Arch Support Comb

The supinator ridge (lat. crista musculi supinatoris, crista supinatoria) is a bony protrusion on the lateral surface of the ulna. Formed by the attachment point of the instep support - the muscle of the forearm that abducts the hand and turns it with the palm up.

The supinator ridge starts from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and extends down along the muscle fibers of the supinator. The lower end of the ridge meets the lateral edge of the ulna.

The shape and size of the instep ridge vary depending on the development of the muscle of the same name. In people who often supinate the forearm, the ridge is well defined and large in size.

Title: "Archrest Comb"

Branch of medicine and pharmacology

Literature selection criterion: a generalized search for up-to-date information about the anatomical structure of the arch support crest, its functional significance, possible structural disorders and methods of prevention.

Relevance of the selected topic

The “crest of the supinators” represents the top of the tubercle of the same name in the bones of the wrist and is a connecting element for the surface of the forearm and the first metacarpal bone as part of the periarticular apparatus (synovial, ligamentous formations). The anatomical description of the crest falls exclusively under the skeletal structures, since it is divided into two layers, which at the junction form the infraspinatus crest. Its existence does not require the participation of muscles or peripheral vessels - it is created exclusively without the participation of these formations. Physiologically, it is an important space for the distribution of tension when moving the fingers and wrist. Below are possible violations of the presence of element formation and their functional consequences. Like many anatomical structures, it can be observed as a deviation from the norm in various combinations or varieties. Their consequences can be a violation of the form, function, and normal function of the wrist joint and forearm. The main goal is to determine the features of the formation of structures, functional significance, methods of clinical interpretation, possible deviations, their effect on the body and clinical manifestations.