Laser hair removal results photo

Beauty requires sacrifice. And sometimes it requires pain and suffering. How else can you justify very painful self-care procedures? Many men even believe that women enjoy various peelings, hair removal and masks. It’s just that the fair sex always wants to maintain youth and beauty, and some procedures give a miraculous effect. For example, laser hair removal. After the procedure, the skin remains smooth for a long time. What more could you want?


Rational approach

In fact, the whole operation is clear from the name: removing excess body hair using a laser beam is laser hair removal. Before and after photos allow you to evaluate the result. Why can a client hope for dramatic changes in his hairline? But the hair follicles are successively cauterized and then destroyed from the very roots. In most cases, the hair in the treated area no longer grows, meaning the procedure allows you to get rid of hair forever. Isn’t this the dream of all women whom nature has endowed with fluff on their chins or dark hair on their legs? In one procedure, the beam covers a tiny area and, accordingly, a small number of hairs. Therefore, this method is mainly used locally. In particular, hair is removed in this way above the upper lip, in the armpit, as well as in the bikini area and on the face. Working with a laser requires certain qualifications, which only professional cosmetologists in special salons have. They have the necessary equipment. Reputable clinics also have a license to operate a laser device.


Laser hair removal: before and after

Cosmetologists receive photos, reviews and gratitude from clients quite often. Their work seems to many to be true magic. From the movements of these magicians beauty is born. How is their work carried out? The working area is preliminarily analyzed. Hair growth depends on many factors, which include age, gender, body weight, as well as metabolism, ethnicity and daily exercise. Hair goes through three stages in its life.

  1. The first is anagen, a period of active growth lasting from two to six years.
  2. The second is catagen, a period of regression when the hair papilla atrophies and hair cells stop dividing. This period lasts approximately 1-3 weeks.
  3. The third stage is a period of rest, when hair can be removed mechanically if desired.

In healthy people, most of the hair is in the first period. But this is influenced by the general state of health, medication intake and even the person’s mood. When laser hair removal is performed, the before and after photos are rave reviews, because the hair disappears! Flashes of light penetrate the skin and heat the hair over its entire surface. The hair has nowhere else to grow and it is destroyed. Cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure on dark hair, since it contains a high content of melanin, which absorbs the laser beam. Light vellus hair can be removed using more gentle methods. If a person has dark and tanned skin, then laser hair removal is not recommended. Before and after photos, reviews are mixed in such cases, since the energy of the laser pulse is dissipated and may not reach the hair follicle.


Types of basic tools

So the client made up his mind and laser hair removal became his choice. Before and after photos, reviews are mostly positive, since the hair becomes thinner and thinner in any case. If the skin is problematic or the hair is too thick, a couple of procedures may be required, but the effect will be noticeable. The only question is which laser to choose for hair removal.

For fair skin and dark hair, a ruby ​​laser is suitable, which requires several sessions for an absolute effect.

The alexandrite laser works more quickly and powerfully, which quickly removes hair on dark skin.

The diode laser penetrates deeper, but is characterized by a low speed of operation.

Finally, the neodymium laser penetrates deep into the skin and works even on dark skin.

In beauty salons and offices, the alexandrite laser is more often used, but diode and neodymium lasers can displace it from the leader’s pedestal.


Why not?

Hair after laser hair removal becomes thinner and gradually destroyed. They lighten and thin out. We must remember that there will be no turning back and the hair will not grow back. Delicate cosmetologists warn their clients about this, fearing that in a couple of months they will get hooked on the fresh trend with natural hair growth. In addition, not everyone can undergo this procedure. There are a number of indications and contraindications.

Note that hair removal is relatively safe for the body, but requires a responsible approach. If work is done poorly, complications may arise.

Contraindications include any purulent skin rashes, herpes and decompensated diabetes mellitus. The procedure should not be performed on cancer patients, those with dark skin, or women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also prohibited are people suffering from infection and people with red or gray hair in the treated area.


