
Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, which can be either congenital or acquired due to diseases such as rickets, paralysis of the back muscles or injury.

The main symptoms of scoliosis are asymmetry of the shoulder blades, one shoulder is higher than the other, and protrusion of the ribs on one side. The course of the disease depends on the degree of curvature.

There are three degrees of scoliosis:

I degree - a slight curvature that can be corrected.

II degree - the deformity is more pronounced, but can still be corrected with traction.

III degree - pronounced persistent deformation of the spine, leading to deformation of the ribs and limitation of respiratory function.

Most often, scoliosis occurs in children aged 1 to 16 years. To determine the degree of curvature, radiography of the spine in various positions is necessary.

Treatment of scoliosis is carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist. For degrees I and II, conservative treatment is prescribed - therapeutic exercises, massage, swimming, corrective poses. In grade III, surgical treatment, the use of corsets, and sanatorium treatment are indicated.

Prevention of scoliosis involves early detection of postural disorders in children, monitoring correct posture at school, wearing backpacks instead of heavy briefcases, and playing sports.

Scoliosis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of curvature of the spine, which leads to various deformities and pathological changes in the body. This article will tell you more about scoliosis, its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is severe