Your Color

Your Color: How sorting by color can simplify the life of a large family

Sorting laundry after washing can be a tedious task, especially if there are many members in the family. But there is a simple family secret that can make this process easier and even fun for children. Let’s take a closer look at what “Own Color” is and how its use can make the life of a large family easier.

The idea of ​​“Your Color” is simple: each family member must choose their own color. You can use any color from the spectrum, for example, green, red, blue, yellow, etc. Then, using a marker, you need to put dots on the inside of the clothes and on the socks, on the sole side, to distinguish the clothes of each family member.

Next, older children can make a chart showing the colors of each family member and hang it in the bathroom. When it comes time to sort out the laundry, you can ask your child to find all the clothes marked with green dots, or collect all the socks with red dots first, and then those with black dots. This way, every family member can help sort the laundry, making the process more organized and efficient.

The advantages of this method are obvious. Firstly, it allows you to reduce the time spent sorting laundry, especially if there are many family members and a lot of laundry of different colors. Secondly, it can be a fun activity for children who can learn sorting and organization and feel useful and important to the family. Thirdly, it helps maintain the quality of the garment, as each color will be washed separately, reducing the risk of them being over-dyed and losing their brightness.

Of course, this method is not perfect and may not be suitable for all families. Some people may prefer to sort their laundry by fabric type or size rather than by color. However, if you have a lot of white underwear, white socks, and blue jeans in your household, using Custom Color can make your life a lot easier and make sorting laundry a more enjoyable task.

In conclusion, using the Custom Color method to sort laundry can be a simple and effective solution for large families. This method helps cut down on time, maintains the quality of the garment, and can be a fun activity for kids. If you haven't tried this method yet, give it a try and see how it can make your life easier.