Who can?

But there are people for whom laser hair removal is urgently indicated. The reviews for the before and after photos are amazing. The cosmetologist's clients are people with abundant hair on the face and neck, who have a tendency to ingrown hair in the bikini area and on the face. The procedure will also help people with very sensitive skin, prone to irritation after shaving and other traumatic methods of hair removal. The potential audience of cosmetologists has light skin and dark hair.


Before the cosmetology procedure, you are warned that there are symptoms that make it undesirable to undergo laser hair removal. There is no strict prohibition, but essentially the responsibility is shifted onto the shoulders of the client. If he insists, regardless of the possible side effect, then the negative reviews become absurd. So, you need to be careful when epilating varicose veins, otherwise you can cause them to become more visible. People who have an abundance of warts, moles and age spots should not get carried away with the procedure. Wait until better times if there are abrasions and cuts on the skin, and also if you are currently fighting a respiratory viral infection. Avoid hair removal during menstruation. It is not recommended to do laser hair removal if you have hormonal disorders, allergies in the acute stage, or poor tissue regeneration.


Pros of the procedure

After laser hair removal, hair grows less or not at all. It depends on the client's initial data. In general, the hair removal method itself is very effective. It helps solve the problem of excessive vegetation in non-standard places for women and men. For example, there are requests for hair removal of the ears, nose or fingers. In women, hair on the chest and neck is often removed. The procedure has a minimum of discomfort, and it is short in terms of time. So, hair above the upper lip is removed in only 20 minutes, but epilation of the bikini area will take an hour and a half. The time of year does not affect hair removal, but a couple of weeks before the procedure you should not actively sunbathe in the sun without protective creams. It must be said that the laser beam disinfects the area and prevents the inflammatory process, so it is very rare for clients to experience an allergic reaction. The skin after laser hair removal is not injured, since the laser absorbs the dark pigment of the hairs. An undoubted advantage will be the fact that the result lasts for life, without the risk of ingrowth and inflammation.

Cons of the procedure

Of course, laser technology is not suitable for everyone. Clients with dark skin, gray or red hair are left out. They cannot count on a good result after the procedure, and, therefore, the game is not worth the candle. In addition, laser hair removal was and remains an expensive procedure, especially when the impact area is large. For a stable result, several sessions are needed, since not all of a person’s hair is in the active growth stage at once. Other follicles are inactive and cannot absorb laser light. You will have to take monthly intervals between sessions. A relative disadvantage will be the duration of the procedure. The laser acts on a small area and the procedure can take a lot of time, so this method is not recommended for hair removal on the legs or back. Pain may occur in sensitive areas, such as the bikini area and armpit.

Before the procedure

So, you have planned the procedure. This means that in 2-4 months you need to completely stop spot hair removal using wax or tweezers. We also set the razor aside. Do not injure the hair follicles, otherwise there will be no effect. Out of habit, it is very difficult to leave your hair alone, but the result will be worth it, because it will be long-lasting and will make all hair removal preparations unnecessary. A couple of weeks before the procedure, you should not refuse sunscreen cosmetics, since the procedure is not possible on tanned skin. By the way, with such precautions you can avoid pigmentation. Refrain from going to the solarium and choose a quality tanning cream. If the hair in the treatment area is very long, it can be cut or shaved beforehand to prevent microburns. The length of the hair should be approximately 1-2 mm, since the laser will melt and burn it. A week before the procedure, you need to give up alcohol tonics and lotions, and on the day of hair removal - from deodorants and other cosmetics. In terms of timing, it is better to carry out the procedure a week or a week after menstruation to reduce pain.


