Antipyretic (Febrifuge)

An antipyretic (from the English febrifuge) is a treatment or medicinal substance that reduces or prevents an increase in body temperature (fever). Antipyretics are used to reduce high fever during feverish conditions, such as colds or infections.

Antipyretics include drugs from the group of antipyretics - drugs that suppress fever. The most common antipyretics are paracetamol, ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid. They inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the thermostat setting to a higher temperature.

Thus, antipyretics are an important tool for relieving the symptoms of febrile conditions. Their use helps normalize body temperature and reduce discomfort associated with heat.

An antipyretic (Febrifuge) is a treatment or drug that is used to reduce or prevent an increase in temperature (fever) in the body. Fever is a major symptom of many illnesses, including colds, flu, respiratory tract infections, malaria and others. As the temperature in the body rises, many people experience discomfort, muscle pain, headaches and other symptoms.

Antipyretics can be represented by various types of drugs, including analgesics, antipyretics and others. Antipyretics are the most common type of antipyretic medications. They act on the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature, and reduce it to normal levels.

One of the most common antipyretics is paracetamol (acetaminophen). It is often used to treat flu and colds and to reduce pain. This drug is available without a prescription and is one of the safest antipyretics. However, if the recommended dose is exceeded, paracetamol can cause liver failure, which can lead to serious complications.

Another commonly used antipyretic is ibuprofen. It is also available over the counter and is used to relieve fever and pain. However, if you use this medicine for a long time, side effects such as stomach ulcers and bleeding may occur.

Some other antipyretics, such as aspirin, may be effective in treating fever, but may cause various side effects. For example, aspirin can cause bleeding and the risk of developing Reitush syndrome in children.

In general, antipyretics are an important part of the treatment of many diseases associated with increased body temperature. However, when choosing an antipyretic drug, it is necessary to take into account the side effects and possible risks of its use. If fever symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor to choose the most appropriate treatment.

In hot weather, the temperature may rise. This indicates that the body works at increased speed, and temperature is a kind of indicator of the state of the body in response to stimuli. If the body cannot cope with the load, the temperature rises by several degrees, and all the symptoms begin to appear, from headaches to dry coughs. It is in such situations that antipyretics come to the rescue. Today we will talk about drugs that can lower body temperature and help the body cope with the disease.

One of these drugs is **Acetylsalicylic acid** or the better known **Paracetamol**. Paracetamol is widely used in medicine to reduce fever. It eliminates pain of various etiologies and relieves fever. Based on this product, many drugs are produced intended for both internal and external use (ointments, gels). With frequent use, liver function is impaired, so you should not abuse the drug. The effect occurs within 30 minutes from the moment of ingestion. Paracetamol should not be used in case of individual intolerance, blood diseases, or alcoholism. Another drug - **Ibuprofen** - is effective for relieving high fever, and is also used as a pain reliever for urticaria. Providing an anti-inflammatory effect, it does not disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Acts quickly without causing addiction. The maximum dosage is contained in the instructions for the drug. Febrifuge