Is it possible to remove stretch marks with a laser?


Stretch marks are a common accompaniment of the postpartum period; they can also form as a consequence of losing excess weight. There are many home remedies to combat them. But still, removing abdominal stretch marks with a laser will be faster and with a guaranteed result.

Read in this article

What is leather resurfacing?

The skin consists of several layers and has the ability to regenerate with minor damage. This property makes grinding effective, that is, removing the surface layer of the epidermis and affecting deeper tissues. Trauma stimulates the formation of new cells responsible for skin elasticity.

This is exactly how the laser acts on it. The radiation removes the upper layer of the epidermis and encourages the formation of fibroblasts in the depths. This in turn triggers the active division of collagen cells and elastin fibers.

To learn how laser resurfacing of stretch marks is performed, watch this video:

Types of lasers, pros and cons of devices

Laser resurfacing of stretch marks on the abdomen is performed using two types of radiation.

Types of laser radiation used to remove stretch marks on the abdomen a brief description of
Carbon dioxide (neodymium) Classic or full grinding is carried out using it. The heating effect of the carbon dioxide laser ensures the evaporation of the deep layer of cells. At the same time, damaged vessels are sealed, so the procedure is bloodless. Immediately after treatment, the surface of the skin is covered with a dry crust, which disappears after 10 days. In the deeper layers, new cells are being formed. Therefore, the skin after rehabilitation looks more elastic and toned. For complete grinding, use the devices “CO2 Lumenis Acupulse”, “MultiPluse CO2”, “Prosektion”
Erbium (fractional) Its difference is that it has a softer effect, since this laser does not heat the tissue. Using this type of radiation, fractional thermolysis is carried out. This is a selective effect on altered layers of the skin. Their neighbors remain untouched. Therefore, recovery after fractional thermolysis is faster - in 4 - 5 days. Damage to the skin is minimal. “Cold” erbium laser sometimes does not require local anesthesia. Fractional thermolysis is carried out using the Fraxel apparatus.

Neodymium laser resurfacing is more useful for old stretch marks. It provides a strong effect, so if the surface area is large, general anesthesia may be required. And local is mandatory. The effect in this case is more noticeable, but also discomfort during the procedure. The likelihood of side effects and complications is higher.

Fractional, that is, targeted exposure, is more suitable for removing recently formed stretch marks. With long-standing stretch marks, it may be ineffective. But this is a more comfortable and safe procedure. However, in each case, the type of radiation must be chosen by a specialist.

Is this how you need to get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks usually appear on areas of the skin hidden by clothing. However, if a woman is not indifferent to how she looks, it is better to get rid of the problem soon after it appears. After all, its development will not remain stagnant. The condition of the skin will deteriorate, which is also facilitated by aging. The stretch marks will become deeper, and the area of ​​the changed area may increase. And it will be impossible to restore 100% elasticity to the skin. You can only make the stretch marks less noticeable, but not get rid of them completely.


Laser removal of stretch marks on the abdomen is prohibited if:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  1. endocrine pathologies;
  1. oncology;
  1. blood diseases, poor blood clotting;
  1. inflammation of the skin;
  1. recent tanning;
  1. autoimmune diseases;
  1. epilepsy;
  1. tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.

Course duration

You will not be able to get rid of stretch marks in a single session. If this is a complete resurfacing, 5 to 10 procedures may be needed. There should be a break of 4 to 8 weeks between them so that the skin damage disappears and the regeneration process begins. Based on the appearance of the epidermis, the specialist will determine whether the next procedure is necessary.

Fractional laser can deal with stretch marks in 4 to 10 sessions. Between each of them there should also be a pause of a month and a half.


After a session of classical resurfacing or fractional thermolysis, the skin looks damaged. A dry film remains on top of it, which in the first case will come off in a couple of weeks, and in the second - after 5 days. Painful sensations may be present for two to four days.

