Anti-acne oil

Knowledge about the healing properties of essential oils has reached us since ancient times.

They were made by processing a large number of oil plants - therefore, the price of essential oil is often high - because in order to get just one drop, you need to use kilograms of the plant.


Essential oils are used in medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology - since each of them has its own effect on the entire body - both physical and psycho-emotional spheres.

In cosmetics, essential oils are widely used to combat acne and other manifestations of problematic skin - this is possible due to the fact that essential oils have powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

But in order for such therapy to bear fruit, the essential oil should be chosen correctly and used, also adhering to certain rules.

How to choose an essential oil?


  1. It is worth understanding the difference between aromatic and natural essential oils the former can be synthetic and sold in plastic bottles. Choose only natural ones - they are sold in glass.
  2. Also note that Some essential oils do not exist in nature! These are kiwi, melon, watermelon, strawberry, mango and banana, cucumber, lotus, magnolia, apricot, peach, linden, lilac, apple blossom, lily of the valley, coconut, fern. These plants are simply not essential oils - and what is sold in the pharmacy is just a trick of the manufacturers.

Rules for using essential oils

  1. Do not add essential oil to cream or other cosmetics - as many do, wanting to enhance the effect of purchased cosmetics with something natural. The fact is that it is impossible to predict what chemical reaction will occur when essential oil is combined with the ingredients of the cream - such experiments can be harmful!
  2. Essential oil needed use with base vegetable oil (for example, almond, jojoba, wheat germ or grape seed oil).
  3. Nourishing vegetable oils, which are often used to care for dry skin (olive, peach and apricot), should not be used for acne oil mixtures, as they clog pores, which in the case of problem skin further aggravates the situation.
  4. Must be dissolved in base oil 5-7 drops of essential oil - not more! It is advisable to store the mixture in the refrigerator and wipe the affected areas several times a day.

IMPORTANT: Do not apply essential oil alone to your skin. Spot application to inflamed pimples is allowed (carefully using a cotton swab so as not to touch the skin).

#1 Tea tree essential oil for acne

Action: tea tree oil heals wounds, soothes itching, relieves swelling, antifungal, bactericidal, neutralizes poisons from insect bites, draws pus from wounds, fights shingles, restores skin color.


Indications: dermatitis, eczema, acne, inflammatory infiltrates.

Opinion: After 3-4 days, the acne dries out significantly and disappears.

#2 Rosemary essential oil for acne

Action: decongestant and absorbable, antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, shrinks pores and rejuvenates the skin (smoothes out wrinkles), stimulates cell regeneration and blood circulation, heals wounds and scars, boils.


Indications: dermatitis, abscesses and phlegmon, eczema, burns, scars, wounds, acne, fungal diseases.

Opinion: spot application of rosemary essential oil removed post-acne spots.

#3 Lavender essential oil for acne


Action: slows down the aging process of cells, antifungal and antiparasitic, promotes tissue scarring, soothes the skin, stops peeling.

Indications: acne, purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers, burns, abrasions, psoriasis and dermatitis, herpes and pediculosis.

Opinion: I’ve had problem skin since I was young, but now it certainly doesn’t break out as much as it used to. But still, once a month on “these days” is stable - I save myself with lavender oil, it dries and heals very quickly, while the skin does not dry out much like with all sorts of alcohol lotions.

#4 Lemon essential oil for acne


Action: stops bleeding, relieves pain, swelling, heals wounds, removes warts, smoothes and whitens the skin, regulates metabolism.

Indications: warts, dandruff, lichen, boils, burns and cuts, age spots and freckles, cracks on the soles, herpes, wrinkles.

Opinion: In the summer, when pigment spots and small rashes appear on the skin, I always make a mask of white clay and drop a few drops of lemon essential oil into it - the rash goes away in a couple of days, the skin brightens significantly, and the spots simply disappear before our eyes!

#5 Peppermint essential oil for acne


Action: antispasmodic and analgesic, anti-inflammatory, refreshes and smoothes the skin, eliminates rashes, capillary patterns, relieves itching and redness.

Indications: for the care of wrinkled and aging skin, acne, eczema, burns, insect bites, scabies, herpes, fungal diseases.

Opinion: Favorite oil for getting rid of acne and at the first symptoms of a cold - always in your home cosmetics bag!

