Alopecia Syphilitic Mixed

Alopecia syphilitica mixed (a. syphilitica mixta) is a rare skin disease that causes hair loss on the head and other parts of the body. This condition occurs as a result of syphilis affecting the hair follicles and skin, which leads to disruption of their functioning.

Symptoms of alopecia syphilitica mixed may include partial or complete loss of hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, pubic area and other parts of the body. The skin in areas of hair loss may be smooth and free of inflammation, but may also be affected by rashes and sores, indicating the presence of syphilis.

The diagnosis of alopecia syphilitica mixed can be difficult, as the symptoms of this condition are very similar to other forms of hair loss, such as androgenetic alopecia and arena alopecia. Diagnosis of this condition may require a skin biopsy, tests for syphilis, and other tests.

Treatment of mixed syphilitic alopecia involves the use of antibiotics to treat syphilis and the use of therapy aimed at restoring hair growth. The prognosis depends on how quickly treatment for syphilis was started and on how long the treatment for alopecia will be.

Overall, alopecia syphilitica mixed is a rare condition that requires careful diagnosis and treatment. If you notice signs of hair loss, especially in combination with skin sores or rashes, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.