Allergen From Dandelion Pollen

Dandelion pollen allergen: description and application

Allergic reactions can be caused by various factors, one of which is plant pollen. One of the most common allergens is dandelion pollen. To treat allergies to this allergen, an immunobiological drug was developed - an allergen from dandelion pollen.

The drug is produced in Russia by the Allergen Stavropol company and is available in the form of a solution for intradermal administration. Each milliliter of solution contains 10,000 units of dandelion pollen. The drug is supplied in 5 ml bottles complete with test kits for the production of skin tests.

Dandelion pollen allergen is used to diagnose and treat allergic reactions to this allergen. The drug is injected into the patient's skin to determine the presence of sensitivity to dandelion pollen. After administration of the drug, a spot forms on the skin, which is visually assessed by a doctor. If the spot has a large diameter, this indicates that the patient has an allergic reaction to this allergen.

To treat allergies to dandelion pollen, the medicinal allergen can be used as injections or a course of immunotherapy. The introduction of the drug into the patient’s body allows one to gradually reduce his sensitivity to the allergen and reduce the severity of allergic reactions.

In conclusion, Dandelion pollen allergen is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions to a given allergen. Patients with suspected allergies to dandelion pollen are advised to consult an allergist to conduct appropriate research and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.