
Asynergia is a decrease in the force of muscle contraction during contraction that occurs in response to nerve impulses. This process can be caused by various reasons, such as fatigue, weakness, impaired nerve conduction or lack of oxygen. Asynergism can manifest itself both in isolated muscles and in the entire muscular system, which can lead to various disorders of motor function.

Asynergia can be caused by various diseases, such as muscular dystrophy, polio, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease and others. Also, an asynergic reaction can occur during prolonged muscle tension, for example, when working in production or during sports training.

To diagnose asynergia, various methods are used, such as electromyography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and others. Treatment for asynergies can include a variety of methods, including drug therapy, physical therapy, massage, and others.

In general, asynergia is an important phenomenon in physiology and can be associated with various diseases and motor dysfunctions. However, diagnosis and treatment of asynergia should be carried out only by qualified specialists to avoid possible complications.

Asynergism is underdeveloped or undeveloped cooperation and interaction. Unfortunately, asynergic behavior is observed quite often. First of all, in a work environment and in a team.

Sometimes this happens because people find themselves in the work process by accident, and they simply do not have time to get to know the manager and each other well enough. It may