
Every year, from 250 thousand to 400 thousand newborns die from intrauterine infection and complications of cesarean section in countries that are classified as developing. Most of these cases are associated not with the condition of the mother, but with medical intervention - the intrauterine fetus dies during the operation, medical journalist Elena Beregovaya writes in her blog.

In the ten years since its publication, information about the syndrome has not become an epiphany for obstetricians - this information is still relevant for those who work in maternity hospital operating rooms, for general practitioners, neonatologists and medical students. “We need to read Paul Barder’s article out loud until we begin to universally perform in practice exactly that operation that is so painful for the fetus,” says obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Andrei Baykov. We recalled and analyzed different points of view on the problem faced by doctors in antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and perinatal centers around the world.