Alveolus of the tooth

The alveolus of a tooth is the socket of a tooth that is located in the jaw bone. It is one of the main elements of the tooth and performs many functions.

The alveolus of the tooth has the shape of a hemisphere and is located in the dental cell - a recess in the jaw bone, which occupies most of its volume. The alveoli of the teeth are located on the upper and lower jaws and form the dentition.

In addition, the alveoli of the tooth have the following functions:

  1. They support the tooth in the jawbone and protect it from damage.
  2. They ensure the correct position of the tooth in the jaw, which is important for its normal functioning.
  3. Serve as attachment sites for muscles and ligaments that help hold the tooth in place.
  4. They are the place where the exchange of substances between the tooth and blood occurs, which provides its nutrition and protection.
  5. They act as a reservoir for saliva, which lubricates the tooth and protects it from bacteria.
  6. The alveolus also plays an important role in the formation of the bite and dentition, as it determines the shape and size of the tooth.
  7. The alveolus is involved in the formation of dentin, the hard part of the tooth that covers the pulp of the tooth.
  8. Alveolocytes, the cells that form the alveolus of the tooth, are also involved in wound healing and tissue regeneration.
  9. Alveolar cells produce collagen, which is the basis for the formation of bone tissue.
  10. The alveolar bone is also involved in the formation of the facial skeleton and plays a role in maintaining the balance between the bones of the skull and jaws.

Thus, the alveolus of the tooth is an important element in the human body and plays a key role in maintaining the health of teeth and jaws.

Alveolus (from Latin álveus “hole”, plural alvéoli, goes back to Latin álvum “nipple”) - a hollow bone formation in the body (bones) of humans and animals, connecting the oral cavity with internal organs (including other cavities body) or the body cavity of an animal that leads outward; for example, insects and spiders also have body cavities. Usually single-layer or multi-cell (tubular); performs trophic, supporting, protective and receptor functions. Has an opening leading to the corresponding organ or cavity.
