Mole on the right temple in men meaning

Since ancient times, many people have believed that a mole on the temple can tell about the character of its owner, as well as what fate awaits the person. According to medical statements, a birthmark is an accumulation of pigment in the upper layer of the epidermis, which can change throughout life. However, representatives of esotericism have an interpretation that nevi have a mystical and fateful character. Various world teachings and philosophies have studied and interpreted the location of moles in different ways.

What does a mole on the temple mean: list of signs

Birthmarks located on the face and head of a man or woman are of greater importance compared to other locations of nevi. Based on many interpretations, several signs can be identified that carry a certain significance for people with a nevus on the temples. These include:

  1. They have good intuition.
  2. There are often cases when a mole on the right temple in women indicates the presence of extrasensory abilities. Women often do not attach importance to the fact that they were able to foresee this or that situation, or that their dream came true. However, with the right approach, such skills can be developed.
  3. The different location of the nevus on the temples indicates that its owner has high intellectual abilities.
  4. If a mole on the right temple is located closer to the ear, this indicates that the person is an extraordinary person. A girl with this location of the spot enjoys the attention of men, so often, due to the large number of fans, she cannot decide on the choice of a life partner. But when they start a family, they try to preserve it for life.
  5. A mole on the left temple in men indicates the presence of talent, which was developed from early childhood. Special skills can be demonstrated in painting, writing poetry, and songs. Men also have a craving for studying astrology.
  6. A nevus on the left side of the temple in representatives of the stronger sex means that a man is able to quickly find a common language with another person. Sociability allows you to find new acquaintances. Such a man is always a good friend and faithful companion for his chosen one.
  7. If the formation is located on the temple closer to the eye, such people are distinguished by their quick response to difficult life situations. They find the right solution that helps avoid possible problems. Such people are often approached for advice, knowing that he will always be practical. They get married late, but they are good family men and love children.
  8. If there are several moles located nearby on the temple, these people have a vulnerable soul. Because of their suspiciousness, they are often afraid to take a decisive step that will be fateful. Several moles on a woman’s left temple indicate her power and individuality. In marriage, such individuals play the role of head of the family. This nature makes it difficult for them to find their life partner.
  9. If moles are present on both temples, this is a sign that the person has willpower. Nevi on the temples indicate a quick character and restlessness. Often such people do not complete the assigned task to the end, fearing that a lot of time will be wasted. In the face of difficult life situations, rely on your neighbor. In case of success, the victory is attributed to oneself, and the failure is transferred to another person.
  10. A nevus located closer to the scalp indicates that the woman will go a long way, having been burned many times in her personal life. Until he finds his companion. In the family, women are faithful and devoted spouses, caring and kind mothers. However, this location of the nevus in men indicates his harsh character. Often such men prefer to live more alone. They are in no hurry to make new acquaintances. After starting a family, they do not want to find compromises and do not recognize other people's opinions.

Meaning for women

Based on ancient interpretations, the owners of nevi on the temples were considered people who have superpowers, however, not everyone manages to identify them and develop them in the future. A mole on a woman’s left temple has a meaning based on its exact location. When located in the center of the temple, life is filled with bright events and pleasant chores. Girls, starting from their youth, enjoy increased attention from the opposite sex. Some people like this and are in no hurry to start their own family, while others want to get married. But the abundance of fans causes disagreements in the relationship with the spouse.

If the nevus is large and located closer to the ear, fate has a contrast of bad and good events. After tragic events, joyful ones come. It is the woman who is the reason for such diversity. As for health, it is strong and can easily cope with changes in life events. Women are distinguished by their persistent and strong-willed character. Sometimes they take the place of a man in the family. Often, they look for a man with a weak character as a companion.

Women are respected among family and friends, they are loved and appreciated because they are loyal and devoted friends, loving and responsive children, and kind mothers. Character helps such women cope with any life situations. They rarely become depressed. They reach high positions in their chosen field of activity. They develop throughout life. Receive several higher educations.

Small nevi on the right side of the temple can symbolize a calm and measured life. The woman does not strive to do everything; she approaches problems that arise with anxiety. Does not have the ability to quickly and correctly solve a difficult life situation. They prefer to find a person to live with who has a strong character in order to rely on him in difficult situations. After starting a family, these are ideal housewives, affectionate mothers, loving wives.

Meaning for men

If a man has a red mole on his temple, this indicates his good destiny, which constantly presents gifts. By nature, a man is an adventurer and a lover of the forbidden fruit. They prefer to travel the world and study the life and culture of other peoples. He has a unique mindset. Often goes against public opinion, putting forward his own point of view, which he can easily justify.

In a relationship with a woman, there are regular quarrels based on jealousy on his part. They are often unsure of themselves, but easily make compromises, quickly forgive, and are not vindictive. They can boast of a large number of friends who value them. Such men are devoted and faithful friends, ready to help at any time of the day or night. They know how to keep secrets. They will always give practical advice, delving into the problem of their neighbor.

The medical factor must also be taken into account. A nevus is a formation on the skin that can change and grow. And such changes may not mean changes in fate, but the degeneration of a nevus into a malignant growth. This situation requires a medical examination, as a result of which the person will be prescribed treatment or removal of the mole.

