Akriderm for wrinkles reviews

Negative reviews

I became acquainted with Akriderm cream thanks to a terrible, profuse rash on the lower part of my face that arose after cosmetic facial cleansing. According to the initial assurance of the cosmetologist who did the cleaning, it was an allergy to new drugs (before that there was the Israeli CHRISTINA, this unfortunate time the Italian Natinuel). According to the same cosmetologist, the cream contains 2 active components, one of which is hormonal and affects allergic reactions, suppressing them, the other has an anti-inflammatory antibacterial effect. Thus, Akriderm should have killed my rash outright, no matter what caused it.

Having immediately bought it at the pharmacy (about 140 rubles), I was unpleasantly surprised by the disgusting, greasy consistency of the cream. White, it took a very long time to absorb even with minimal application, leaving white streaks and not being completely absorbed. After applying it overnight, I woke up in the morning with oily skin. I directly felt that the skin underneath was suffocating and the rashes were only becoming more extensive and brighter. There is no way to cover the pimples with anything over this time.

I went online and found that there was no second antibacterial component in the cream. The main component is betamethasone dipropionate - and there is only one. According to the pharmaceutical description, the cream has “anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative, decongestant, antipruritic” effects. I didn’t notice any of these actions on myself. Calling the cosmetologist didn’t help either, because... I was told to continue to smear myself with this terrible ointment (((

In desperation, I turned to the Internet again and, apparently, God heard my cry for help - I met a wonderful woman cosmetologist who looked at my photos, said that it was not an allergy, and told me how to cure rashes with an aspirin mask . Now I recommend this mask at every step Smile

So what about Akriderm? At first I thought that I was in vain in trying to get a good ointment, which was simply prescribed to me by mistake, but after talking with my sister, I realized that it really wasn’t the problem, but that there really wasn’t any cream. She, a lifelong allergy sufferer who just starts to itch in the blood, tried Akriderm and has since said a contemptuous “fuck” to it. She, at the insistence of the doctors, smeared Akriderm on a persistent scratch on the head of her little son. Also - zero effect. In the end, only streptocide helped the child.

In general, my opinion: the cream is a dummy. There is no trace of even those anti-inflammatory and anti-exudate effects that were stated in black and white in the instructions.

So it lies like a dead weight in my refrigerator. If anyone needs it, come and I’ll give it to you for free.

When a rash appeared on my hands, the pharmacy told me it was dermatitis and recommended Akriderm ointment. Then I didn’t yet understand ointments and wasn’t afraid of the word “hormonal”.

I started using the ointment, and I liked the effect, it was very fast. But after the cancellation everything came back. After some time I anointed it, and the result was not so great, but still the ointment helped a little.

And when I already went to the dermatologist, he again prescribed this ointment, and for the third time it did not help me at all. But the worst thing is that I had a stable weight for 10 years. And suddenly in a month I gained 7 kg. And long black hair grew on his knuckles. Now I pull them out with tweezers. But I don’t use anything hormonal, and 3 kg have already “gone” just like that. There are still 4 left.

She cured dermatitis with non-hormonal ointment and folk remedies, and drank an allergy remedy.

But I don’t recommend hormonal ointments, including Akriderm. It only removes the symptoms, it is not serious for such serious side effects.

During the cold season, I often experience slight flaking of my skin. I try not to use a permanent remedy against this problem, as the skin quickly gets used to it and the desired effect does not work. On the advice of the pharmacist, this time I bought Akrimed ointment and started treatment. I applied the ointment once a day, but regularly for a week. At first there was an improvement, the redness and peeling of the skin almost went away, but then something incomprehensible began. A small rash similar to pimples appeared, followed by itching. Of course, I immediately stopped treatment with this ointment. Apparently this was a side effect or an allergy to one of the components of this ointment. In general, Akrimed ointment did not suit me at all. So I advise you to use it with great caution, especially for people with sensitive skin. I strongly recommend that you read the instructions carefully.