#6 Bergamot essential oil for acne


Action: tightens pores, brightens the skin, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, kills germs, promotes tanning.

Indications: psoriasis, eczema, ulcers, irritations, acne, pimples, boils and carbuncles.

Opinion: I have not used bergamot oil for medicinal purposes. But if you lubricate pimples with it, they will go away very soon. And you don't need to come up with any complicated recipes. Simply treat pimples with pure bergamot oil once or twice a day. They pass very quickly.

#7 Orange essential oil for acne


Action: removes toxins from the body, whitens the skin and smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes dry skin, relieves swelling.

Indications: care for sensitive and dry skin with wounds, acne, swelling, wrinkles.

Opinion: I’ve been using orange oil in an aroma lamp for a long time – I’ll tell you honestly, in addition to the pleasant smell, the plus is that it also lifts your mood.

And then I read about its other properties and began mixing it with grape seed oil (a couple of drops of essential oil dropped per 20-30 grams) and smeared it on my face every night - after a few weeks I noticed how it had changed: fine wrinkles smoothed out and my face became much fresher.

#8 Clove essential oil for acne


Action: antibacterial and antiseptic, analgesic, heals wounds, regulates sebum secretion.

Indications: warts, acne, ulcers and wounds, calluses, boils.

Opinion: Twice a week I make a mask of white clay, with the addition of mineral water and clove essential oil (2 drops). Dries out my oily skin, pulls out pimples - I highly recommend it!

#9 Grapefruit essential oil for acne


Action: normalization of the sebaceous glands, prevention of acne, skin whitening, narrowing pores.

Indications: care for oily and acne-prone skin, cellulite.

№10 Eucalyptus essential oil for acne


Action: heals wounds and relieves pain, acts as an antiseptic, kills germs, reduces sebum secretion, whitens skin.

Indications: for acne, various skin infections, chemical burns, chicken pox, wounds and damage to mucous membranes.

Opinion: In my youth, I had boils several times - I applied eucalyptus oil - and the pus drained out in just a couple of days. Recently I had a hormonal imbalance and my skin became very oily - my face was covered with acne. So I remembered about the miracle remedy - and yes, it did help - I applied it spotwise to the pimples, and in the evenings I wiped my face with wheat germ oil with 5 drops of eucalyptus.

To combat acne, you can also use a combination of several oils, for example: 2 drops each of lemon, lavender and tea tree oils. In principle, you can mix any of the above oils without exceeding the total amount of 7 drops.

Allergy test! In order to check whether you are allergic to essential oil, you need to apply essential oil diluted in a base oil (3-5 drops) to the skin near the elbow and watch for 3 hours. If the skin does not turn red, you can use facial oil.

The modern cosmetics industry produces a variety of products to combat acne, blackheads and the marks they leave on the skin - post-acne. However, you can cope with these problems using natural remedies. A striking example of this is essential oils, the effectiveness of which has long been beyond doubt.

The benefits of essential oils for problem skin

Essential oils easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing active effects:

  1. antimicrobial
  2. anti-inflammatory
  3. regenerating.

This is what explains their high efficiency and quick results. In addition to their healing properties, aromatic oils have a mild therapeutic effect on the body as a whole, help cope with stress, calm or invigorate, depending on the properties of the particular ester.


Rules of application

Remember the main rule: aromatic oils should not be applied undiluted to the skin. This can cause redness, swelling and other manifestations of allergies, as well as chemical burns. An exception is the spot application of ether to the affected area using a cotton swab. This option is only allowed if you have good tolerance to the product.

In other cases, use aroma oils diluted: add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 1 tsp. base (or 4-7 drops to 1 tbsp.) and stir. This proportion is universal, but there may be other options for different esters - then this is indicated in the instructions or in the specific mask recipe.


Be sure to do an allergy test before using any new oil. To do this, mix 3 drops of ether with 1 tsp. sunflower or olive oil. Apply the mixture to the inside of your elbow and wait two hours (or better yet, leave it overnight). If the skin at the site of application remains unchanged, you can safely use this aroma oil.

Spot application of tea tree oil - video

How to choose the right essential oil

When choosing aromatic oils, always take into account the individual characteristics of your skin and the body as a whole. There is no single correct answer to the question of treating pimples with ethers, but there are general recommendations and a large selection of these aromatic healers.

