
Agalactia is a medical concept that describes a condition where a person does not produce enough milk during lactation. Agalactia can occur for various reasons, including hormonal imbalance, glandular dysfunction and other diseases.

Agalactia is a problem for both mothers and babies. Mothers may become stressed and depressed if they are unable to provide enough milk for their babies. In addition, a lack of milk can lead to a weakened baby's immune system and illnesses such as infections or allergies.

For agalactia, several treatment methods are used to help increase milk production, such as hormonal medications, nutrition, breastfeeding, and other methods. It is important to note that treating agalactia only for mothers does not always help the child, since he may continue to have problems associated with a lack of breast milk. Treatment of agalactia should be comprehensive: for both mother and child.