After healing, the effect will become noticeable even if a repeat procedure is necessary. Striae become pale and shrink in size, the skin becomes more toned. The final session will lead to the fact that the stretch will disappear, and in its place the surface will not differ from other areas.


Whether it is possible to remove stretch marks on the abdomen with a laser will become clear after the end of the recovery period. After all, injured skin needs special care:

  1. After the procedure, it is contraindicated to sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, or go to the pool.

in order not to feel pain, to prevent complications, you should smear the area treated with the beam with a moisturizer or anti-inflammatory cream for 3-4 days;

  1. do not try to peel off the crusts;
  1. try not to make sudden movements so as not to injure the skin with clothing;
  1. you can take painkillers (most people don’t need them);
  1. You can’t sunbathe for at least a month, overheat your skin in a bath, sauna, or visit a swimming pool for 2 weeks.

The cost of a course of procedures designed to eliminate stretch marks may vary. It depends on the surface area being treated, the type of laser (fractional is more expensive), the level of the clinic, and the number of sessions. A single procedure can cost 1500 - 4000 rubles. Since the size of stretch marks on the abdomen can be quite large, A fractional laser course costs from 10,000 rubles. up to 25000. Classic polishing is priced a little cheaper.

The procedure to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach is not mandatory. This is a purely cosmetic manipulation. But it will give you the opportunity not to worry about your appearance, which means preserving your nerve cells and increasing your self-confidence.

The formation of stretch marks and scars in various parts of the body is not only a consequence of childbirth. Such skin defects can occur in various situations - after a sudden weight loss, as a result of internal changes in the body, etc. At its core, a stretch marks is a place where the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin are torn, gradually overgrown with connective tissue. Striae is not dangerous to health, but it creates a certain psychological discomfort in the fair half of humanity. You can get rid of stretch marks and scars located on various parts of the body (abdomen, hips, chest, etc.) using the latest laser removal techniques, which are widely used in clinics and salons.

Laser stretch mark removal: the essence and subtleties of the procedure

Laser removal of stretch marks and scars, also called laser peeling, involves using a thin beam to “remove”:

  1. microscopic thin top layer of skin;
  2. selectively - deep layers of the epidermis (where internal rupture of soft tissue fibers occurred).

In other words, the laser causes minute damage that is invisible to the naked eye. After such an intervention, the epidermis begins to actively renew itself, and new cells are formed in place of damaged, non-viable cells. But the main thing is that the area of ​​the rupture gradually heals, since collagen and elastin fibers begin to be synthesized at this place.

Thus, the procedure contributes to:

  1. active restoration of the skin;
  2. cell regeneration;
  3. increasing skin firmness and elasticity.


Preparation for laser resurfacing

Even well-groomed body skin requires special preparation for laser stretch mark resurfacing sessions. To do this, you need to start applying creams with retinoids and glycol approximately 25-30 days in advance. This will allow:

  1. gently and painlessly remove the upper layers of the epidermis with keratinized cells;
  2. prepare the skin for exposure to the laser beam;
  3. enhance the positive effect of planned procedures.

Experts also advise stopping taking oral contraceptives for this period in order to avoid fluid retention in the body and excessive pigmentation.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs for a month before the procedure.

The minimum interval between two laser resurfacing procedures should be 1.5–2 months. During this time, the skin has time to recover and renew itself, and microtraumas heal completely.

Cosmetology medicine has not yet learned how to completely remove stretch marks. However, the probability of a positive result reaches 90%: the scars become smaller, thinner and more invisible.

Types of laser intervention

The removal of stretch marks in modern cosmetology clinics and beauty salons is carried out using laser equipment. In addition to this, other procedures are used to accelerate skin regeneration processes.

Standard laser resurfacing

The classic laser resurfacing procedure, also called tonal, was one of the first revolutionary procedures that began to be offered in aesthetic beauty clinics. To carry it out, an erbium, or “cold” laser, with a beam length of up to 2.940 microns was used.

