. Fill 2/3 of the volume with avocado oil.
  3. Pour another nourishing oil of your choice into the remaining third of the container: jojoba, olive, emu, tamanu.
  4. Add 3-4 drops of lavender or rose essential oil (optional step).
  5. Shake the bottle well to mix the mixture.

Homemade oil can be stored for about a year if the container is kept away from sunlight.

How to use facial oil

Immediately after washing, wet your face with warm water to open the pores. Pour some oil into your hand and spread the product onto the fingers and palms of both hands. While your face is warm, press your palms with the oil to your face for a few seconds. Wait until the product is absorbed (two minutes) and then you can apply moisturizer and makeup as usual.


Moisturizing face mask with avocado oil

A face mask is an effective way to combat dry skin. The best time for this procedure is evening. Try to relax during the mask and not be distracted by gadgets. Then all the ingredients in the composition will be able to act more effectively on the skin.

Preparing the mask

The mask requires only two ingredients: avocado and avocado cosmetic oil.

  1. Cut the ripe avocado into small cubes.
  2. Add a small amount of avocado oil.
  3. Using a fork, soften the avocado and butter until smooth.
  4. Apply the mask to dry areas of the face and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water and a cleanser appropriate for your skin type.

Avocado oil for wrinkles

When the skin begins to fade, it requires anti-aging products with a lifting effect and super-hydration. And if you are a supporter of natural and homemade products, you can try creating your own anti-aging product with avocado oil.

In addition to antioxidants and fatty acids, avocado oil contains sterolins. These molecular structures, characteristic of the composition of any vegetable oil, help increase collagen production and resist age-related skin pigmentation.

How to make anti-wrinkle cream with avocado oil

Preparation will not take more than half an hour. And the resulting composition should be stored in a cool and dark place for about 2-3 months. Can be kept in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer!

  1. Take a fireproof glass container. Mix the following ingredients in it: ¼ cup avocado oil, 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil, 2 tbsp. l. beeswax, ½ tsp. vitamin E (in oil), 1 tbsp. l. shea butter
  2. Heat the container with oils in a water bath.
  3. When all the ingredients begin to melt and the mass takes on a homogeneous consistency, pour the mixture into a container.
  4. Wait until the composition cools down. Then cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator.


Avocado oil for pimples and acne

There are several explanations why avocado oil is used to treat acne skin:

  1. Pharmacy and cosmetic products for acne contain strong chemicals. They make acne worse and can lead to other skin problems. Avocado oil and recipes with it are 100% natural.
  2. Avocado oil does not contain polyunsaturated fats, which lead to clogged pores and the formation of acne.
  3. The use of avocado oil activates skin cell renewal. The mechanism of new cell growth is very important in order to combat acne and heal acne scars.
  4. The antioxidants contained in avocado oil restore a healthy balance and prevent the oxidative process in the skin.
  5. Avocado oil contains lecithin and potassium, two other important skin ingredients that help fight acne.
  6. The anti-inflammatory compounds in avocado oil prevent skin inflammation and clogged pores.

Proponents of homemade cosmetics have accumulated many effective and simple recipes with avocado oil that heal acne-prone skin.

Covering rashes with oil

For this technique you will need:

  1. Cleanse your face (remove makeup and, if necessary, gently exfoliate the skin).
  2. Soak a cotton pad in avocado oil and wipe the pimples with it (only the affected areas, not the whole face, otherwise the oil barrier will interfere with skin regeneration).
  3. Leave it overnight.

Repeat every evening before going to bed.


Mask with avocado oil and turmeric

The antimicrobial properties of turmeric combined with the healing powers of avocado oil create an excellent duo that eliminates acne-causing bacteria and heals acne-affected skin.

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. 4–5 drops of avocado oil;
  2. a pinch of turmeric.

How to make a mask:

  1. Combine the two ingredients to make a pliable paste.
  2. Apply this paste on the pimples and leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with water and a mild cleanser.