Many essential oils that have strong disinfectant properties work well against acne. Here are just a few of them:

  1. tea tree is a powerful natural antimicrobial and wound healing agent
  2. eucalyptus - has a bactericidal, analgesic and regenerating effect, whitens the skin and regulates fat metabolism in it
  3. clove is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic aroma oil, which is especially recommended for suppuration (when combined with other esters, it enhances their effect)
  4. mint - helps improve blood circulation in capillaries, activates the protective functions of the skin
  5. conifers (pine, fir, cedar) - effectively treat pimples, promote rapid skin restoration, reduce sebum secretion
  6. citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) - eliminate acne and blackheads, and also gently whiten the skin and restore its elasticity (these oils are phototoxic, so they cannot be used for prolonged exposure to the sun).


Phototoxicity is the property of aromatic oils to enhance the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the area of ​​skin on which such oil was applied may become unnaturally pigmented or burn.

The oils of the following plants are characterized by a more delicate and gentle effect, improving the condition of the skin as a whole:

  1. roses are a powerful regenerating agent that helps normalize the condition of the skin
  2. sage - has pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing properties
  3. lavender - a universal aroma oil, promotes wound healing, prevents the growth of bacteria, eliminates peeling, has a calming and rejuvenating effect
  4. rosemary - eliminates inflammation, accelerates the resorption of scars, increases blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic
  5. geranium - normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.


A few tips for choosing essential oils will also be helpful:

  1. choose only a high-quality product from a trusted manufacturer, and also do not forget to check the expiration date of the product
  2. the best packaging is a small dark glass bottle with a dispenser
  3. carefully study the contraindications indicated in the instructions (this is especially true for pregnant women: many aromatic oils cannot be used during this period)
  4. When using an essential oil for the first time, smell it: if the smell is unpleasant to you, it is better to refrain from using this product.

Which oil to choose as a base oil

Oils that do not clog pores and have a light consistency are suitable as a base:

  1. grape seeds - regulates the secretion of sebum (it dries oily skin, moisturizes dry skin), has a bright cleansing and regenerating effect
  2. jojoba - this liquid wax perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and relieves inflammation
  3. hazelnut - helps to narrow pores, is perfectly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue
  4. macadamia - valued for its rejuvenating and restorative properties, moisturizes the skin and protects it from the negative effects of free radicals
  5. black cumin is an effective remedy for acne, helps stop various inflammatory processes and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells (it is better to use diluted: add 3 parts of another base oil to 1 part of cumin oil).

When choosing a base oil, do not forget to do a sensitivity test.

In addition to the listed oils, you can use the following as a base for masks:

  1. clay
  2. low-fat kefir
  3. seaweed paste
  4. brewed rice and oatmeal
  5. fruit puree
  6. honey.

Oil mixtures for problem skin

Using aromatic oils for acne and acne in the form of masks, you can effectively combat skin problems. The best results are observed when using several oils at the same time.

Effective antibacterial agent

You will need the following aromatic oils:

  1. tea tree - 2 drops
  2. lavender - 2 drops
  3. lemon - 2 drops.

Add them to 1 tbsp. l. bases and mix. The mixture has antimicrobial and astringent effects, helps cleanse and gently whiten the skin. It must be applied every day before bed and left until the morning.

Coniferous composition against acne

To prepare the mixture, take the following ethers:

  1. cedar - 3 drops
  2. Siberian pine - 2 drops
  3. geranium - 1 drop.

Add them to 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oils. Wipe problem areas with the resulting mixture up to three times a day.

Blend to tighten pores and fight inflammation

Mix a tablespoon of base with aromatic oils:

  1. lemon balm - 3 drops
  2. rosemary - 2 drops
  3. grapefruit - 1 drop.

The mixture eliminates rashes, cleanses the skin and tightens pores. Application up to five times during the day is allowed.

Rosemary oil reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands and also tightens enlarged pores. Regular use will help prevent the appearance of comedones.

Mask with lavender oil for acne and post-acne - video

Recipes for effective acne masks

Oatmeal and clay perfectly complement the effect of aromatic oils in masks.

Therapeutic oatmeal mask

Mix 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with low-fat kefir until you get a paste. Add essential oils:

  1. tea tree - 3 drops
  2. birch - 1 drop
  3. lavender - 1 drop.