A friend of mine developed eczema on her fingers, she turned to a dermatologist, the doctor prescribed her Akriderm ointment for external use for a month and some pills. Well, she began to be treated with this ointment, smeared it twice a day, smeared it at night and bandaged her fingers, the first day there was no reaction, she applied it for about a week and the effect was zero, the ointment in the morning was not even absorbed into the skin, but remained on the bandage, the second week went by, she also continued to be treated, and noticed that filled bubbles appeared liquid, she had these bubbles, but not that much. and after two weeks of treatment with Akriderm ointment, much more bubbles appeared, after which she stopped using Akriderm and never went to the doctor again.

Neutral reviews

Since childhood, I have had an incomprehensible reaction to mosquito bites - they leave brown spots - and for a girl this is very unpleasant and spoils her appearance.

After consulting with an allergist and dermatologist, I was prescribed Akriderm, a hormone-containing remedy for all sorts of skin problems.

At first I thought it would be unearthly - but I was wrong, for a tube it’s only 114 rubles.

First, I thoroughly studied the instructions; there are enough contraindications there. And under no circumstances should this medication be used without the prescription of a specialist.

I applied the cream three times a day, in a thin layer until absorbed. It is white and slightly greasy, but does not stain clothes. And there is almost no smell.

Over a two-week period, all spots have practically disappeared. Now my legs (and the problem was mainly there) are not ashamed to show.

I first bought Akriderm cream when I had a terrible rash on my face. The pharmacist recommended it to me, this was 3 years ago.

I applied this cream and had no idea that the cream was hormonal! After using it for about a while, I developed perioral dermatitis on my face. This is a consequence of using this cream. After my investigation, it turned out that the cream should absolutely not be applied to the face, since it is hormonal and has side effects such as perioral dermatitis, etc. It can be applied to any area of ​​the skin except the face and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap. I don’t know how this unscrupulous pharmacist could have foisted it on me, probably it was more important for her not to help me, but to make a profit from me.

For about six months now I have been plagued by such a scourge as eczema. For those who don't know, like I did, eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by rashes, burning sensations, itching and a tendency to recur. It is not contagious, and I got it, I suspect, from too much contact with dishwashing detergent. Therefore, I advise those who wash dishes without gloves to purchase them, even though it is unusual at first.

The dermatologist prescribed me a diet, vitamins and Akriderm ointment.

At the time of purchase it cost 100 rubles, I think it’s more expensive now.

The ointment is translucent, cloudy, very greasy. It must be applied in a thin layer. It is absorbed very poorly, leaving an unpleasant feeling of a greasy layer on the skin. You need to apply 2 times a day, morning and evening. Or, if the manifestations of the disease are minor, then you can do it once a day.

Literally on the third day of using the ointment, the eczema begins to subside. And after a week there is no trace left of her.

Everything would be fine, but for me this ointment gives a temporary effect. After some time, the eczema returns, and everything is all over again.

I came to the conclusion that the ointment does not cure eczema, but simply relieves the symptoms. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a way to finally get rid of it. However, when I have an exacerbation, it can be very unpleasant, and Akriderm simply saves me.

I would also like to emphasize that this ointment is hormonal and cannot be used constantly.

Thank you for your attention to my review! Health to everyone!

Positive reviews

I bought a face cream from one very well-known brand (I won’t name it, so as not to offend someone), applied it before bed, and in the morning I couldn’t believe my eyes (which I could barely unstick and was able to open). My whole face was swollen, my skin turned red and covered with a small red rash; I’m not talking about my eyes at all (they hardly opened into small slits). I rather took an allergy pill (to relieve the swelling a little), put a scarf on my head, and dark glasses over my eyes (like in spy films) and rushed to the dermatologist. It turned out, as I suspected, an acute allergic reaction to the ingredients of the cream, the doctor prescribed anti-allergy tablets and Akriderm ointment. To my surprise, after the first application of the ointment (a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin), after about 2 hours the redness began to subside, and after another 1.5-2 hours the swelling began to subside. The next day the rash began to go away, and combined with the use of the pills, after 2 days I was completely healthy. I was once again convinced that the inexpensive drug works no worse than its more expensive analogues. The skin remained smooth, without blemishes or traces of rashes. And since I suffer from an allergy to the sun (when I’m in the sun I get a rash on my elbows and under my knees), the doctor said that I can also use this ointment, one tube lasts for a very long time, and the price is good. It was very useful to me in the future. Of course, like any drug, there are contraindications and side effects, so you need to consult a specialist, but I didn’t have any problems with this. My rating is excellent.

