
Anaphylaxis: a dangerous manifestation of an allergic reaction

Anaphylaxis is one of the most dangerous manifestations of allergic reactions and can occur when certain substances are repeatedly introduced parenterally into the body. These substances, called allergens, can cause a general or local reaction, including skin reactions. However, the most serious manifestation of anaphylaxis is anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic shock can be caused by various allergens, such as medications, insect bites (bees, wasps, bumblebees) and pollen. This occurs when the body is re-exposed to an allergen after the body has already been exposed to the first allergic reaction and has developed increased sensitivity to it.

The main symptoms of anaphylactic shock include severe difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure and possible loss of consciousness. This serious condition requires immediate medical attention. If anaphylaxis is suspected, an ambulance should be called and resuscitation measures should be started immediately.

Prevention of anaphylaxis involves limiting the use of medications without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use of medications can be one of the reasons for increasing the body's sensitivity to allergens. If you have experienced allergic reactions such as swelling or hives in the past while taking medications, you should tell your doctor when prescribing a new treatment.

If you are prone to allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, your doctor may recommend wearing a special medical bracelet or other identification tag indicating the presence of an allergy. This will help medical professionals quickly determine the cause of the reaction and take the necessary measures.

In conclusion, anaphylaxis is a serious health threat and requires immediate attention. Proper prevention, especially regarding the use of medications, can reduce the risk of this dangerous condition. It is important to be attentive to your body, pay attention to any allergic manifestations and consult a doctor if necessary.


An anaphylactic reaction is an acute life-threatening allergic or pseudo-allergic systemic hypersensitivity reaction that occurs after repeated introduction of an allergen to the body and manifests itself within a few minutes or hours. Many people around the world have experienced anaphylactic shock at least once in their lives. According to medical literature, the reasons