The procedure itself in detail

Laser hair removal is done with preliminary preparation. The cosmetologist takes before and after photos for reporting purposes in order to be able to visually evaluate the result. The doctor determines the skin phototype and checks for sensitivity to sun exposure. Sometimes a laser exposure test is performed to select a safe and effective level of thermal energy for the procedure. The patient's pain threshold allows us to determine the choice of anesthesia. Mostly, special creams are used for this, which are applied to the skin an hour before the “X” moment. It is better to discuss questions about anesthesia in advance in order to fit within the time frame of the visit. The doctor and patient should use safety glasses to protect their eyes. The skin at the treatment site should be clean and dry. The cosmetologist’s movements are smooth and slow, and between laser pulses the skin cooling system is activated to relieve pain and prevent inflammation. There shouldn't be any severe pain. Just tingling and burning. Most of the hair falls off immediately after the procedure. But some hairs last for about 10 more days. The next session is possible only after the hair has grown back. For the face, 4-8 sessions are required, laser hair removal for bikini requires a little less. You can take before and after photos only for yourself if you don’t want to leave them with the doctor, but ethics requires that such shots do not allow you to recognize the person. Before the procedure, you need to be examined by an endocrinologist to check your hormonal levels.


Skin care

The procedure is over and now it’s time for care and relaxation. Slight redness of the skin in the treatment area is normal. You can use soothing creams or sprays. Don't be afraid of falling hairs. They will seem to be pushed out. New hairs will be removed at an upcoming session. Refrain from wearing cosmetics and using deodorants during this period. You should not visit baths and saunas for now. Take pity on your skin and reduce your time in the sun. Always use sun protection. Some complications may occur after the procedure. Young doctors suffer from skin burns. This means that the skin cooling system has failed. You may feel discomfort during the procedure and bring this to the doctor's attention. At a minimum, you are entitled to a discount for such a misunderstanding. If the patient sweats profusely, the hair follicle may become inflamed. Sometimes an allergic rash occurs, which is recommended to be combated with an anesthetic and cooling gas. Procedures in the facial area can provoke photophobia and conjunctivitis, which is explained by loose fitting of glasses.

Reviews and price

There are two most important criteria for service quality. These are the price ranges and reviews after laser hair removal. Considering the price, one can note with annoyance that the technique is expensive, since one session is not enough. In some cases, up to 10 procedures have to be done. The price varies depending on the area affected. On the face, one zone costs from 1200 to 3000 rubles. Laser hair removal for bikini costs approximately 3000-7500. Before and after - the differences are striking, but how much money will you have to spend for a long-term result?! The belly, lower back and décolleté area will cost from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. The most expensive are the legs and arms, 8000-15000 for one zone.

What do people say who need laser hair removal? Reviews of before and after photos are correct and clear. It must be admitted that, for the most part, clients are satisfied. The hair goes away and is no longer an annoyance. In the bikini area, you have to use a less powerful laser, as pain appears, but the hair goes away almost without a fight. After the first session, the hair thins, becomes thin and light.

In the age of developing technology, our life has become much simpler. This is not surprising - there are so many ways to make yourself more beautiful and well-groomed that all the girls constantly try out various new products and share their experiences with their friends and the whole world.

Of course, the breakthrough moment in terms of personal care was the possibility of hair removal using lasers. We have collected for you reviews from satisfied and dissatisfied girls who have already tried this procedure, and are ready to tell you about it.

The essence of the procedure

Before moving directly to the reviews, it is worth telling a little about the procedure itself and its purpose. The laser device removes unwanted hairs by destroying hair follicles with radiation.

This method is not only breakthrough, but also truly effective, and cannot be compared with hair removal at home using the same razor, epilator or wax.

The point of laser hair removal is to get rid of hair forever, and this requires nothing more than a good tool and the right number of sessions. Laser hair removal is performed on the following areas:

  1. bikini area;
  2. armpits;
  3. hands;
  4. legs up to the knee;
  5. legs completely;
  6. facial zone (above the lip, on the cheeks and cheekbones);
  7. abdominal area;
  8. back.

According to reviews, the best laser hair removal is called diode. The device used for the procedure is currently considered one of the best of its kind. When contacting a particular specialist, it is important to clarify what kind of device he uses, because the result will depend on him.