This mixture is applied to a cleansed face and washed off after 15 minutes.

Antiseptic mask

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. And clay will enhance the effect of the active components and act as a base.

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dilute white clay with mineral water.
  2. Add 3 drops of tea tree aroma oil.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face.
  4. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.


Drying kaolin mask

Dilute 1 tbsp. l. white clay with chamomile decoction (to the consistency of sour cream) and add one of the mixtures below.

  1. eucalyptus - 1 drop
  2. thyme - 1 drop
  3. rosemary - 1 drop.
  1. geranium - 1 drop
  2. cloves - 1 drop
  3. sage - 1 drop.

Apply the mask for 15 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.

An integrated approach to the treatment of acne and acne

Essential oils are reliable allies in the fight against acne and acne. However, in order to deal with this problem as soon as possible and forget about it, it is best to use an integrated approach. After all, the appearance of acne is a consequence of an imbalance in the body, so the main task is to eliminate this imbalance.

Rejection of bad habits

Avoid alcohol and tobacco completely. Reduce your consumption of tea and, especially, coffee. Drink more regular clean water - it will saturate every cell of your skin with moisture better than any moisturizing cream.


Proper nutrition

In the fight for beautiful facial skin, you must follow the following rules:

  1. do not overindulge in sweets and baked goods made from white flour
  2. eat less fried and fatty meat foods
  3. give up fast food
  4. eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs (fresh, boiled, stewed or baked)
  5. include nuts, unrefined cereals and cold-pressed vegetable oils in your diet.

Reasonable daily routine

Go to bed early, get enough sleep, move more and walk in the fresh air - all this will have a great effect not only on your well-being, but also on the condition of your skin.


Minimum cosmetics

The vast majority of industrially produced cosmetics (especially decorative ones), in addition to useful components, contain many harmful substances (preservatives, dyes, fragrances). Regular use of such products only aggravates the condition of problematic skin. Try to give up skincare and foundation creams, as well as powder, for at least 2-3 months.

Instead of store-bought creams, use natural vegetable oils with the addition of essential oils.

Natural care

Oatmeal or rye flour gruel gently cleanses the skin and acts as a delicate peeling, promoting cell renewal.

To prepare it, mix a small amount of flour with water to the consistency of sour cream. For added healing benefits, add a drop of your chosen essential oil. Apply to face with light massage movements and then rinse.


Also, high-quality soap without harmful additives is suitable for washing. Often the composition contains various essential oils, which makes it even more beneficial. This soap can be purchased in online stores of soap-making supplies, as well as ready-made handmade soaps: it has a “greasy” feel and does not dry out the skin. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

How to fight acne marks with essential oils

It is difficult to cure pimples, but eliminating the consequences after they disappear is much more difficult. And although there are many ways to deal with post-acne, try essential oils: natural remedies are always preferable.

For oily skin, during the first week of using aromacosmetics, the effect of imaginary deterioration is sometimes observed due to the intensive removal of sebum from the pores.

Which oils are best for post-acne?

Essential oils work well against scars and acne spots, activating cell division and also helping to even out the color and texture of the skin. The most popular and effective esters are:


Of the base oils, the following have proven themselves to be the best:

  1. wheat germ oil - perfectly nourishes, tones and rejuvenates the skin (especially suitable for dry skin types)
  2. sea ​​buckthorn - has a strong regenerating and nourishing effect, protects and moisturizes the skin, helps keep it smooth, clean and young
  3. castor oil - softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, stimulates skin regeneration, which allows you to get rid of post-acne in the shortest possible time.

Recipes for spots and acne scars

Treating acne marks is a long process, so be patient. And beautiful and smooth skin will be your reward for your efforts.

Night cream for post-acne treatment

To prepare the product, add one drop of esters to 15 ml of base oil:

  1. rosemary
  2. lemon
  3. tea tree (or lavender).

Apply the resulting mixture to a clean, damp face before going to bed. Leave until morning. Use every other day for at least 2-3 weeks.


Massage mixture for eliminating scars

You will need the following aromatic oils:

  1. lavender - 5 drops
  2. myrrh - 4 drops
  3. rosewood - 2 drops
  4. incense - 2 drops.

