Anti-Species Immunoglobulins Vs Bovine Immunoglobulins

Anti-species immunoglobulins against bovine immunoglobulins: features and application

Anti-species immunoglobulins against bovine immunoglobulins (IAIB) are biologically active substances used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Preparations based on IAIB are produced in Russia, including at the enterprise of the Research Institute of EM named after N.F. Gamaleya.

IAIB are antibodies that are formed in the human body in response to the introduction of bovine immunoglobulins. These antibodies bind and neutralize bovine immunoglobulins, which can cause allergic reactions in humans.

IAIB is used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with disorders of the immune system. They are used for the prevention and treatment of Rh conflict in newborns, as well as for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Gilbert's syndrome and others.

IAIB are presented in various dosage forms: diagnostic, fluorescent, dry powders and lyophilisates, as well as in ampoules for injection.

The use of IAIB may be accompanied by some side effects, such as allergic reactions, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, before using IAIB, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor.

AIBs are an important tool in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases associated with the immune system. However, their use must be accompanied by careful medical supervision and mandatory compliance with all precautions.