Abscess Natechny

Swelling abscess (lat. Abscessus, from lat. abscido - to cut) is a purulent inflammation of soft tissues that occurs as a result of the penetration of infection into the tissue through a damaged area of ​​​​the skin.

An abscess of the sinter type is a limited accumulation of pus in the cavity between the skin and underlying tissues. Unlike other abscesses, edema abscesses do not have a clear border with the surrounding tissue.

Penetration of infection through a wound, scratch or abrasion occurs due to damage to the skin, as well as when infection is introduced from the outside. The infection can be introduced both from outside and from inside the body.

Drip abscesses can occur on any part of the body, but most often they are localized on the face, neck, head, arms and legs.

The development of an edema abscess begins with the appearance of redness and swelling in the area of ​​the wound or scratch. Then pain and fever appear. As the process progresses, the skin may rupture and purulent contents may leak out.

When treating septic abscesses, it is necessary to drain and wash the wound, as well as prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the abscess does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor for additional research and treatment.