The essence of standard laser treatment is that the top layer of skin in a certain area of ​​the body is completely removed (“evaporated”). The depth of treatment is set individually, depending on the condition of the stretch marks and the density of the patient’s skin.

After laser intervention, regeneration processes are launched in the epidermis, new cells are actively growing, and soft tissues are gradually restored. The patient practically does not notice the border between the treated and untreated zones. A general improvement in skin condition is noticeable immediately.

Cold laser has several advantages:

  1. it does not have a thermal effect on the skin;
  2. Large areas of the skin can be treated.

A carbon dioxide laser is much more effective than an erbium laser, since the narrow beam penetrates the skin much deeper (20 microns versus 1 micron with cold radiation). However, it takes twice as long to recover from a carbon ray than from a cold ray.

The carbon dioxide laser beam has a dual effect, it:

  1. carries out “soldering” of the surface layers of the epidermis;
  2. painlessly burns out deep cells, stimulating the formation of new ones.

When carbon dioxide is burned, the skin in the treatment area also dries out and peels off. After 9–10 days, the dried “scales” fall off on their own, revealing newly grown cells.


Fractional laser removal of stretch marks

Fractional laser resurfacing, also called DOT resurfacing (thermolysis) of stretch marks, is performed under the strict supervision of a physician. For this purpose, special laser devices with various attachments are used. Modern equipment is equipped with:

  1. a scanner that accurately determines skin density, depth and location of stretch marks;
  2. cooling system that prevents microscopic burns.

During fractional stretch mark removal, a narrowly directed beam of laser beams (Fraxel) affects the area of ​​the skin that needs correction. Thanks to the targeted effect, healthy areas of the skin remain untouched. Compared to classic laser resurfacing, DOT procedures are less traumatic, and negative side effects are minimized. During a laser session, the patient feels only a slight tingling of the skin.

Laser radiation has powerful antibacterial properties. However, before the procedure, the skin is further cleaned by wiping with an antiseptic solution, and then an anesthetic gel is applied to the treated area.

Laser resurfacing parameters are selected individually for each patient based on:

  1. anatomical features of the body;
  2. density, sensitivity and condition of the skin;
  3. period from the appearance of stretch marks;
  4. depth and size of striae.

Selective laser thermolysis helps to level the surface of raised or sunken scars, making them smoother and more invisible. Restoration of the skin begins just a few days after the initial laser treatment. Metabolic processes are launched, biosynthesis occurs more actively. After only 3-4 procedures, active replacement of damaged cells with healthy ones begins. However, experts recommend completing a full course of fractional laser resurfacing consisting of 8–10 procedures.

There are several types of fractional laser treatment for stretch marks:

  1. ablative technique - has much in common with carbon dioxide laser treatment; a directed beam of light is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, affecting them and the upper layer of the dermis, the process of cell restoration is quick and painless;
  2. non-ablative technique - allows you to keep the surface layers of the skin practically intact, burning out deep-lying cells; there is no pronounced peeling of the skin after sessions;
  3. combined method - involves the use of several types of laser; This way you can remove old and new stretch marks painlessly and effectively, with a minimum of side effects.


Video: removal of stretch marks and stretch marks using fractional CO₂ laser

Laser lifting

Laser lifting has become very widespread among combined methods of influencing the skin of the body. The procedure is highly effective and has minimal side effects. Using a directed laser beam you can obtain the following results:

  1. restoration of the damaged layer of the dermis where stretch marks have formed;
  2. tightening sagging skin;
  3. restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin, acquisition of uniform color and smoothness;
  4. tightening of body contours.

Lifting is often prescribed to patients after a sharp loss of body weight (from 10 kg or more), as well as after pregnancy and childbirth.

Prescriptions and contraindications for the procedure

Experts recommend fractional or classic laser treatment of body skin when necessary:

  1. get rid of scars, scars, stretch marks of varying degrees;
  2. at the same time remove spider veins and warts;
  3. smooth out skin unevenness;
  4. remove age spots;
  5. tighten stretched, sagging skin.

