Anemia Drug-induced

Medicamentous anemia (a. Medicamentosa) is a pathological condition in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and methods of treating drug-induced anemia.

Causes of drug-induced anemia Drug-induced anemia occurs as a result of an overdose of drugs that affect hematopoietic function. Other causes may include gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol intoxication, pregnancy, heavy bleeding, bone marrow damage. Symptoms of anemia of drug origin Anemia is accompanied by the following symptoms : pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, tinnitus, feeling of lack of air, rapid heartbeat, fainting, drowsiness, decreased performance and memory, sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, low tolerance to physical activity, increased fragility of blood vessels, loss hair and nails. Methods for treating anemia of drug origin. Treatment methods are determined by the etiological factor and depend on the time of initiation of treatment. 1. Elimination of causes: reducing the dose or stopping medications that can cause anemia. 2. Maintaining water and electrolyte balance: with the development of a pronounced hemodynamic disturbance, replenishment of the blood volume through the administration of colloidal solutions. 3. Iron deficiency conditions include both iron deficiency and impaired iron absorption. For iron deficiency anemia, iron supplements are prescribed: ferrumlek or ferretab, 1 tablet. 2 times a day until hemoglobin normalizes (on average 3–4 months), then 1/2 table. 2 times a week for another 2 months. If signs of iron deficiency occur, additional iron administration continues at half the dose, but daily for another 2–3 weeks to restore iron reserves in the body. After this, they switch to a maintenance dose, taken for several more months, possibly in regular multivitamin complexes. Treatment of malaria. For malarial anemia, treatment is carried out with hypoxen and metronidazole. Iron supplements should not be prescribed for this disease. These drugs can increase the sensitivity of Plasmodium to drugs and lead to resistance to chemotherapy. The patient is advised to take a long rest, especially after a severe illness. Anemia in diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract is treated with specific drugs, including antibiotics and cytostatics - in case of renal failure.