
Angiopneumographic diagnostics is one of the effective modern methods for visualizing blood vessels and lungs. It is carried out using radiography and computed tomography with contrast. Angiography allows you to diagnose stenoses, atherosclerotic plaques, vascular malformations, pathologies of the liver and respiratory organs. In the clinic of ophthalmological diseases, angiography is used for retinal detachment and vascular pathologies of the organ of vision.

The procedure is performed by diagnostic centers, specialized departments of hospitals, as well as specialized departments of private clinics in Moscow. Patients of any age and nature of pathologies have the right to receive an opinion. To make an appointment and conduct an angiography in our clinic, you can contact the contact number of the single contact center by phone 8 (495) 799-38-20 any day of the week from 9:00 to 21:00. The cost of angiography depends on the areas being examined and the procedures used. We are ready to offer various options for comprehensive diagnostics, conduct consultations, providing complete information about diagnostic possibilities at the patient’s request.