
Acediprol: use, side effects, contraindications and interactions

Acediprole, also known as valproic acid, is a medicine belonging to the valproate group of anticonvulsants. This drug is produced in Russia by several pharmaceutical companies, including Dalkhimfarm, Organika, Usolye-Sibirsky CFC and Pharmakon.

Acediprole is available in various dosage forms, including syrup, tablets and substance. The active ingredient of the drug is valproic acid, which is used to treat various forms of generalized seizures, such as minor (absence seizures), major (convulsive) and polymorphic ones. Acediprole can also be used to treat focal seizures and childhood tics.

Like any other drug, acediprole has its contraindications and limitations for use. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the drug, including “familial” (when the death of close relatives occurred while taking valproic acid), liver and pancreas diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, pregnancy (first trimester) and breastfeeding. Restrictions on use include childhood (simultaneous administration of several anticonvulsants), bone marrow aplasia and late pregnancy.

When using acediprole, undesirable side effects may occur, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, anorexia or increased appetite, impaired liver function, drowsiness, tremor, paresthesia, confusion, peripheral edema, bleeding, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. With long-term use of the drug, temporary hair loss may occur.

It is also important to consider the interaction of acediprole with other drugs. For example, the effect of anticonvulsants, sedatives and hypnotics may be enhanced when used in conjunction with acediprole. Dyspeptic disorders may occur less frequently against the background of antispasmodics and enveloping agents. Alcohol and other hepatotoxic drugs may increase the likelihood of liver damage, and anticoagulants or acetylsalicylic acid may increase the risk of bleeding.

There is no evidence of an overdose of acediprol, but if symptoms of an overdose occur, such as convulsions, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

In general, the use of acediprole should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician, who will monitor the patient's condition and adjust the dosage of the drug depending on the effectiveness of treatment and the occurrence of side effects.