A few months ago, I noticed that small sores began to appear on my head and itched. I immediately went to the doctor because I was very scared. The dermatologist said that there was nothing wrong with it, it happens from nerves or fatigue. I prescribed Akriderm ointment and Nizaral shampoo. I couldn’t find shampoo, so I started applying only ointment. It was necessary to apply a thin layer 4-5 times a day. The treatment helped even without shampoos. Cured it with one ointment. I applied it for two days. On the first day the sores softened, and on the second day they began to go away. After four days the illness seemed to never exist. One minus is that the ointment is hormonal. But since it heals quickly, I think nothing bad will happen in two days of use.

I have been using this cream for more than 5 years due to psoriasis. Compared to other remedies for psoriasis, the price is reasonable - within 150 rubles per 30 ml. It quickly, literally in 2 days, removes plaques, and dryness and itching - almost instantly. Compared to ointment, it is more convenient, not so greasy, does not leave marks on clothes and works faster (in my case). During seasonal exacerbations, 2-3 days are enough and the psoriasis goes away, but you need to constantly maintain this condition. I recommend it to people with various dermatitis, since it copes with psoriasis with a bang.

The pharmacy told me about Akriderm GK and I decided to try it. In general, I’ve been looking for a good drug for eczema for a long time, but everything was wrong and not for me. But this cream was perfect - it is absorbed quickly, it works immediately, it takes away the itching, otherwise your hands would reach out to scratch it, and then it all goes away even longer. And so it went in circles

The doctor prescribed Akriderm GK for me to use when allergic reactions appear on the skin. In general, it is a very good ointment, because it not only soothes the skin, but also has antifungal and antibacterial effects, which is a big plus for irritated skin.

The ointment is simply excellent! Soothes the skin within half an hour after application. Absorbs well and leaves no marks on the skin. Just the thing for allergy sufferers!

In general, everything that concerns the skin requires an integrated approach. I have eczema and it always appears due to stress. I’m working in this direction to be calmer, I’ve reviewed my diet, I’m focusing on strengthening the immune system, and Akriderm GK calms the skin well when there are exacerbations. The coolest thing is that you don’t need to use it for a long time, it works right away.

I suffered somewhat from rashes on my face and finally found a good doctor! They taught me how to properly care for my skin - cleanse, moisturize, etc., and also told me that in case of acute exacerbations, they can be relieved with the help of Acriderm GK. That’s what I do, my skin has become much better.

It’s just a nightmare! (I stupidly started smearing Akriderm on my face, because it really helped, I probably used it for three weeks, and not every day! As soon as I stopped smearing it, my face turned red and it scared me and I didn’t stop smearing it , so I decided to endure this redness and now I have steroid acne and perioral dermatitis! I apply Metrogyl and take doxycycline and metronidazole and Lominal for allergies, am I doing everything right?

Woman.ru experts

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Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Did a doctor diagnose you or did you do it yourself?

And why were you prescribed two antibiotics at once?

I diagnosed myself, because with such a face I’m ashamed to even go to the doctor

I think we need to check the blood for the presence of parasitic diseases, as well as the female sphere for the presence of hidden infections

I recently donated blood and I’m doing well, I don’t have any hidden infections either

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

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I'm not a medical worker. But I consulted with a dermatol, who has a lot of experience. In general, I agree with him. It is better to use antibiotics only when there is no improvement from external agents, and then after about 3 weeks. The fact that you have steroid dermatitis and, as a result, inflammation caused by the Demodex mite (healthy people also have it). So the body does not consider this inflammatory agent an infection. Therefore, when you take pills, the body does not understand who it needs to fight, what kind of infection, and as a result, after this you will have even more rashes, and you will develop an allergy to the pills. At this stage, only external agents and that’s it.