The use of a laser causes certain changes in the body that pose a health hazard to certain categories of patients. Laser resurfacing of stretch marks should not be used for women:

  1. bearing a child;
  2. breastfeeding;
  3. having pathologies of the endocrine and circulatory systems;
  4. with inflammation on the skin (in the treatment area);
  5. after a beach holiday or a visit to the solarium, when the skin has been under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  6. for infectious skin diseases, psoriasis or a severe allergic reaction;
  7. if there are malignant tumors in the area where the laser beam will pass;
  8. for diabetes of various types;
  9. with renal failure;
  10. if you have a built-in pacemaker;
  11. while taking medications with photosensitizers.

A number of restrictions are also imposed after laser resurfacing. Visiting is prohibited:

The use of all kinds of body scrubs, tonics and lotions containing alcohol is also prohibited, and body massage is contraindicated. The ban is in effect until the skin is completely restored. Typically this period takes 1–1.5 months.


If all recommendations are followed, positive results from laser resurfacing of stretch marks last up to 5–6 years.

Is it possible to combine laser resurfacing with other procedures?

Laser removal of stretch marks on the body can be combined with other procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Most often used:

  1. mesotherapy sessions;
  2. lifting (classical and plasma).

During mesotherapy, special substances are injected under the skin with a thin needle - “cocktails” with a high content of vitamins and homeopathic medicines. They activate the production of collagen and elastin and accelerate the “growth” of protein cells.

Lifting procedures allow you not only to restore elasticity, but also to tighten loose, sagging skin. In combination with laser exposure, this allows you to quickly put your body in order, as well as consolidate the positive results obtained for a long time.

Possible consequences and side effects of laser intervention

If resurfacing of stretch marks was carried out in the classical way, using a cold or carbon dioxide laser, many patients note:

  1. persistence of painful sensations for a long time;
  2. local redness;
  3. the occurrence of swelling at the site of passage of the laser beam.

The formation of edema is associated with mechanical damage to skin cells. The accumulation of moisture is not accidental, since liquid triggers regeneration processes. After 5–7 days, the unpleasant phenomena disappear, and young, tender skin appears in place of the stretch marks.

After 1–2 sessions of laser body skin resurfacing, the patient may experience various complications. The reasons for this are usually:

  1. use of outdated equipment;
  2. incompetence of the specialist who performed the procedure;
  3. non-compliance by the patient with recommendations when preparing for the procedure or during the rehabilitation period.

Common side effects from laser intervention include:

  1. formation of microburns of the epidermis;
  2. stretch marks increase in size and become more saturated in color.

During the recovery period of the body skin after laser treatment, unpleasant itching may appear in the area where the stretch marks are located. In rare cases, a slight discharge of ichor occurs, which disappears after complete healing.

Only a qualified specialist should select skin care products during the rehabilitation period. Independent use of serums and creams may increase the recovery time. After all, many cosmetic products for the body contribute to the creation of microfilm, thereby blocking the access of oxygen to the cells.

Video: laser stretch mark removal

Reviews of results with before and after photos

The story is common. After the birth of the child, the entire stomach was covered with stretch marks, and the skin on it sagged like Shar Pei. Everyone told me with one voice that this would pass and almost nothing would be visible, but after a year of waiting it became obvious that the situation was not fundamentally changing. A couple of months after finishing breastfeeding, I decided to have laser correction of stretch marks; this happened about a year and a half after giving birth. The procedure does not require special preparation. They didn’t put glasses on me because they were done on my stomach. They didn't lubricate anything in advance. When, in the middle of the procedure, I asked if it was possible to alleviate the suffering, they gave me cold air from another laser, at least something. The procedure consists of applying a nozzle to the skin, and the laser makes many small burn spots on the body. What remains is a rectangle of dots. Then the nozzle is moved to another place. As for the sensations, it is very painful, and when you do it more than the first time, it seems more painful. A specific smell of burnt skin appears. After the procedures, apply cream to the burn and apply a napkin. The doctor recommends not washing for a day and not sunbathing for two weeks, lubricating the burn site with cream, especially the first days, and not scratching. I was told that the burning sensation goes away in 4-6 hours, for me it goes away in three. After the procedure, the stomach becomes all red and visibly swells. The skin is very sensitive for a couple of days, it hurts to touch. After about a week it starts to itch unbearably. The crust disappears after two weeks. Complete healing and renewal of the skin is promised in a month, although from my experience I would say one and a half. Now I’ve already done it three times and I think I’ll do it again. Because the result is still visible. I recommend the procedure.


