
An anthropometer is an instrument that is used to measure the size of human body parts. *An anthropometer is used to determine a person’s height, measuring the muscle strength of the leg muscles.*

An anthropometric device is a special device. It is used to determine a person’s body weight by recalculating his anthropometric indicators, which do not have significant individual differences and largely characterize the constitutional characteristics of the body of a given person. This approach to diagnosis is called “anthropometry”. To ensure the objectivity of the anthropometry result, the person is asked to drink a little water before the measurement, then all errors will be minimal. The results of each measurement are recorded in a special table along with data from other similar examinations of the same person. Comparing the results will provide information on changes in body weight over time from previous surveys. The results of all measurements are used as the basis for determining the standard mass index for each of the studied individuals in each age period studied. The ratio of the real value of the studied indicator of a person to its values ​​in other people of the same sex and age of a given person is the mass index or the degree of its severity. **Due to the significant scattering of body composition measurements along body length in all age groups, it is most advisable to take body weight as the main size.** When interpreting the results of the study, special attention is paid to the distribution of excess weight (underweight), taken into account as a deviation from the parameters of the standard “ideal” » bodies. For a more detailed analysis of the patient’s body shape and to identify the degree of complications, it will be enough to study such diagnostic characteristics of his body as “ratio of the upper body to the lower part”, “abdominal percussion dullness index”, “Harris chest index”, “pelvic index”, “ laterality of the chest”, “attrition of the iliac bones on the left and right”, “excessiveness of the waist”, “thickness of lumps of adipose tissue”, “settlement of the abdomen”, “degree of skin fold”, etc. According to the degree of obesity, 4 degrees are distinguished: first ( BMI from 24.9 to 29 kg/m2), second (BMI 30