Antiseptics Local

Antiseptics are one of the methods of combating infectious diseases. It involves the use of various chemicals that kill bacteria and prevent the spread of infection. However, when using antiseptics, certain rules and precautions must be followed to avoid side effects and complications.

Local antiseptics is a method of local application of antimicrobial agents in the cavity of a wound or abscess. This method is used to treat wounds, burns, ulcers, fistulas and other skin lesions. Local antiseptic treatment can be carried out using various solutions, ointments, creams and other preparations.

Before using a local antiseptic, it is necessary to treat the skin around the wound with an antiseptic. A small amount of antimicrobial is then applied to the wound. After this, the wound is covered with a bandage or plaster.

Local antiseptic treatment of the wound can be carried out several times a day, depending on the condition of the wound and the doctor’s recommendations. It is important to remember that local antiseptic treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or specialist.

Local antiseptics - A., based on the introduction of an antimicrobial substance into the wound cavity, abscess, etc.

Local use of antimicrobial agents is based on their ability to kill microorganisms that are in close proximity to the injection site. Antiseptic solutions, pastes, powders, ointments, gels, liniments, aerosols, drops and other dosage forms are used to treat wounds, mucous membranes, skin, etc.

Local antiseptics can be used to disinfect the skin before injection, treat postoperative sutures, and also to treat certain skin diseases.

An example of a local antiseptic is iodine, which is used to treat the skin and mucous membranes. It has a wide spectrum of action and can be used to treat various infections such as boils, abscesses, purulent wounds, etc.

However, it must be remembered that the local use of antimicrobial drugs can lead to the development of resistance of microorganisms to these drugs, so they must be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions for use.