Artery Digital Foot Dorsal Common

The dorsal common digital artery (a. digitalis communis dorsalis pedis) is one of the arteries that passes through the foot and provides blood supply to the toes. It is a branch of the dorsalis pedis artery, which in turn is a branch of the posterior tibial artery.

The common dorsal artery of the digital foot is about 1.5 cm long and runs along the dorsum of the foot. It starts from the dorsum of the foot and passes through the first intermetatarsal space, where it divides into two branches: the dorsal artery of the toe and the plantar artery.

The dorsal toe artery starts from the dorsum of the first toe and passes to the remaining toes, providing them with blood supply. The plantar artery runs from the dorsum of the foot to the plantar surface, where it branches into smaller arteries that supply the skin and muscles of the foot.

The blood supply to the toes through the common dorsalis pedis artery is important for maintaining the health and function of the toes. Poor circulation can lead to various diseases such as ulcers, gangrene and other circulatory problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the dorsal common artery of the toe and take measures to strengthen it and prevent diseases.

The digital and common dorsal arteries are vessels that supply blood to the toes, foot, shin and back of the leg. These vessels are important for the health of the legs, as they are responsible for the proper functioning of muscles, bones and joints. In this article we will look at the anatomy, functions and diseases of the arteries of the toe and dorsal common, as well as treatment methods.

The digital arteries and dorsal common arteries form a network of vessels that runs at the back of the leg and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the muscles of the fingers, foot, leg and knee. Each toe has its own digital artery, which supplies it and the skin along the toe. The dorsal common artery supplies each foot with more blood and oxygen.

Functions of the digital, dorsal and common arteries The arteries of the toes and dorsum of the common perform several important functions. They support blood circulation in the legs and help keep them healthy. Important functions of arteries include:

Providing oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the foot. Protection of bones and organs