Asthma Cardiac

Asthma cardiac

Cardiac asthma is a paroxysmal shortness of breath that occurs due to heart failure. The causes of cardiac asthma are chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other heart diseases.

The attack usually begins at night and is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, suffocation, and coughing. The patient is forced to sit or stand, leaning his hands on some object. The face is cyanotic, covered with sweat, breathing is wheezing. The attack can last from several minutes to several hours.

To treat cardiac asthma, cardiac glycosides, diuretics, sedatives, and oxygen are used. Preventive measures are important - treatment of underlying heart disease, quitting smoking, and reducing excess body weight. If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical treatment may be required.

The prognosis for cardiac asthma largely depends on the course of the underlying disease. Timely and correct treatment allows you to achieve stable remission.