In folk signs, a mole on the temple is a special mark that you need to pay attention to. Its location can tell a lot about a person’s fate and inclinations, and will reveal a person’s character traits.

A sign of magical abilities and talent

Moles on the palms, arms, and face will help you learn a little more about your interlocutor. The mark located on the temple indicates its peculiarity. It doesn't matter which side it is located on.

Individuals marked in this way have unique talents. They make excellent psychics, healers, and fortune tellers. They can see the future and communicate with dead people.

People with moles on their temples often experience a feeling of déjà vu.

  1. the mark speaks of a sentimental personality;
  2. the closer it is to the hair, the more carefully a person hides emotions;
  3. a mole may appear on someone who did not finish an important task in a past life;
  4. such people achieve success in old age;
  5. may indicate inconsistency in beliefs and tastes.

What does a mole on the right side mean?

You can reduce the impact of a mole by hiding it, disguising it with makeup and hairstyle.

Despite their extraordinary abilities, such people are often unlucky in their personal lives. They are naive and trusting in love. In their youth they encounter partners who prefer to play with feelings. In adulthood they prefer to be more careful.

Mole on the left

Indicates a creative nature, subtle and impressionable. Such people have many fans, they are flighty, fickle, and often change partners and areas of activity.

It's hard to rely on them. They are rarely reliable comrades. Reaching the top of your career is not always possible. Often their merits are recognized only at the end of their lives.

When you see a mole on a person’s temple, remember these transcripts. Perhaps it will help you understand a little more about your interlocutor and predict his actions. However, such an interpretation should not be taken as an axiom. After all, many factors influence a person’s character and his destiny.

What does a mole on the temple mean? This question interests many people. For centuries, moles on the face and body of a person have been given a special, magical meaning. By their shape and location they tried to determine the character, abilities and destiny of a person. In the early Middle Ages, they were considered “marks of the devil,” and later, during the Renaissance, beautiful ladies themselves drew or attached flies to various parts of the face, and each of them had a special meaning.

What does a mole on the temple mean?

Even today, many people believe in the magical meaning of birthmarks and nevi, and often wonder what a mole means. For example, it is believed that a large number of them on the face promises wealth and good luck in business. Moreover, in karmic terms, the meaning of such marks on the face of men and women is the same, but there are still subtle differences.

The interpretation of the meaning is greatly influenced by the location of the moles and where - on the right or left of the face - they are located.


A mole on the temple has always been considered a special sign. Thus, a mole on the right temple is considered a mark that is found on talented and gifted people, those who have a strong influence on the destinies of those around them. But a mole on the left temple characterizes its owner as a sentimental and sensitive person, but able to hide and restrain his feelings, and at the same time a reliable partner in business and in life.

For women, a large mole on one temple can mean an unsuccessful personal life, but if such formations are symmetrical, then this, on the contrary, promises happiness for both spouses.

The darker the nevus and the closer it is located to the hairline, the more clearly these signs will appear.

For doctors, the location of the nevus does not have much influence on what the mole means.

Moles on the temple, nose, and body mean an accumulation of melanocytes in the skin.

Nevus is a congenital or acquired pigmented formation that appears on the mucous membranes and skin. Pigment saturation affects the color of the mole; shades range from light brown to black. There are also red nevi, which are vascular growths.

Reasons for the formation of moles:


  1. Heredity.
  2. Ultraviolet radiation. When it is in excess, melanin production is stimulated and moles can form.
  3. Hormonal disorders. Diseases, pregnancy, and stress can contribute to the appearance of new moles.

Nevi are divided into:

Moles can be harmless or have a high risk of developing melanoma.

The full classification of nevi is as follows:

  1. Vascular growths or hemangiomas. They usually come in pink or red.
  2. Large pigment spots. Most often congenital, they can have any size up to giant, any color and shape. They can become malignant, that is, degenerate into melanoma.
  3. Convex formations (or warty nevi). Most often they are brown in color and protrude above the skin level.
  4. Flat nevus. The color can be from light brown to almost black, they do not protrude above the skin level. They occur more often than all other moles and are considered the safest.
  5. Blue nevus. The deepest of the moles, their color varies from blue to dark purple.

be careful

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What health hazards can a mole on the temple pose?

There are several signs of malignancy of a mole that everyone should know about. Before looking for an answer to what a mole on the temple means, you should carefully consider it and assess the possible danger to health.


  1. Change in color of nevus. If suddenly a familiar mole darkens or its color becomes uneven, pigment spots or redness appear around it, then this is a reason for concern and see a doctor.
  2. The appearance of unpleasant sensations. Pain, itching, burning, dryness and a feeling of tightness are unfavorable signs that should make you worry.
  3. Changing the shape and size of a mole. Upon examination, it is necessary to note whether it has changed in size, whether it has become uneven, lumpy, or whether it has ceased to be symmetrical. Perhaps it has become denser, inflammation has appeared around it, and its clear and even contour has changed.
  4. Discharge from a nevus. Bloody, purulent or mucous discharge is an ominous sign that should alert you.

If you have one or more of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Early detection of cancer will help maintain health and prolong life.

Stories from our readers


After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! I went to doctors for a long time, took tests, removed them with a laser and celandine... but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would have looked like if I hadn't come across this article. Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!