Facial toner how to use correctly

Nowadays, cosmetics stores sell a lot of facial skin products. These include creams, masks, serums, micellar waters, cleansing gels. Among them there are also facial tonics. Many have heard about them, but not everyone knows about the rules for their use. How to use facial toner is described in the article.


Why do you need to use facial toner? This product performs important functions in care:

  1. Removing makeup from the face and washing the face completes and prepares the face for applying night cream or going to bed. But even after a high-quality wash with cleansing cosmetics, there may be remnants of cosmetics on the face, which is easy to notice if you wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in toner. This is its main function.
  2. Some cosmetic cleansers irritate the epidermis and disrupt the pH balance. Because of this, the protective function of the skin weakens and bacteria begin to multiply more actively. Tonic balances acidity to the required values.
  3. This product prepares the skin for a cream or mask, and also prolongs its effect. Its active components improve absorption and retain moisture in the skin.


These are the main reasons why to use a facial toner. The product is great for regular skin care. Do I need to use facial toner? It is essential for improving skin condition.

Tonic selection


When choosing this product, you need to consider your skin type. The composition may contain various components that are not only not useful, but also harmful. Therefore, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. For oily skin, use a tonic with at least 50% alcohol. This content is required due to the active production of sebaceous secretions and rapid contamination of the skin. Only alcohol will get rid of dirt and eliminate microorganisms. The presence of salicylic acid, essential oils, herbal extracts and matting components is allowed.
  2. And for dry skin, you should not use a toner containing alcohol. It will dry out and irritate the epidermis. You need to choose a product with oils and vitamins that provide nutrition and hydration.
  3. For problematic skin, a tonic with surface active elements, BHA and AHA acids is needed. It is advisable for skin with rashes and acne to use a lotion that cleanses the skin and eliminates inflammation.
  4. If the epidermis is of normal type, then you should choose a toner with 10% alcohol. Other components are selected individually, taking into account the woman’s age and other skin characteristics.

Whatever your skin type, you need to know how to use a facial toner.

Terms of use

The product can be applied using:


How to use facial toner? The procedure is as follows:

  1. The first option is suitable for those with sensitive and dry epidermis. The tonic spray protects the skin from contact with irritants.
  2. You can use gauze. It is necessary to cut a piece of material in the shape of a face and soak it in tonic, and then place it on the face.
  3. Some cosmetologists note the traumatic effects of skin exposure to cotton wool. They are convinced that cotton microfibers irritate the epidermis and lead to the appearance of wrinkles. Application by tapping with fingertips is ideal for treatments.
  4. Those who are accustomed to using cotton wool to perform cosmetic procedures can take cotton pads. They need to be dipped in tonic and gently applied to the face in the direction of the massage lines.

These are the basic methods on how to properly use a facial toner. Each of these methods allows you to provide quality care. We have explained to you how to use a cleansing facial toner.

What do massage lines mean?

If you apply cosmetics along massage lines, you will experience positive changes:

  1. Thanks to pressing movements along these lines, the skin will not stretch.
  2. There is no pressure and damage to elastane and collagen fibers.
  3. Old wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones are protected from appearing.
  4. High-quality pore cleansing.
  5. Elimination of swelling and puffiness of the eyes.
  6. Double chin protection.

Application along massage lines

How to use facial tonic along massage lines? This procedure is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The tonic is applied from the center of the forehead to the temporal part.
  2. The area around the eyes is moistened with light movements from the inside of the eye to the outside along the closed eyelid and from the outside to the inside - under the eyes.
  3. The vector of the nose line descends from the eyebrow to the tip, and then diverges from the nose to the ears.
  4. The line that connects the lips and ears starts at the upper lip and ends almost near the earlobe.
  5. On the chin, the product is applied from the central part to the ear along the face line.
  6. For the neck you need smooth movements from bottom to top from the neckline to the chin.


This technology uses all means. Therefore, if you are interested in how to use Avon facial toner, for example, then it is important to follow the procedure based on these instructions.

