Arachnoism Cutaneous

Arachnoid dermatitis is a skin disease that affects not only adults, but also children. The exact definition of the disease is arachnasm (skin dermatosis). Translated into Russian it means “skin dermatosis associated with spiders.” It has been known for over 250 years. It was only in the 20th century that it was first clearly established that it is caused by microscopic tufts of tropical spiders.

How does the disease develop? It all starts with a spider bite. The mite injects a large amount of protein containing allergens into the wound. The skin is damaged. If you take immediate action and administer an antihistamine, the symptoms will quickly disappear. But if you ignore the infection, then the following stages slowly develop from the bite: - dryness and peeling; - irritation; - the appearance of bubbles; - scratching until there is blood.

Stages of development of skin disease Manifestations vary. Most often, the disease occurs without fever; the patient may only complain of severe itching. Most patients experience one symptom: hyperemia. Over time, fluid-filled blisters and pain form at the site of redness. Rarely, these symptoms are accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat and discomfort in the eyes. Most patients are observed