I didn't have anything like that

I use Akriderm GK for dermatitis and have never had any problems. I use it for a couple of days, everything goes away. Well, that's all, until next time, if there is one. My doctor recommended this cream to me and I like it.

I used it for 4 days, everything is ok

I use Akriderm GK for dermatitis and have never had any problems. I use it for a couple of days, everything goes away. Well, that's all, until next time, if there is one. My doctor recommended this cream to me and I like it.

I didn’t have any problems, I used it once and that’s it

I agree, I have allergic dermatitis, Akriderm GK helps very well. I didn’t notice any addiction, it always helps and the best part is that it happens in a short time. So I use it when necessary. Maybe you used it wrong somehow? Too much or something...

It happened exactly the same way for me(((I used it for 10 days, already on the seventh day I started to sprinkle with acne, but I finished covering those 10 days until the end(After Akriderm, I ended up having to smear it with Metrogyl regularly, because my whole face became red, inflamed and steroid acne((

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

What, excuse me, is it a shame to go to the doctor, but is it normal to smear and drink all sorts of medications? The doctor prescribed Akriderm GK for me, it helped me well, I had dermatitis. I didn’t apply anything other than it and didn’t take anything inside. I applied it in a thin layer and kept the affected area of ​​skin open for a long time so that the cream remained on the surface of the skin as long as possible and did not smudge. Let me clarify, this is the doctor who recommended Akriderm GK, I can’t say for everything, I had no experience of communication.

Exactly! Akriderm helped me, but as soon as I stopped applying it, the same thing happened! Now I'll go to the doctor! In my opinion, these are hormones (that’s what the cosmetologist with whom I do hair removal told me). You need to go get a full examination and donate blood for everything! In general, ***, comrades!

It’s not clear why the face turned red, if you’re allergic to apples, for example, then if you smear yourself and then eat apples again, it will come back constantly. I have an allergy to peanuts, sometimes it happens that if I accidentally eat something with peanuts, I get a rash on my face, Akriderm GK clears everything up in one fell swoop and without consequences. Dig for the reason.

I agree, you removed all the consequences with Acriderm GK, and then, due to exposure to the allergen, you got the same thing again. Go get allergy tests and make an appointment with a good specialist. Although acriderm contains hormones, it does not have a systemic effect. The dose of the hormone there is minimal. But the product is effective and helps many.

Author, I was on acriderm for half a year! get off him, don't you dare smear it on your face anymore! You are doing everything right. But antibiotics won't hurt. I was prescribed tetracycline (500 mg morning/evening). Metrogil gel, Radevit cream (at night) and follow the diet (gray cereals and vegetables) Good luck to you.

It happened exactly the same way for me(((I used it for 10 days, already on the seventh day I started to sprinkle with acne, but I finished covering those 10 days until the end(After Akriderm, I ended up having to smear it with Metrogyl regularly, because my whole face became red, inflamed and steroid acne((

Alena, tell me, did you take tetracycline or smear it on your face?
I have the same problem, it's terrible(
I no longer know what to do and how to cure what acriderm led to..

Alena, tell me, did you take tetracycline or smear it on your face?
I have the same problem, it's terrible(
I no longer know what to do and how to cure what acriderm led to..

I cured my eczema with Akriderm GK cream, but I still need to consult a doctor about my face. In general, it is hormonal, yes, but there is a minimum dose and it’s all external.

Do not even think about using Akriderm GC on your face. Even if used as prescribed, it can cause perioral dermatitis. And here, in addition to ointments such as Metrogil, Rozamet, it is necessary to take 2 types of antibiotics for 10 days each. It is also necessary to avoid skin contact with water. And of course, visiting a dermatologist and getting tested is mandatory. And if your dermatologist prescribes just another hormonal ointment instead, run away from him!