Terms of use

All representatives of the fair sex need to know how to use facial toner. You need to make sure that the product is suitable for your skin. You should pay attention not only to the valuable substances of the lotion, but also to the presence of components that should be absent in high-quality cosmetics. The following rules will help you use tonic without harm:

  1. You should not take products with acetone, methylparaben and other parabens, propylene glycol, heliotropin, stearates, zinc sulfates. Synthetic fragrances cause allergies. Alcohol may be present in toner, but only if it is created for oily skin (no more than 25%).
  2. The tonic is applied to clean, dry skin. Therefore, decorative cosmetics are first removed, and then the face must be washed with a foaming product and blotted with a towel. You can use creams, serums, and gels after applying tonic.
  3. The product should be applied with gentle movements, without pressing on the skin.
  4. A cotton pad, cotton swab or cosmetic wipe can be used for the procedure. The exception is lotions in spray bottles. You just need to spray them on your face and wait for the liquid to be absorbed and partially evaporate.


Thermal or micellar water can serve as a substitute for a refreshing facial toner, but not every toner can be used instead of a moisturizing spray. After the procedure, the epidermis should be smooth, but not tight, fresh and even. The tonic should not be washed off or eliminated in any other way the absence of stickiness after it is considered a sign of excellent quality.

Treatment frequency

How often can you use facial toner? Experts recommend following simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to use a toner with every cosmetic procedure. Usually these manipulations are repeated at least 2 times a day. In the morning, after sleep, you need to wash your face and apply toner.
  2. Performing procedures is required to prepare the skin for applying day cream and makeup. In the evening, after removing makeup and washing your face, you need to use a facial tonic. It removes remnants of cosmetics and cleansers. In addition, then the night cream will have a positive effect on the skin.
  3. If cosmetic procedures are performed more than 2 times a day, it is necessary to apply a tonic with each of them.
  4. In summer, when the skin is constantly sweating, it is advisable to wipe your face with this product several times a day.

Oily skin


The tonic must contain alcohol. It gets rid of sebaceous secretions and disinfects. You can prepare it at home:

  1. You will need lemon and grapefruit juice (50 g each), which is filled with vodka (1 tbsp.). The components are mixed and poured into a bottle. After shaking, the product must be left to infuse for 3 days.
  2. You need chopped cucumber (4 tbsp) and lemon zest (1 tbsp), which is poured with lemon juice (2 tbsp) and vodka (1 glass). The mixture must be placed in a bottle and left for 15 days. Then it must be strained, diluted with water and added egg white, honey (1 tsp).
  3. You will need strawberries (100 g), which must be ground into puree, and then add vodka (1 glass) to it. Pour the mixture into a bottle, shake thoroughly and leave for a month. After this, dilution with boiled water in an amount of 1:1 is required.

Dry skin

There are also suitable products for this type of epidermis:

  1. You need banana and orange puree (1 tablespoon each), to which powdered sugar (10 g), warm milk (1 glass) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon) are added. This toner should be washed off after 10 minutes.
  2. You need to chop oatmeal (2 tbsp), pour hot milk over it, cover with a lid, and let everything brew. The composition is used in a cooled form.
  3. You need to mix the yolk, peaches (20 g) and cream (50 g).
  4. You will need birch sap (0.5 cup), which must be boiled, and then add honey (1 tsp) and mix. After cooling, the product can be used.

Normal skin


The following products are used for this skin type:

  1. Add grape juice (50 g), honey (1 tsp) and table salt (2 g) to the container. The composition should sit for an hour, and then it can be used.
  2. Rose petals (3 cups) should be filled with cosmetic oil. The raw materials must be completely covered. The petals should be placed in a water bath, and they should be removed after bleaching. Then strain the broth and cool.

So, there are many different toners available, but you need to use the one that suits your skin perfectly. Then quality care is provided.

Many people consider facial toner to be an unnecessary product in skin care. Right now we will prove that this is not so, but at the same time we will explain why it is absolutely necessary, how to choose it, what components to pay attention to and how to use it according to all the rules.

  1. What is a facial toner
  2. What are tonics for?
  3. Types of tonics
  4. Composition of facial toners
  5. Application: how to apply toner correctly
  6. Review of facial toners

What is a facial toner

It would seem that everyone knows what a facial toner is - a transparent or translucent liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved to moisturize, refresh and cleanse the skin. Sometimes the solution has a tint: a pink tint indicates a soothing effect, blue indicates a refreshing quality, and green indicates the ability to solve skin problems.

