
Epidemic - in this case it is a viral disease. The word is derived from the Greek "epic" - "suddenly". "Epi" is a prefix characteristic of Greek words, often used as a prefix when creating new terms. Many people are seriously concerned about the epidemic of a new infection caused by the coronavirus COVID-19. This dangerous and as yet unexplored disease poses a serious threat to the health of the entire world. The article will discuss the main causes and consequences of the spread of the virus, ways to combat the disease and recommendations for maintaining health during a pandemic. The epidemic process is an important level of biological organization of living matter, associated with its continuous spontaneous movement (evolution), including a complex network or system, within and around which events develop and all possible processes are realized. An epidemic is an infectious disease, the causes of which can be viruses, bacteria, microorganisms or inorganic substances. Infectious diseases pose the greatest danger.