Atrophy Parro

Parrot atrophy is a newborn skin atrophy usually localized to the cheeks, chin, forehead or scalp. This is a rare condition in which the newborn has unilateral or bilateral skin atrophy without visible damage.

The cause of Parrot atrophy is not completely clear. It is believed that this may be due to pressure on the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth. Other possible factors include circulatory disorders, vascular thrombosis, infections and genetic predisposition.

The diagnosis is made based on the characteristic clinical picture. Treatment is usually not required as skin atrophy resolves on its own within a few months after birth. Sometimes ointments are prescribed to moisturize and nourish the skin. The prognosis is favorable, complications are rare.

Thus, Parrot atrophy is a rare, self-limiting condition of neonatal skin atrophy that does not require special treatment and resolves on its own.