Akula_pera, 29 years old

Let me start by saying that I don’t have old stretch marks. they began to appear after a long diet, when I lost 26 kilograms. Then I tried to get rid of them with orange oil. And this helped create a visible result of smooth skin, but not for long. If the skin is white, then stretch marks are not visible, but if you tan, then the white stripes will return to your life again. Just in March I decided to go to the solarium. And after a couple of weeks of solarium, my stretch marks on my legs came back to me. And then I decided to have laser removal of stretch marks... I went through 3 procedures in total. What can I say about the procedure itself: for me it is hellish pain both during the procedure and after, for several days. Even though I was prescribed numbing cream afterwards, applying it stung even more. Also, after the procedure, all the legs were red, the redness went away for two weeks. By the way, the place where the laser was treated now had white skin, and not tanned like after a solarium. So it was a sad sight. The result after the first procedure was not particularly visible. But I didn’t expect a quick effect. I went through 2 more procedures, which were no less painful. So that you can judge the effect of laser stretch mark removal, I will say the following. I did the first procedure in early April, the second in May, and the third in June. And already in July I started sunbathing. As you know, stretch marks appear after sunbathing. It’s already mid-August, I have a good tan, and no stretch marks at all. I hope that in these 3 treatments I was able to remove them completely.



Laser resurfacing of stretch marks is one of the most effective techniques today. Using a laser beam, it is possible to smooth out raised stretch marks, make them paler and less noticeable, and increase the elasticity of the skin on various parts of the body. The number of sessions and laser intervention technique are selected individually for each patient. Much depends on the “age”, depth and size of the stretch marks. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, this will minimize side effects.

Throughout her life, every woman’s body goes through certain periods - hormonal surges, weight gain and sudden loss, etc. Unfortunately, very often our skin reacts to these factors in its own way, namely by the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

Recently, cosmetic clinics and salons have been full of advertisements for various ways to get rid of stretch marks on the skin: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, numerous miracle creams, masks, wraps. but still the most common and effective of all is precisely laser stretch mark removal.

What are stretch marks and why do they appear?

As you know, collagen and elastin fibers help our body remain elastic and smooth. Due to long-term (weight gain during pregnancy, intense sports training, steroid use) or, on the contrary, sudden (rapid weight loss, hormonal surges in adolescence) effects on the skin, ruptures occur in these fibers. The tear sites are replaced by strips of scar tissue, which we call stretch marks.

Conventionally, stretch marks can be divided into “old”, which are over one and a half years old, and “fresh” - no more than six months (they have a red or purple tint). Fresh stretch marks are the easiest to correct and eliminate, but long-standing stretch marks can only be made less noticeable.


Modern methods of laser removal of stretch marks on the skin

The following methods for removing stretch marks are used today:

Laser peeling:

This is the most gentle way to get rid of stretch marks. In this case, a neodymium laser is used, which, without damaging the top layer of skin at all, penetrates deep into the stretch marks, softens them from the inside and warms them up. Thanks to this, the production of collagen and elastin is activated and stretch marks are replaced by new skin. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for “fresh” stretch marks.

