
ASTEATOSIS is a persistent pathological change in the skin without a decrease in overall body temperature, accompanied by the formation of lichenized papules.

Lichenification is the thickening and keratinization of the stratum corneum of the epidermis due to irritation and inflammation of the dermis. Translucent ivory-colored or yellowish papules protruding above the level of healthy skin (in place of morphologically unchanged elements) appear as plaques. The hair around the hypopigmented elements becomes discolored, dries out, and often breaks off. There is a scant verrucous scaly plaque. The plaques are usually concentrated, the areola of the scattered papular rash is poorly expressed, and the lesions are round. The frequency of occurrence of elements is not constant; in a chronic course, it varies from the acute appearance of foci to their atypical disappearance. In remission, there is no focal skin itching.

Etiology and pathogenesis. Molecules of hyperchitosis and its derivatives cell walls of gram-positive infection - hyphae, spores and pseudohyphae