Adrenaline Hydrotartrate

Adrenaline hydrotartrate: a drug that stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors

Epinephrine hydrogen tartrate, also known as epinephrine, is a medication that is used to stimulate alpha and beta adrenergic receptors in the human body. It is produced in Ukraine by the company Health UKR and is presented in the form of an injection solution containing 0.18% of the active substance.

Epinephrine hydrotartrate is widely used in medical practice to treat various conditions, including anaphylactic shock, bronchospastic syndrome, hypoglycemia due to insulin overdose and open-angle glaucoma. It can also be used to diagnose and treat cardiac arrhythmias.

But in addition to its beneficial effects, this drug can cause serious side effects and has a number of contraindications. Adrenaline hydrotartrate should not be used for arterial hypertension, widespread atherosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, closed-angle glaucoma and pregnancy. It is also not recommended for use during anesthesia with fluorotane and cyclopropane, as this can lead to the development of arrhythmias.

Side effects that may occur with the use of epinephrine hydrotartrate may include increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation, anxiety, skeletal muscle tremors, angina pectoris, tachycardia, headache and nausea. In addition, this drug may interact with other medications, increasing their effect.

Despite all of the above risks and limitations, epinephrine hydrotartrate remains one of the most effective medications in the fight against some serious conditions, such as anaphylactic shock. It is important to use it only as prescribed by a doctor and follow all instructions for use to avoid possible complications and negative consequences.