Add them to 30 ml of oil base:

  1. wheat germ - 20 ml
  2. calendula - 10 ml.

Rub the resulting mixture with massage movements into the scar area.

Recipe for post-acne for dry skin and more - video


I have known for a long time that tea tree oil is an excellent remedy against skin inflammation (I am now 16 years old, and therefore I have big problems with my skin). A month ago, this miracle bottle appeared in my arsenal. I washed off my makeup and applied oil to the pimples. Twenty minutes later I went to the mirror and gasped! There was almost no redness. Honestly, I couldn’t believe my eyes: how could this be? I looked at myself in the mirror for a long time. After 5 hours, I washed my face and applied the oil to my face again. The next morning, when I woke up and looked in the mirror, there was no limit to my happiness. The face is clean, just WOW (well, not counting the blackheads and freckles which (in my opinion) spoil the whole look). It’s a pity that I didn’t buy this oil earlier and threw away a lot of money on scrubs, tonics, masks, creams, and nothing helped.


I recommend eucalyptus oil! Great product for problem skin! I apply it to a cotton swab and then to the pimples point by point. The result is visible from the first use. Eucalyptus is simply wonderful for problematic, oily and porous skin. The oil soothes inflamed skin and relieves mild itching from pimples. And most importantly, it simply dries out the pimple wonderfully, removes redness, and it goes away just super quickly! The skin does not turn red after use, but you need to treat this, of course, wisely. Apply oil only to problem areas. I also add a couple of drops to clay masks. The result is also excellent: the skin after use is soft, velvety and clean.


I bought myself rosemary oil to remove acne spots. I found a recipe - mixed a tablespoon of blue clay with water and added 3 drops of rosemary to the mask. The spots became noticeably smaller after the 5th mask. The pores have become smaller. Severely old spots began to fade later.


My review of Vivasan rosemary essential oil: I’m just crazy about it! The smell is not as sharp and incomprehensible as that of the Sinam or Aromatica brands. The aroma is more subtle, but concentrated, very invigorating. It gives an immediate effect on the skin: it tightens pores, scars noticeably fade and smooth out in 2 applications. I have never had such an effect before. Works very well when combined with lavender essential oil. They complement each other and seem to balance. The skin is moisturized, soft, matte.


By regularly using essential oils, you can not only eliminate pimples, acne, as well as the skin defects caused by them, but also improve the appearance of your face as a whole. And having consolidated the therapeutic effect with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, you can completely forget about this problem.

In the fight against acne, many people prefer products of natural origin. This category includes essential oils for acne, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. There is a large list of products of this type before using each of them, you should familiarize yourself with its properties and rules of use.

Essential oils for acne chart


Below is a table showing which essential oils can be used against acne.

Oil: Beneficial features:
tea tree A natural antiseptic with a regenerating effect. Can be used for acne spots and also to prevent their appearance.
Eucalyptus Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves redness, and saturates the tissues with useful substances. Has a slight whitening effect. Helps relieve itching. Used for painful acne due to its anesthetic effect. Rosemary Effectively eliminates acne marks thanks to its absorbing effect. Relieves redness. Tightens pores and prevents the appearance of blackheads. Used in the complex treatment of boils. Lemon Has a whitening effect. Used as a preventative against blackheads, removes stagnant spots and fights pigmentation. Lavender Soothes irritated skin, eliminates existing redness. Eliminates peeling of the dermis. Stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and promotes a faster process of tissue regeneration. Mint Effective antiseptic and antifungal agent. Relieves redness and inflammation in the dermis. Carnations Has a bactericidal and drying effect. Quickly restores skin affected by inflammation. Tones and refreshes. Tightens pores. Fir An antibacterial product. Controls the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Geranium Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing the active production of skin secretions.

Use of tea tree for acne

The herbal component can be used in the following ways:

  1. locally in concentrated form
  2. combining with other oils
  3. as part of masks.


The product can also be added to ready-made cosmetic cleansing lotions to provide an additional anti-inflammatory effect. The effectiveness of this substance in the fight against acne is recognized by dermatologists, primarily for its ability to have a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause inflammatory processes in comedones.

