Ambulatoria Peredvizhnaya

Mobile outpatient clinics are structural units of regional, district, large district hospitals, designed to provide out-of-hospital medical and preventive care. They travel to rural settlements, places of transhumance, as well as to field camps, where they provide medical care to the population.

Outpatient clinics are an important link in the healthcare system, as they provide access to medical care for residents of remote areas. In addition, they help reduce waiting times for medical care, which is especially important in emergency situations.

The mobile outpatient clinic includes doctors of various specialties, nurses and other medical workers. They have all the necessary equipment to conduct diagnostic tests and treat patients.

One of the main advantages of mobile dispensaries is their mobility. They can quickly move throughout a region or district to provide assistance where it is needed. This is especially important in emergency situations, when a quick response to emerging problems is required.

In addition, mobile outpatient clinics have the ability to carry out preventive measures, such as vaccination, medical examination and others. They can also provide psychological assistance to the population, provide consultations on healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.

Thus, mobile outpatient clinics play an important role in the healthcare system and help ensure access to medical care for the population. They are a reliable tool for improving the quality of life of people and improving the health of the population as a whole.

Mobile outpatient clinics are designed to treat diseases for which there is no need for hospitalization; medical staff are allowed to treat patients directly at home.

A mobile outpatient clinic can be a one-story or multi-story building. The height of the building must be at least three meters, and the width must be at least five meters. Brick, concrete blocks, paving stones or frame building construction are used as building materials. The volume of the outpatient clinic should be designed for the number of workers - a therapist, two paramedics and other medical staff.

Security measures must also be taken in accordance with regulatory requirements to prevent terrorist attacks. Those. the building has an alarm system and other security measures aimed at countering criminal and terrorist activities.

Recently, the following have become most widespread: paramedic-midwife stations - family medical facilities that have all the necessary capabilities for professional medical care; FAP is a complex building designed directly for providing primary care and equipped with everything