Aberration of the Eye

Aberration of the eye is a distortion of the images that we see on the retina of the eye due to the imperfection of its optical system. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors such as age, fatigue, poor lighting, etc.

Aberration of the eye is one of the causes of the so-called “false vision”, when we see something that is not really there. For example, we may see shadows where there are none, or see colors that are not really there.

One way to combat eye aberration is to use special glasses or lenses that correct imperfections in the optical system of the eye and improve image quality. There are also special eye exercises that help improve their functioning and reduce aberration.

It is important to remember that ocular aberration can be caused by various factors and must be managed and prevented. Therefore, it is important to monitor your vision and contact specialists if necessary.


Aberration is a phenomenon that can occur in our eye. But this does not mean that we should be afraid of him. "What are aberrations? This is everything that is associated with the imperfection of the optical system of our eye, or, in other words, aberration of the eye." Many people have probably heard this expression, if not seen it next to them. All of us notice that distant objects have a distorted shape. On the river they seem round, but if these are mountains hundreds of kilometers from your city, then only one side is visible. This is the result of aberration of the eyes, thus the distortion of the shape of objects is manifested