Allergy Drug

Drug allergy is one of the most common forms of allergy. It is characterized by individual intolerance to certain medications, which can manifest itself in various symptoms. For proper treatment, it is necessary to know which drug causes an allergic reaction in the patient.

Symptoms of drug allergies can vary, but the most common are skin and respiratory symptoms. These include itching, redness, rashes, swelling and difficulty breathing. Less commonly, allergies to medications can be accompanied by problems of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system.

Risk factors for the development of allergies to medications are the constant use of several medications, taking antibiotics without taking into account their compatibility, violation of the rules for storing and taking medications, and the presence of an allergic predisposition in patients. To avoid the development of allergic reactions to medications, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and follow the rules for storing and using medications.

Allergy treatment with medication involves prescribing antihistamines that block the action of histamine and relieve allergy symptoms. In case of an acute allergy attack, corticosteroid medications may be prescribed. Treatment should also include consultation with an allergist and pulmonologist. He will tell you what medications you can take and in what cases you need to urgently seek medical help. This will help cope with drug allergies and prevent complications.