What are tonics for?

As you know, there are three main stages in skin care: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. But, according to the confessions of beauty users, the second stage is often neglected (laziness, lack of time, lack of awareness - emphasize as necessary), considering tonic an optional remedy. And they are very wrong. The fact is that this tool performs several important functions at once. What does tonic do?

Sometimes the shade of a toner can indicate its functionality.

Completes the skin cleansing process. Even if you carefully removed your makeup with milk or cleansing lotion and then washed your face with foam, you will most likely still find traces of dirt on a cotton pad moistened with toner. This means that it is the toner that completes the cleansing process after the stages of makeup removal and washing.

Restores pH balance. Some cleansers, as well as hard tap water, can temporarily disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, which, in turn, weakens its protective functions and reduces its ability to withstand aggressive environmental factors. The tonic quickly brings the pH level back to normal.

Prepares the skin for the application of serums and creams. Tonic is a kind of conductor that allows the active ingredients in the serum and cream to act more effectively on the skin.

Refreshes the skin. Dull complexion, lack of blush, dry areas of the skin, even enlarged pores and inflammation - if the tonic does not solve all these problems globally, it will definitely minimize them. To get evidence, conduct a two-week experiment on regular use of tonic, or better yet, extend the test to 28 days - this is exactly the period the body and skin in particular need to form new “habits”.

Toning is included in the daily skin care ritual for a reason. To make sure whether a toner is really so necessary, conduct an experiment: use it for at least two weeks, and after that you will notice that your skin has become fresher and cleaner, and your complexion has become more even.

Types of tonics

The main rule when choosing a tonic is to focus on your skin type, otherwise this product will not fulfill its task or will not do it effectively enough. In order for the tonic to work one hundred percent, you must carefully read the label before purchasing, and then follow the instructions for its use.

The toner effectively removes remnants of skin impurities and decorative cosmetics.

For dry skin. Choose toners with powerful moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, aloe juice or extract. Apply the product twice a day or more often, especially if you spend most of the day indoors with air conditioning or central heating, or in extreme climatic conditions (sharp temperature changes, hot or, conversely, frosty weather).

For sensitive skin. Capricious skin will not be irritated by products with a delicate action and soft texture, sometimes slightly oily. When choosing a tonic, pay attention to the composition: it should contain components with a calming effect, for example, extracts of chamomile, cornflower or rose. Undesirable substances - parabens, perfumes, dyes.

For oily skin. If you are bothered by oily shine and excess sebum, due to which makeup lasts for a maximum of an hour, a tonic with a sebum-regulating and mattifying effect is suitable. This effect is provided in particular by zinc. Products with moisturizing ingredients are also good for oily skin, because often such skin, strange as it may sound, suffers from dehydration.

For problematic skin. The curse of this skin type is blackheads, rashes, inflammation, and excess sebum production. Toners with astringents and exfoliating components (salicylic acid, zinc, tea tree oil) will help keep the situation under control.

For normal skin. All that a tonic can give to the happy owners of problem-free skin is cleansing, maintaining optimal moisture levels, softening, and replenishing with minerals and trace elements. All these needs will be satisfied by a tonic based on thermal spring water.

For combination skin. If you have dry skin in the cheek area and oily skin in the forehead, nose and chin area, try using two toners at once in one session. Apply the moisturizing one to dry areas, and the mattifying sebum-regulating one to the T-zone. This is called multi-toning, that is, using two products of the same category at the same time.

For aging skin. The main needs of aging and aging skin are lifting, increasing elasticity and density. This is facilitated by tonics with hyaluronic and glycolic acids, plus a special massage during application. Pay attention to products with a high content of antioxidants (vitamins C and E, resveratrol), especially if you live in a metropolis, often experience stress and get little sleep. Antioxidants in the tonic will help fight the negative effects of the environment and delay the development of external signs of skin aging.

Using a well-chosen toner, you will increase the effectiveness of your creams (day and night) significantly, because the skin will better perceive their active ingredients.