In its purest form

Apply locally directly to inflamed areas. The product is distributed over the areas affected by the inflammatory process using a cotton swab. The dermis is first cleaned of excess sebum and impurities. Apply once a day immediately after the evening wash procedure. Use for at least 7 days. If signs of acne and acne marks persist, continue use until completely eliminated.

The product dries out inflammation well, prevents further growth of bacteria and helps reduce the risk of acne.

Oil mixtures

If you have dry or combination dermis, you can combine it with other non-comedogenic oils that have moisturizing properties. Shea butter or argan oil are suitable for these purposes. A mixture of any of the above products in a dosage of 1 tsp will help moisturize the face and relieve minor inflammation. for 2-3 drops of tea tree extractives. The product can be used for application at night.

Medicinal compositions

The combination of tea tree extract with other components increases its therapeutic effect on the skin several times. The herbal remedy goes well with the following ingredients:

  1. white clay
  2. egg white
  3. avocado
  4. oatmeal.

Using the product together with white clay and kefir gives a good whitening effect. This mixture can get rid of acne marks. The fermented milk product and white clay are mixed in such proportions as to obtain the consistency of not very thick sour cream. A few drops of essential substance are added to the ingredients, after which the mask is ready to be applied for a 15-minute period. Can only be used on previously cleansed skin. Using the medicinal mixture several times a week will help even out your complexion during post-acne periods.

Combination with egg white increases the anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of tea tree essential extract. To an ingredient of animal origin, just add a couple of drops of the second component and mix thoroughly. Distribute over the entire face, leaving it to act for no more than 10 minutes. This product perfectly fights inflammation in the skin.

A mixture of avocado pulp and a herbal product obtained from tea tree will help eliminate increased oiliness of the dermis and prevent new rashes. For half of a pre-chopped medium-sized fruit, you will need a quarter teaspoon of another component. Apply to the skin, leaving for a 20-minute period.

For dermis prone to increased oiliness and acne, a mask based on oatmeal, lemon juice and the essential component of tea tree is suitable. For a large spoon of powdered flakes you will need a teaspoon of citrus juice and a couple of drops of the third ingredient. Dilute the mixture with a small amount of green tea or chamomile infusion. This product perfectly fights redness, eliminates greasy shine and prevents the appearance of new acne.

Using eucalyptus oil on the face


Due to its antiseptic properties, the herbal product is used not only in the treatment of acne and its consequences, but also herpes.

In its pure form, eucalyptus extract can cause a strong burning sensation and even a burn. Therefore, the concentrate is applied carefully and in small quantities only to the affected areas.

For problem skin, the product is most often added to masks, and ice cubes are also prepared with it, intended for additional cleansing and care of protective covers. Often used to make homemade lotions.

Eucalyptus ice cubes

For a glass of purified drinking water you will need a quarter teaspoon of eucalyptus ingredient. Water can be replaced with chamomile decoction to enhance the beneficial effect. The mixed components are poured into special ice molds and placed in the freezer. The resulting cubes are used to wipe the face every morning.

Making tonic

For a glass of boiling water, take a filter bag of chamomile or calendula. After the broth has stood for half an hour, the raw materials are removed from it, the liquid is allowed to cool to room temperature and 3-4 drops of the essential product are added. Wipe problem areas morning and evening. Be sure to shake before each use. The prepared tonic can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, after which it is advisable to prepare fresh one.

Ways to use rosemary oil for acne

It is not recommended to use the product in its pure form due to the high risk of burns. Combines well with base oils:


For oily epidermis, it is better to combine the component with milk thistle, cumin or grape seed extract. For dry and sensitive dermis, it is recommended to mix with an olive product. For a tablespoon of base oil you will need only three drops of essential oil.

The resulting mixtures are applied to the face or used as compresses, soaking the fabric base with them.

Lemon oil for acne


Use in its pure form for local use. Add to medicinal masks made at home. For facial skin against acne, using this extract you can prepare an effective cream.

Cleansing and whitening masks

For a whitening effect, lemon is combined with white clay. For very sensitive dermis, you can replace it with pink one with a more gentle effect. The powder is mixed with the required amount of water, adding a couple of drops of the citrus ingredient into the mixture. Apply and leave for no more than 10-15 minutes.

A mask based on wheat germ, lemon and lavender oil has nourishing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. For a tablespoon of germs crushed into pulp, you will need one drop of each of the last two components. To provide a therapeutic effect, you need to leave it for 15-20 minutes.