It all depends on the level of radiation and its intensity. The more powerful the laser, the fewer sessions will be needed to permanently remove hair from the face and body. A diode laser has a fairly high level of radiation intensity, which indicates a high-quality and fast result.


  1. getting rid of hair forever;
  2. softness;
  3. smoothness;
  4. affordable price;
  5. a large number of craftsmen;
  6. the opportunity to undergo an additional examination before the procedure to identify personal intolerance to certain components;
  7. a one-time profitable investment, rather than constant spending on a razor, sugaring or wax strips.


  1. swelling;
  2. rashes;
  3. hematomas;
  4. bruises;
  5. pigmentation;
  6. the appearance of a crust;
  7. skin discoloration;
  8. burns;
  9. blisters.

Myths about laser hair removal:

  1. scarring after the procedure is a myth, since there is no direct contact with needles, as happens in other similar procedures;
  2. ingrown hairs are also a myth; in addition, laser is recommended for those who experience ingrown hairs after wax strips;
  3. severe pain is a rare occurrence, often specialists use special means to prevent the appearance of pain (pain can only appear if there are ingrown hairs in certain areas, here you will have to be patient);
  4. the inability to remove hair if you are blonde - this is partly true, since the laser may simply not “see” light hair;
  5. the ban on the use of lasers for hormonal problems is true; if hormonal levels are disrupted, women should not undergo laser hair removal, so as not to face serious consequences;
  6. hairs cannot be removed at one time - this is true, even for areas where the smallest accumulation of hairs is located, at least 2-3 procedures will be needed to remove every, even the smallest “fuzz”;
  7. you cannot carry out the procedure on tanned skin or before a planned tanning - this is true, only when using a special laser can this procedure be carried out, in other cases it is strictly prohibited;
  8. the possibility of the appearance of tumors and neoplasms is not true, a laser cannot in any way irradiate the skin so that some kind of neoplasm appears, on the contrary, irradiation prevents the formation of tumors;
  9. the ability to conduct a session on your own, at home, is not true, and under no circumstances should you carry out this procedure yourself;
  10. only for women - also not true, because not all men prefer increased hairiness and can do hair removal just like women.

Where can I have the procedure done?


  1. Laser Hair Removal Soprano Xli Alex: st. Marshala Tukhachevsky, 37/21, +7 (495) 182-12-54
  2. Aldo Coppola: Novy Arbat, 19, building 1, TD "Vesna", 1st floor, +7 (495) 783-73-73
  3. Laser hair removal salon "Infinity": st. Zemlyanoy Val, 38/40, building 6, +7 (495) 500-87-90
  1. Hair removal center "Pro Skin": st. Mayakovskogo, 3, +7 (812) 602-99-55
  2. Laser hair removal salon "Infinity": st. Goncharnaya 7, +7 (812) 921-28-26
  3. Center for Cosmetology and Medicine Laser Doctor: st. Gorokhovaya, 26, +7 (812) 606-75-28
  1. Medical and cosmetology center Excellence: Blvd. Koltsova, 14 b, +38 (044) 587-96-80
  2. EpilClub - hair removal club: st. Mikhailovskaya, 24/11, +38 (044) 585-70-09
  3. Center for laser cosmetology Studio-Laser: st. Mikhaila Dragomanova, 31, +38 (098) 088-53-53


We have collected reviews from girls and women who have already experienced what laser hair removal is and who will be happy to share their experience with you.

Reviews of laser hair removal of the bikini area

Maria, 29 years old

Hello! My first laser hair removal, as it happens, happened quite recently. Having decided to immediately rid myself of unwanted hair, I thought for a long time about which area I wanted to epilate. The choice settled on the bikini area. I can say for sure that I did not regret my decision at all. It was worth it to spend money (and a lot of it) and get such a cool result. It took me six sessions to completely get rid of my hair. There was some redness, but it was minor, and that was pleasing. The redness soon disappeared, there were no rashes or negative consequences. I recommend to everyone!