Composition of facial toners

The composition varies depending on the purpose and tasks to be solved. Below are the main components that are most often found in formulas.

Facial toner is a transparent colored liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved.

Aloe. Aloe juice and extract are almost universal: they soothe, soften, moisturize and restore the skin.

Allantoin. Effective for skin healing and regeneration. Allantoin relieves inflammation, irritation, tightens pores and softens the skin.

Hyaluronic acid. A powerful moisturizing ingredient that prevents moisture evaporation, smoothes the skin.

Glycerol. The most common moisturizing component. Glycerin promotes moisture penetration into the deep layers of the skin and helps retain it.

Glycolic acid. Cleanses, exfoliates, softens and brightens the skin, helps reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Salicylic acid. Exfoliates, eliminates dead cells, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Alcohol. Typically present in low concentrations and serves to stabilize the formula. Simple alcohols (alcohol denat) in tonics provide an antibacterial effect and better penetration of active ingredients into the skin.

Thermal water. Water from thermal springs, located, for example, in the French cities of Vichy and La Roche-Posay, is a storehouse of minerals and trace elements beneficial for the skin. The special composition helps normalize the water balance of the skin, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, increases the protective properties of the skin, and soothes it.

Zinc. Indispensable for oily and problem skin: relieves inflammation, controls oily shine, reduces blackheads.

Calendula extract. Relieves irritation, soothes, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rose extract. It has a wide spectrum of action: rejuvenates, moisturizes, softens, fights dangerous bacteria and even tightens pores.

Chamomile extract. Soothes sensitive and irritable skin, provides protection and anti-inflammatory effect.

Witch hazel extract. Constricts blood vessels, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Application: how to apply toner correctly

It is advisable to use the tonic twice a day, after cleansing and before using serum and cream. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes unless the label indicates that the product is approved for use in this area. There are at least three ways to apply toner, and choosing the right one depends on personal preference.

When applying tonic, you can use a cotton pad or cloth.

Cotton pad

This is the most common method and is suitable for owners of any skin type. Apply a few drops to the disc and wipe the skin from the center of the face to the periphery, avoiding pressing:

from the center of the forehead to the temples, with one smoothing movement on each side

from the wings of the nose to the ears

from the center of the chin to the ears

from the space between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

Do not forget about the skin of the neck and décolleté - here the cotton pad should move from bottom to top, towards the chin.

Cloth napkin

The best option for sensitive skin. Soak a cloth napkin with tonic (you can use pharmacy gauze folded in 2-3 layers) and place it on your face like a mask. Press lightly with your palms and leave for a few seconds. These toning masks are very popular in Asia.

It is recommended to use the toner in the morning and evening after cleansing the skin and before applying the cream.

Do I need to wash off the toner? No. As you remember, it increases the effectiveness of the active ingredients in the products that you apply after toning.

Review of facial toners

If you still haven’t decided on the choice of toner, we offer several options for different skin types - from delicate sensitive to problematic, acne-prone skin.

Toners for dry, normal and aging skin

Product name Skin type Components Action
gentle moisturizing tonic Tonique Douceur, Lancôme for any skin type elderberry and French rose extracts Moisturizes, visibly smoothes, and gives radiance to the skin.
"Calming Tonic", La Roche-Posay for sensitive skin thermal water. Free from soap, alcohol, dyes and parabens Cleanses and soothes.
soft toner “Absolute tenderness”, L’Oréal Paris for dry and sensitive skin French rose and jasmine extracts Softens, tones, soothes, restores, providing skin comfort.

Toners for combination, oily and problem skin.

Product name Skin type Components Action
Cleansing toner “Clean Skin” against blackheads and oily shine, Garnier for oily skin salicylic acid, zinc, eucalyptus extract Reduces blackheads, regulates sebum production, mattifies the skin, tightens pores.
alcohol-free toner with calendula for normal to oily skin Calendula Herbal-Extract Toner, Kiehl’s for normal to oily skin extracts of burdock and calendula flowers, allantoin. No alcohol Helps relieve irritation, visibly soothes, removes impurities.
cleansing lotion that tightens pores Normaderm, Vichy for problem skin glycolic and salicylic acids, denatured alcohol, glycerin Tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, reduces blackheads.
cleansing toner for skin with acne and age-related changes Blemish + Age Solution, SkinCeuticals For mature acne-prone skin glycolic, salicylic, caprylic-salicylic acids Exfoliates, cleanses pores, moisturizes.

