Actinomycosis of the Skin

Actinomycosis of the skin (a. cutis) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Actinomyces, which usually enters the body through microtraumas of the skin or mucous membranes. This disease manifests itself in the form of deep abscesses, fistulas, granulomas and scars on the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Symptoms of cutaneous actinomycosis depend on the form of the disease and may include the appearance of painful lumps and swellings on the skin, discharge of purulent fluid from wounds, fever, weakness and fatigue.

Treatment for actinomycosis of the skin includes antibiotic therapy for several months, as well as surgical removal of the infected tissue. In some cases, long-term treatment and rehabilitation of the patient may be required.

One of the risk factors for the development of actinomycosis of the skin is an immunodeficiency state of the body, for example, with HIV infection or taking immunosuppressive drugs. Also, the risk of the disease increases in the presence of chronic wounds, abrasions and other skin damage.

In general, actinomycosis of the skin is a rare disease, but its diagnosis and treatment require an integrated approach from infectious disease specialists and surgeons. Early seeking of medical help and timely initiation of treatment are key points in the fight against this disease. If you suspect cutaneous actinomycosis, consult your doctor for qualified help.