Expert comment: Thanks for your feedback! However, each person has his own reaction to one or another type of laser hair removal, so some people experience redness, while others do not. Having decided to remove hair, you should definitely consult with a specialist, and only after passing a test or certain tests should you begin hair removal.

Yulia, 25 years old

My review of deep laser bikini hair removal is terrible pain! It was so painful and unbearable that it took me 2 sessions. I was simply afraid to come to the third one, because this pain could not be compared with anything. The specialist assured me that during the next sessions there would be no such pain, but I do not dare to go again and finish what I started. I even regret that I decided to do this and spent the money. Itching and redness appeared and have not gone away for two weeks. I absolutely don’t know what to do.

Expert comment: Julia, consult a doctor immediately if the itching and redness does not go away. There is no need to continue sessions until the effects of the first two sessions have passed. In any case, the pain would really be dulled, but since you are in so much pain, the specialist could apply a special ointment that would slightly reduce the pain.

Snezhana, 34 years old

I recently had bikini hair removal at a top-level salon, and I am very pleased with the result! The only thing that really upset me was the amount that came out in the end. At first they promised me that they would give me a discount for each session, but in the end, the discount was only for the first session. I paid a lot of money and I regret it a little. But the result is worth it, I honestly did not expect exactly this result. Previously, I only epilated with a razor, and almost immediately there was light stubble, but here everything is so smooth. Great, in general! My recommendations!

Expert comment: Thanks for your feedback! Salons often lure clients with such promotions, which then change along the way. However, you did the right thing by choosing a good salon, and the amount invested will definitely pay off. I recommend to all my clients not to save on such procedures, because this is a long-term effect that is worth such an investment.

Reviews about laser hair removal of armpits and face

Alexandra, 19 years old

Hello! I would like to share my opinion about the recent hair removal in the armpit area. I'm so pleased that I can't put it into words! I decided to undergo hair removal on the advice of my doctor, whom I approached with the problem of constant rashes and irritation in the armpit area after shaving. I tried a razor, an epilator, sugaring and regular wax - and I had the same reaction to everything! The doctor said that although the laser sometimes causes redness and rashes, due to the fact that the follicles are “cauterized” or something like that, the irritation quickly goes away and no longer bothers you. And he was right! The armpits are smooth, soft and no irritation. The redness only lasted a couple of days, and it went away. In general, sheer delight!

Expert comment: Your doctor gave you very good advice, but it was done at your own risk. The reaction could be the same as with other hair removal tools, but apparently you were very lucky with the specialist who performed the procedure. Such recommendations are made only after careful analysis and inspection.

Svetlana, 34 years old

Hi all! I recently had epilation on my upper lip, and I want to share my opinion. Overall, everything is very cool. This is clearly better than removing hairs with tweezers, thread or wax. The only problem is that I have hyaluronic acid in my lips, and the reaction to the laser was not very pleasant. The lips are very swollen and red, and have not gone away for several days now. I do not know what to do.

Expert comment: Svetlana, consult a doctor if redness and swelling do not go away within four days. Your laser technician should have found out if you have hyaluronic acid in your lips before epilating. In such cases, it is difficult to predict what the reaction will be. See a doctor immediately!

Marina, 36 years old

I recently started the process of removing hair from all over my body. The first in line were the armpits and upper lip. There was significant fuzz above the lip, so I always removed it with wax strips, but they were not very effective. Having removed the hair under my arms and the “fuzz” above my lip, I feel much better and more comfortable. First of all, you don't have to shave anymore. Secondly, everything is smooth, soft, and no irritation. The redness lasted for exactly a day and went away immediately. Thanks to my doctor for the recommendations! I think it’s all about the care after the procedure.