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  1. Julia June 1, 21:49 Today we will talk about the La Roche-Posay Toleriane care gel. Now I always choose care products for myself for quite a long time and carefully, because at one time, due to my age and ignorance, using everything in a row, I ruined my skin. I have it combined. I love lighter textures and feel more comfortable with them. And two weeks ago, I was brought to test a La Roche-Posay Toleriane gel-care wash based on thermal water with soothing ingredients. The gel is designed to cleanse extremely sensitive normal and combination skin. It foams beautifully, and since I like to wash my face with water, it washes off easily. A small amount of warm water is enough to lather a small amount of gel. The care gel is very economical: a few drops are enough to cleanse the skin. I use the gel morning and evening, applying it to the face, neck and décolleté for about 30 seconds. The texture of the gel is milky, the smell is light and unobtrusive, it is practically non-existent. The cleansing gel is available in a 200 ml package. Overall, what we have: no feeling of tightness or discomfort after washing. The skin after washing is pleasant, soft, clean, and nourished.
  2. Maria April 2, 16:54 Garnier micellar water is the best makeup remover I have used
  3. Irina March 25, 23:30 I work on the night shift. Because of this, of course, the skin began to look much worse and, in addition to this, eternal bags appeared under the eyes. I can’t quit my job, but I can’t walk around with an eternally exhausted face either. I was looking for different remedies on the Internet, since my creams were no longer working. On this site I read about a mask that tightens the skin of the face, returns a healthy appearance, and so on like advertising. I heard about this mask, but the reviews from friends are mixed. who ordered such a mask, please tell me if it really works like that and should I even believe these reviews?

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This is an unforgivable mistake, experts say. Maria Sagaidak, a cosmetologist and esthetician at the TORI aesthetic medicine clinic, told Letidora readers about why tonics are needed and what they are.

Maria Sagaidak, cosmetologist-esthetician at the TORI aesthetic medicine clinic

Tonic or still lotion

Many people confuse these two cosmetics. Despite the fact that both of them are designed to cleanse the skin, there is one fundamental difference between them.

Tonic does not wash off cosmetics, it is used as the final stage of cleansing the skin immediately after you have removed all impurities from your face (cleansed the skin with milk, micellar water or washed with gel and foam).

Nowadays, manufacturers like to make universal facial tonics that are suitable for any skin type.

Products in the photo: liposomal cleansing and moisturizing lotion, Sesderma tonic for dry skin “Ginseng”, Elemis refreshing and regenerating facial toner, Belif moisturizing facial toner, Caudalie revitalizing tonic, Guinot high mineral toner, Cremorlab lotion-tonic for the face “Comfort”, Thalion moisturizing facial toner, Pulanna

Concerning lotion, alcohol-containing components are often added to its composition. And you can use it both after washing with a cleanser and instead of it. Lotions are more intended for oily, combination, problem skin.

Due to the special particles (micelles) contained in the composition, micellar water is designed to cleanse the skin of accumulated fat, environmental pollution, and decorative cosmetics. The particles dissolve all dirt on the surface of the face. And you need to remove this dirt with the help of cleansing foam, gel or milk. And after that, wipe your face with tonic.

Products in the photo: concentrated water for face “Immortelle”, L’Occitane face lotion-tonic “Rose-Pomegranate”, Primavera Hyseac, Uriage deep pore cleansing lotion pore tightening lotion Effaclar, La Roche-Posay mattifying lotion-tonic, Clean Line perfecting tonic Purete Thermale, Vichy 2-in-1 Toning Cleanser, Weleda refreshing facial toner HYDRA-V™, ARTISTRY™ facial peeling lotion with fruit acids, AHA Basic

Types of lotions and tonics

Lotions There are alcoholic, acidic (contain fruit acids), herbal, with a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, they are more often suitable for oily, combination, problem skin, and skin with rashes.

Tonics water-based and do not contain alcohol. They can be herbal or contain acids to moisturize the skin.