Hello! I want to share my story maybe it will help someone.
About 2-2.6 years ago I developed an allergy, I went to the doctor, she prescribed Akriderm cream for me and I smeared it on it and everything became normal, and I don’t even remember how, but I started using it like I smeared my face with regular cream. As a result, I used it for 2 years and then decided to stop using it, but that was not the case. As soon as I stopped using it, redness appeared on my face, I thought, okay, I’ll apply it again, then I stopped using it again, again the same story, then I just read that it turns out to be hormonal and addictive. I decided to endure it, I thought it would turn red and go away on its own, but on the 4th day without this cream I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, it was terrible! My whole face was red, swollen, covered in white spots and itchy. I was admitted to the hospital, they smeared me with Metrogyl gel and took metronidazole tablets for about a month, I was treated with this and it seemed that everything had almost gone away, but then it became inflamed again and these medications no longer helped. And then they prescribed me a tablet. Drink Cetrin for 10 days, take Fluconazole canon capsules for 30 days and apply Mal “elokom” for 10 days (it’s hormonal) and this helped a lot, but again, it didn’t take long after I stopped smearing and redness appeared. I tried to apply baby cream with a calming effect - it was useless. Recently I was surfing the Internet and came across Solcoseryl ointment and decided to try it. It is not cheap, almost 600 rubles. But I smear it on the second day and see a very good result, my face has become much better, it is not hormonal, so you can smear it until complete healing, there is only a slight itching, but this is bullshit
I'll use it for now, then I'll write how it ended. I hope I helped someone with this post. Take care of yourself!

Hello everyone! I’m 37 years old, I’ve been on hormonal ointments since I was 20... the diagnosis is psoriasis!! Which I already strongly doubt ((I haven’t had any spots on my body for about four years now, they’ve gone away... and there haven’t been any spots on my elbows at all in my entire history illness (the doctor at the maternity hospital said there are no spots on the elbow - THIS IS NOT PSORIASIS!!) Okay, that’s not what we’re talking about. About three years ago I decided to get off hormonal therapy.. My face didn’t swell, thank God! But since then I’ve been TOMATO WITH COUPEROSIS! !What have I tried... expensive creams, and medicines, and lotions... I went to flash photography, it didn’t help.. Later I found out that such procedures cannot be carried out if there has ever been a hormone on the face! But, two or three I still smeared a spot on my face with hormones, but only spotwise. And not before, all over my face!! In general, today I’m tired. I smeared Boro plus green and gently applied Akriderm on top. Naturally, after three hours I’m already white. The tomato is gone. I don’t know, What will I do next? I’ll try mixing Akriderm with face cream and rubbing it with chamomile as often as possible, making lotions!! I’m tired of going red. If 17 years ago I had known what the consequences would be, I would NEVER agree to hormonal ointments.

Hello everyone! I’m 37 years old, I’ve been on hormonal ointments since I was 20... the diagnosis is psoriasis!! Which I already strongly doubt ((I haven’t had any spots on my body for about four years now, they’ve gone away... and there haven’t been any spots on my elbows at all in my entire history illness (the doctor at the maternity hospital said there are no spots on the elbow - THIS IS NOT PSORIASIS!!) Okay, that’s not what we’re talking about. About three years ago I decided to get off hormonal therapy.. My face didn’t swell, thank God! But since then I’ve been TOMATO WITH COUPEROSIS! !What have I tried... expensive creams, and medicines, and lotions... I went to flash photography, it didn’t help.. Later I found out that such procedures cannot be carried out if there has ever been a hormone on the face! But, two or three I still smeared a spot on my face with hormones, but only spotwise. And not before, all over my face!! In general, today I’m tired. I smeared Boro plus green and gently applied Akriderm on top. Naturally, after three hours I’m already white. The tomato is gone. I don’t know, What will I do next? I’ll try mixing Akriderm with face cream and rubbing it with chamomile as often as possible, making lotions!! I’m tired of going red. If 17 years ago I had known what the consequences would be, I would NEVER agree to hormonal ointments.