Laser resurfacing:

A less gentle method than laser peeling. Used for old stretch marks. The essence of the method is that under the influence of the beam, damaged areas of the skin are injured, due to which the work of fibroblasts is activated, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Removing stretch marks using laser resurfacing is carried out using 2 methods:

  1. full laser resurfacing – the entire top layer of skin is damaged by evaporating moisture from the dermis, and the work of connective tissue is activated at the site of exposure;
  2. fractional photothermolysis - a laser beam penetrates through microchannels with a diameter of 0.1 mm deep into the stretch marks, destroying them from the inside and simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, without damaging the areas adjacent to healthy skin.

When polishing stretch marks, carbon dioxide and erbium lasers are used. The latter is considered safer, since it acts on unhealthy cells so quickly that neighboring healthy ones do not have time to be damaged. Moreover, only an erbium laser is allowed to remove stretch marks on the chest.

The rehabilitation period after complete laser resurfacing ranges from 4 to 12 days. For the first few days, patients are concerned about swelling, redness and soreness of the skin, but then these symptoms disappear. In addition, during this period it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

Technique of the procedure

Removal of stretch marks using laser resurfacing uses classical technology:

  1. An anesthetic cream is applied to the desired areas of the skin or the patient is subjected to general anesthesia;
  2. There is a direct effect on the striae of the laser beam.

If the client, for various reasons, does not want to undergo the procedure with anesthesia, cosmetologists offer a session with the Polomar laser, the head of which greatly cools the skin, thereby eliminating pain. In addition, a session of getting rid of stretch marks with this device will take only 30-50 minutes, when with conventional fractional thermolysis it takes up to 2 hours.

For 2 weeks after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool; you must use wound-healing ointments and creams recommended by the cosmetologist.

Who can have stretch marks removed with laser and who can’t?

The main indication for the procedure is the presence of stretch marks and the patient’s desire to get rid of them.

Contraindications are almost identical for all cosmetic procedures using a laser:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. heart disease and hypertension;
  4. malignant diseases;
  5. herpes and other infectious diseases during exacerbation;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. endocrine disorders;
  8. varicose veins in the stretch area;
  9. tendency to form keloid scars;
  10. inflammation at the site of exposure;
  11. allergic reactions;
  12. chemical peeling less than 2 weeks before the procedure.


How many procedures are needed and what is their cost?

In order to achieve visible results when removing stretch marks with a laser, you need to undergo an average of 3-6 procedures for fresh stretch marks and 6-12 with a break of 1-2 months for outdated ones.

The cost of getting rid of stretch marks depends on their area, the type of laser used, the prestige of the salon or clinic and starts (for an area of ​​10x10 cm 2) from:

  1. 1200 hryvnia – Ukraine (Kyiv); 800 hryvnia – Ukraine (regions) for one procedure;
  2. 3500 – 16000 rubles – Russia (Moscow); 2000 – 14000 rubles – Russia (regions).

Patient reviews

Reviews about the procedure are mixed. Mostly, clients who removed fresh stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth are completely satisfied with the results.

Patients note that the advantage of this method is that, in addition to reducing stretch marks, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated, no special preparation or hospital stay is required. In some cases, women consider the main disadvantages of the procedure to be its low efficiency and high cost.

Here are excerpts from some reviews:

«I can’t say that after 6 sessions the stretch marks were no longer visible, but they acquired the color of the adjacent skin, the relief has not yet disappeared. There is no point in doing 1-2 procedures, unless their brightness goes away».

“Five procedures were not enough for me to eliminate ten-year-old stretch marks; they became less visible. Elastic skin, renewed as a result of resurfacing using fractional photothermolysis, began to hide these defects.”

“In my case, the laser did not cope with old stretch marks at all! Money wasted!”

Possible side effects

The main complications of laser correction of stretch marks include:

  1. exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially viral ones;
  2. hyperpigmentation (stretch marks may become even more noticeable);
  3. increased skin sensitivity.

As you can see, laser stretch mark removal – the procedure is responsible, so the choice of clinic and doctor must be careful, and the decision to undergo it must be balanced!

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My young man has hair all over his body, I want him not to have

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