Amenorrhea Cortical

Corrective amenorrhea, or insufficiency of the menstrual cycle, is the impossibility of the onset of normal menstruation at the age of more than 2 years after the onset of puberty of the female body. It is believed that the only indicator of a woman's normal monthly cycle is the regular dominant and complete ovulation that occurs during the menstrual or intermediate cycle. However, regardless of the nature of the cycle, insufficient ovarian function can only be said in cases where the process of oogenesis is slowed down in all follicles or completely stopped. This definition is a necessary clarification, since the doctor may be faced with a situation where a primarily abnormal cycle nevertheless offers a chance to restore regular ovulation.

Amenorrhea is divided into:

Functional (93%), occurring with normal cyclic changes, but without ovulation;

Organic, occurring without cyclical changes on the part of the endometrium.