Art Folder

Children are very happy and proud when they see that their works of art are really important to you and you are saving them. Create a folder in which your child can put his favorite works. A folder, of course, can be bought in a store, but it will be more interesting if you and your child make it yourself from two large sheets of thick paper or thick cardboard (for example, two sides of a box). Cut two rectangles of the same size from cardboard (if you have a large enough piece, you can fold it in half, this will make your task easier). Fold these sheets together and make holes in the lower part through which you need to thread a string. Don't forget to tie knots (on the outside of the folder) before pulling the twine through. Now the drawings will no longer fall down. In the same way, pierce and sew the sides of the folder, about fifteen centimeters from the bottom. Your folder will not fall apart and will open like a real one. On each side of the folder, write the child's name in bright letters, or let him, if he wants, write something else himself and decorate the folder with drawings or stickers as he wishes. From time to time, look through the works in the folder and let your child re-evaluate them: which drawings he still likes and which ones he doesn’t. He might want to try drawing the same thing again.