Expert comment: That’s right, Marina, it’s all about care! However, personal intolerance has not been canceled. Everyone's reaction is different, and in your case, there was practically none. Redness is the most standard type of consequence, which goes away quite quickly. One day is even very fast, because usually the redness goes away in three to five days.

Reviews about laser hair removal of hands

Valeria, 28 years old

Hello, I recently removed hair on my arms, and I want to share my impressions. Personally, I was satisfied with everything, I liked the result, and there were practically no side reactions (light redness only for a couple of days). I did it in a good salon, I understood that I needed to invest a decent amount, but I knew what I was getting into and was prepared for troubles in advance. But I'm lucky! There were no troubles. The only problem I encountered was dry skin on my hands. I’ve never noticed such dryness, but now it’s a nightmare!

Expert comment: Thanks for your feedback! Most often, this problem occurs if the device used for the procedure has high intensity. Unfortunately, hands sometimes become dry and need extra moisture. But it's not scary! Try using a rich nourishing cream 3-4 times a day, and the dryness will soon go away.

Valentina, 32 years old

Currently in the process of removing hair from my arms, and have already completed three sessions. I prepared for the procedure based on reviews, I understood and was ready for the fact that laser hair removal is a long process, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll last. Unfortunately, it's taking too long. Due to my personal intolerance to some component, I had to choose not a diode laser, but some other one that has less power. Because of this, the process stretched from five sessions to seven. But I hold on and endure, because I understand what the result awaits me.

Expert comment: Valentina, you should be grateful to your professional specialist that he did his job perfectly and did not carry out the procedure after noticing that you have intolerance. Often, in my practice, many specialists think that “this will do,” but end up with dissatisfied clients with irritation, inflammation, swelling and itching. Trust me, your patience will pay off. Good luck!

Anastasia, 23 years old

Hello, enough time has passed since the last arm hair removal session to share my opinion. It took me five sessions to completely get rid of my hair. Thanks to my master, who gave a lot of advice and recommendations, I didn’t even notice that there was some kind of “removal” process. Everything went as painlessly and easily as possible. I was satisfied! Now I plan to do the same with my legs and other problem areas. But, most likely, I’ll do it when I return from vacation. I read somewhere that you can’t sunbathe after laser hair removal, and therefore I don’t want to risk it.

Expert comment: Thank you for your opinion, Anastasia! You can remove hair using a neodine laser, which is recommended for those who are frequently exposed to the sun or intend to tan after the procedure. Don’t even consider other laser options! In addition, removing hair after tanning is also not recommended. Skin saturated with vitamin D will be very irritated, and there are many risks of acquiring unpleasant diseases later.

Based on reviews and “before” and “after” photos, it will become much easier for many to make a choice whether to have laser hair removal or not. With our tips and recommendations, you will definitely be able to find a suitable specialist and not encounter many mistakes. Forewarned is forearmed! Removing hair forever, isn't it wonderful? Girls and women, what do you think? Would you like to get rid of annoying hairs? Or have you already done laser hair removal? Share your thoughts and answers below in the comments!

Modern “laws of beauty” encourage having healthy and smooth skin, free from any defects. And most importantly - the absence of excess vegetation! In response to this desire, cosmetologists offer many methods of depilation and hair removal. But, since you have decided to deal with unnecessary hair, then you should choose a truly effective technology, so that, as they say, once and for all. This is where laser hair removal comes to the rescue.

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It is quite natural that when deciding on a procedure, a future patient or patient wants to see the results of laser treatment. The Bella Estetica portal has collected the best photos of laser hair removal, as well as photos of unwanted consequences that may occur after the session.

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About the procedure itself, the features of its implementation, types of lasers for hair removal and much more, you can read the article “What is good about laser hair removal”

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Laser hair removal for armpits

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After one laser hair removal session

After 3 procedures after 4 months

Photo of facial hair removal

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After 2 sessions

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Body hair removal

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4 years after a course of 10 sessions

Result after 2 procedures

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