Your problem is that you diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment yourself! There are sores when ab is not needed, but sometimes it is necessary, and so with any drug. I treated eczema with Akriderm GK, so my course was only 7 days. It contains an antibiotic, an antifungal, and betamethasone. It relieves itching and redness from the first use.

I agree, I have allergic dermatitis, Akriderm GK helps very well. I didn’t notice any addiction, it always helps and the best part is that it happens in a short time. So I use it when necessary. Maybe you used it wrong somehow? Too much or something...

Hello! I want to share my story maybe it will help someone.
About 2-2.6 years ago I developed an allergy, I went to the doctor, she prescribed Akriderm cream for me and I smeared it on it and everything became normal, and I don’t even remember how, but I started using it like I smeared my face with regular cream. As a result, I used it for 2 years and then decided to stop using it, but that was not the case. As soon as I stopped using it, redness appeared on my face, I thought, okay, I’ll apply it again, then I stopped using it again, again the same story, then I just read that it turns out to be hormonal and addictive. I decided to endure it, I thought it would turn red and go away on its own, but on the 4th day without this cream I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, it was terrible! My whole face was red, swollen, covered in white spots and itchy. I was admitted to the hospital, they smeared me with Metrogyl gel and took metronidazole tablets for about a month, I was treated with this and it seemed that everything had almost gone away, but then it became inflamed again and these medications no longer helped. And then they prescribed me a tablet. Drink Cetrin for 10 days, take Fluconazole canon capsules for 30 days and apply Mal “elokom” for 10 days (it’s hormonal) and this helped a lot, but again, it didn’t take long after I stopped smearing and redness appeared. I tried to apply baby cream with a calming effect - it was useless. Recently I was surfing the Internet and came across Solcoseryl ointment and decided to try it. It is not cheap, almost 600 rubles. But I smear it on the second day and see a very good result, my face has become much better, it is not hormonal, so you can smear it until complete healing, there is only a slight itching, but this is bullshit
I'll use it for now, then I'll write how it ended. I hope I helped someone with this post. Take care of yourself!

Akriderm is a line of hormonal drugs that helps with skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.). Types: Akriderm, Akriderm Genta, Akriderm GK, Akriderm SK - these are all creams and ointments with different components for a wider spectrum of action. Manufacturer: JSC Akrikhin, Russia. There are many analogues.

Must be used as prescribed by a physician.

About the drug

Main active ingredient: betamethasone. This is a hormone of the glucocorticoid group. It has the following effects on the skin:

  1. antiallergic – suppresses allergic reactions in the skin, reduces the immune response in the skin.
  2. anti-inflammatory effect - reduces the activity of cells involved in inflammation.
  3. anti-edema effect.
  4. reduces skin itching.

The difference and differences between different types of creams and ointments are in the additional components.

How does Akriderm ointment differ from cream?

Cream and ointment contain different amounts of petroleum jelly and water. There is a lot of Vaseline in the ointment, but not enough water. There is a lot of water in the cream, but not enough Vaseline. Therefore, the cream is well absorbed into the skin and dries quickly on the skin. And the ointment is absorbed for a long time, practically does not dry out, remains on the surface of the skin for a long time and has a long-lasting healing effect precisely on the surface layers of the skin.

Therefore, Akriderm creams are used in the acute stage of diseases, when there is no significant thickening of the skin, there is no strong scratching, when there is weeping and exudation (that is, the release of inflammatory fluid onto the surface of the skin). If you apply ointment to a weeping surface, the liquid from the surface of the skin will not be absorbed and dry out, diaper rash will form and weeping will increase.

Akriderm ointments are used for chronic skin processes, when there is significant thickening of the skin, scratching, peeling, and there is no weeping or exudation.