Anhidrosis Acute

ACUTE ANHYDROSIS [lat. anhidrosis acute loss of the ability to sweat, from an-, Greek. hýdros sweat] is an acute dermatosis characterized by acutely occurring limited or widespread anocellular alopecia of the skin (partial, complete, total). Develops mainly in men. Pathomorphologically, hyperkeratosis, inflammatory changes, and sometimes vascular disorders occur—an angiomatous-like widespread background of the lesion. The basis of the diagnosis is the data of dermatoscopy, trichoscopy, photoexamination (photographic examination), skin biopsy and, if necessary, other examination methods. Prevention comes down to observing a work and rest schedule, a balanced diet, and proper skin care. Treatment includes local correction of water-mineral metabolism disorders (oral, rectal salt preparations), antihistamines and vitamin therapy. Phototherapy, electrocoagulation or cryotherapy (cryoscopy) are used. IMPORTANT: all departments and hospitals treat patients only with a compulsory medical insurance policy. According to the compulsory medical insurance program, every patient with acute anhidrosis can receive appropriate