How to make cream

A cream will help reduce the inflammatory process in the dermis, moisturize it and prevent the appearance of new rashes, for which you will need:

  1. sour cream - half a glass
  2. egg white – 1 pc.
  3. rose water – 50 ml
  4. alcohol diluted to 40% – 50 ml.

A quarter teaspoon of citrus essential product is added to the ingredients. All substances used must be thoroughly mixed together. Store in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Lavender essential oil for problem skin


Used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent as part of a mask based on egg white and tea tree essential extract. The animal product is mixed with two other ingredients, each of which will need two drops. Mix thoroughly and distribute over entire facial skin, leaving for a 10-minute period.

To combat blackheads and eliminate dead particles of the epidermis, peeling based on brown rice and an essential product is used. Five drops of the second ingredient are added to a tablespoon of powdered grains. Distribute with light massaging movements for a couple of minutes, then rinse off. Use no more than twice a week.

Peppermint oil for acne


To prepare a cleansing mask, you will need a couple of large, level spoons of cosmetic clay (white or blue), 15 ml of olive oil and three drops of an essential ingredient. Obtaining a homogeneous consistency is achieved by pouring in a small amount of clean water. It is enough to apply a couple of times a week, leaving to act for a quarter of an hour.

A lotion based on mineral carbonated water and mint extract has good soothing, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is enough to use five drops per glass of soda. Before each use, the liquid must be shaken. Wipe the covers in the morning and evening.

Clove oil for acne


A mask based on aloe and clove ether will help against acne and acne. Three drops of the second ingredient are added to the crushed leaves of the plant, after which the products are thoroughly mixed. Distribute evenly over the face, avoiding the eye socket area. Treatment time is 20 minutes.

For skin prone to increased oiliness and acne, it is recommended to use a scrub mask based on applesauce (1 tbsp), soda (1 tsp) and clove ether (3 drops). Apply with gentle massaging movements, leaving for a five-minute period. Can be used once every three to four days.

Fir oil for acne-prone dermis


Used in its pure form for the face by spot application to inflamed areas. Added to masks for oily skin types. Often used with egg white. The animal product, whipped to foam, is mixed with three drops of the second component. Exposure time – 10 minutes.

This remedy not only effectively relieves the inflammatory process, but also contributes to a faster disappearance of existing rashes, thanks to its regenerating property.

Medicinal mixtures based on oatmeal, lemon juice and honey are also prepared with a substance of plant origin. To prepare, just a tablespoon of oatmeal, ground into flour, the same amount of liquid honey, 15 ml of citrus juice and a quarter teaspoon of fir essential extract is enough. The mixture is distributed over the face and left for no more than a quarter of an hour.

The mask eliminates excess oil in the dermis and prevents the appearance of new acne.

Geranium essential oil for acne


A mask based on bodyaga powder (1 tbsp), geranium essential product (1 tbsp) and an ampoule of liquid vitamin A will help to effectively eliminate inflammation, moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients. You can add a small amount of warm water to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

This remedy helps fight not only existing rashes, but also prevent their further occurrence.

Recommendations before use

Before using essential oils for acne on the face, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction. A simple method will help determine its presence or absence. A small amount of the pure substance is applied to the wrist and left for 15 minutes. The absence of itching and redness indicates the possibility of using the facial product.

The essential extract should not be used before going outside, as this may contribute to sunburn as a result of additional exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Avoid contact of ether-containing substances with mucous membranes and the area around the eyes due to the high risk of severe burns.

For better therapeutic effects, the dermis is pre-cleaned and steamed.

Contraindications for use

Essential extracts cannot be used in the presence of individual intolerance and violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​influence. Also, their use is not recommended for pregnant women and epileptics. Essential oils for acne have no other contraindications.

Reviews of essential oils for acne


Masks with essential oils helped me get rid of acne spots. True, we had to wait a long time for the result. A noticeable effect appeared only after several months, but the wait was worth it.


I’m afraid to use essential oils in their pure form for acne, but I often add them to masks. It perfectly reduces redness from acne that has already appeared on the skin.


Tea tree essential oil is, in my opinion, the best remedy for acne. If single rashes occur, I immediately cauterize the inflamed areas with it. The next day, the redness almost completely subsides.