Turmeric can turn your skin yellowish. To prevent this from happening, do not leave the turmeric mask on for longer than 20 minutes. Do the mask every day until your skin condition improves.

Avocado oil and lavender oil

Essential oils of lavender, tea tree, and juniper are used to treat acne due to their antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Try incorporating one of these oils into your acne-fighting routine.

For the recipe you will need:

  1. 5-6 drops of avocado oil;
  2. 1-2 drops of lavender oil (can be replaced with tea tree or juniper oil).
  1. Add essential oil to avocado oil. Mix well.
  2. Apply a thin layer of this mixture to the pimples and leave it on.
  3. Do not wash off, let the composition work.

Repeat two or three times a day.

Avocado oil massage

Take advantage of the moisturizing and antibacterial properties of avocado oil to target clogged skin pores.

How to massage:

  1. Take some oil on your fingertips.
  2. Apply the oil to areas of skin affected by acne. Warm the skin so that the pores open and the oil penetrates deep into the epidermis. To do this, just stay in a warm bathroom. You can also hold your face over the steam coming from a stream of hot water for about two minutes.
  3. Lightly distribute the oil over the skin. Don't move the skin, you just need to let the composition move across your face.
  4. Complete the procedure with a short rest: relaxed skin more easily absorbs the beneficial ingredients of cosmetic masks and oils.


Repeat this massage every 2-3 days.

Avocado oil and castor oil

Castor oil thoroughly cleanses the skin and removes impurities that clog pores. It also softens the skin and makes it softer and smoother. Avocado oil has a thinner, more pliable consistency and helps deliver the beneficial ingredients of these oils deep into the pores.

For the recipe you will need:

  1. 1 teaspoon avocado oil;
  2. 2-3 drops of castor oil;
  3. cotton pad (tampon).
  1. Mix the two oils into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in oils and apply it to the affected area of ​​skin.
  3. Let the oil remain on your face for about two minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water and a mild cleanser. If you don’t have to go anywhere, then let the oils “work” for 1-2 hours. You can do the procedure before bed and leave the composition on the skin until the morning.

Repeat every day until you see changes in your skin.

Avocado oil for the skin around the eyes

A product with avocado oil effectively moisturizes the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles. The effect of young and plump skin is created. However, oils should be used with caution on the skin around the eyes. It is not recommended to overload thin skin; it is not able to absorb large amounts of anti-aging ingredients. Cosmetologists warn about the so-called over-care effect. It is most often characteristic of the skin around the eyes. There comes a time when the thinnest skin becomes “overfed” and loses its ability to absorb valuable ingredients. This skin fatigue leads to premature aging; the epidermis ceases to produce collagen itself.

When using avocado oil for the skin around the eyes, do it no more than 2-3 times a week, and apply the product with the oil in a thin layer.

Lightly massage the skin around your eyes with avocado oil before bed. Just take a drop of oil on your fingertip and spread it under your eyes with smooth movements. This is a good prevention of swelling, dark circles and wrinkles.

If we talk about personal feelings from using facial oil, then I am a fan of modern facial oil. They really can change all ideas about skin hydration. My favorite method is applying pure oil to a steamed face after washing. It is difficult to imagine such effective hydration. The foundation then applies very smoothly, without any imperfections. I rarely use oil for the skin around my eyes. I don't want to burden my skin with fats. The fact is that sometimes I use eyelash serum with castor oil while sleeping, and its composition migrates to the skin of the eyelids overnight. I think this amount of oil is enough for the thin skin around the eyes.

Oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Avocado oil has been successfully used in recipes for eyelash and eyebrow growth. This is sometimes due to the oil's high levels of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. However, there are more effective sources of these elements, such as fish oil and flaxseed oil.

