
Country of origin: India, Smithkline Beecham UK, Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals UK, Fako Ilaklari AS Turkey

Pharm-Group: Combined antimicrobial agents

Manufacturers: German Remedies Ltd (India), Smithkline Beacham (Great Britain), Smithkline Beacham Pharmaceuticals (Great Britain), Fako Ilaklari AS (Turkey)

International name: Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid

Synonyms: Amoklavin, Amoxiclav, Clavocin, Clavunat, Medoclav, Moksiklav, Panclave, Ranclave, Flemoklav Solutab

Dosage forms: tablets 375 mg, tablets 625 mg, powder for the preparation of an injection solution 0.6 g, powder for the preparation of an injection solution 1.2 g, syrup-suspension 156.25 mg, syrup-suspension 312.5 mg, powder for the preparation of an injection solution, powder for

Composition: Active substance - amoxicillin + clavulanic acid.

Indications for use: Infectious diseases of the upper (acute and chronic sinusitis, acute and chronic otitis media, retropharyngeal abscess, tonsillopharyngitis) and lower respiratory tract (acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleural empyema); urinary tract infections (including cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), gynecological infections (including salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, septic abortion, pelvioperitonitis); biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis), bone and connective tissue (including chronic osteomyelitis), skin and soft tissue (phlegmon, wound infection), odontogenic infections (periodontitis); sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chancroid).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity; history of allergic reactions to antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group; cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis caused by taking penicillin antibiotics (in history); liver failure; infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Possible if the expected effect of therapy exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects: In most cases, side effects are weak and transient, most often affecting the gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Possible development of superinfection, stomatitis, vaginitis; in rare cases - pseudomembranous colitis with severe diarrhea. Allergic reactions may occur: itching, skin rashes; in sensitive patients, immediate hypersensitivity reactions may develop (angioedema, bronchospasm, rarely - anaphylactic shock). It is extremely rare that a transient increase in the level of transaminases in the blood plasma can be observed. There are isolated reports of the occurrence of cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, and liver dysfunction.

Interaction: When used simultaneously with methotrexate, the toxicity of methotrexate increases, with allopurinol - the incidence of exanthema, and with anticoagulants - the prothrombin time is prolonged. Reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Concomitant use with disulfiram should be avoided. The effectiveness of Amoxiclav is weakened by combination with bacteriostatic antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines), combination with rifampicin is antagonistic. Probenecid reduces the excretion of amoxicillin, increasing its serum concentration. Pharmaceutically incompatible with solutions containing blood, proteins, lipids, glucose, dextran, bicarbonate. Do not mix in a syringe or infusion bottle with other drugs. Incompatible with aminoglycosides.

Overdose: Symptoms: in most cases nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, possible - agitation, insomnia, dizziness, in some cases - seizures. Information about death or the occurrence of