Be careful when purchasing avocado oil if it is intended for eyelashes and eyebrows. Look for a product from a trusted manufacturer; the composition should not contain any additives.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are more important to stimulate hair growth. There are really a lot of them in avocado oil. The content of monounsaturated fatty acids in it is even higher than in olive or sunflower oils. Therefore, avocado oil is often present in eyelash and eyebrow products. Another good reason is the ability of avocado oil to easily penetrate the hair follicle and hair structure.


Eyebrow mask

For the mask you will need:

How to use for eyebrows:

  1. Separate the white and yolk. You will need a yolk, beat it with a fork.
  2. Add avocado oil to the yolk and stir.
  3. Apply the mask to your eyebrows and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the composition.
  5. Afterwards, apply a little avocado oil to your eyebrows.
  6. Also leave the oil on your eyebrows overnight.

Repeat this procedure every day for a month. This course of masks helps eyebrows grow more actively and make them strong and thick.

Eyelash growth serum

Recently, almost every cosmetic brand has added a serum for eyelash growth in its assortment. Customers of the brands say that the serums “work”, but they are confused by the large number of preservatives in the composition. In addition, the price of such products is too high.

Add avocado oil to your favorite salads. Healthy eating rejuvenates the body from the inside. The presence of fatty acids in the diet gives the skin a glow and a healthy shine to eyelashes and eyebrows.

Create an eyelash growth serum using readily available, inexpensive ingredients. For the product you will need:

  1. empty mascara tube with brush;
  2. Castor oil;
  3. avocado oil;
  4. vitamin E in oil;
  5. rosemary essential oil.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make homemade serum for eyelash growth

Empty packaging for mascara can be purchased in online stores that sell consumables for home cosmetics.


  1. Fill your mascara tube three-quarters full with castor oil.
  2. Add 2 drops rosemary essential oil and 1 drop vitamin E.
  3. Fill the remaining volume of the tube with avocado oil.
  4. Close the tube and shake to mix the oils. Always shake before use!
  5. Apply the serum to your eyelashes in a thin layer before going to bed. If you don't wear makeup, you can coat your eyelashes with serum at any time during the day.

This serum can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool, dark place.

Homemade oil for eyelash and eyebrow growth

Create a universal product that works equally well on both eyelashes and eyebrows. Ingredients you will need:

  1. Castor oil;
  2. Coconut oil;
  3. avocado oil;
  4. small container (plastic bottle);
  5. clean mascara brush.

Any of the listed oils is harmless to the eyes. But when the composition gets into your eyes, you may experience discomfort. Water does not wash out the oil, so milk for removing waterproof cosmetics will help remove the composition.

  1. Mix three types of oils in a container. First, fill the container halfway with castor oil.








Store the product in a dry, cool and dark place.

Reviews about the product

There are many reviews on the Internet about the use of avocado oil for cosmetic purposes. Both ordinary women and experts loved him.

My eyelashes became sparse and brittle due to extensions. Avocado oil helped save them; I added it to herbal decoctions. I used chamomile, calendula and cornflower as base components, enriched them with oil and dripped them onto the disc. Then I applied it to my eyelashes for 20 minutes, took it off, washed my face - and that’s it! A month of such procedures - and the eyelashes became strong and fluffy. Do as I do and you will forget about all your problems.

Lyudmila, 27 years old, Moscow


Cosmetologists approve of recipes with oil, but only if they do not require leaving the oil on the skin for a long time.

In their pure form, oils are good for the scalp and for facial and body massage. Of course, applying oil as a day or night cream will only harm the skin. And use good oils locally, for specific and reasonable purposes... why not. But in general, of course, using only oils can lead to overfat, oversaturation and allergies.

dkarina, member of the professional community “I am a cosmetologist”.


Avocado oil is a natural and effective source of nutrients for the skin of the face, eyelashes and eyebrows. If you want to try popular recipes for yourself, be sure to first make sure you don't have an allergic reaction. It is also worth keeping in mind that avocado oil, like any oil, should not form the basis of skin care. This is just an additional product that is best used for individual areas and narrow purposes. Oil will not replace your traditional care, consisting of cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nutrition.