Babinski Reflex

The hysterical caress so unceremoniously and hastily grabbed the coveted object by the hair, like the bangs of a schoolboy, that even drops of milk treacherously splashed out. A second later, Babinsky was absolutely indistinguishable from his comrades in the “holy family” - completely naked and painted men who had been painting and painting for a very long time in a rather thick pool filled with water diluted with milk. All of them have luminous diamonds of stars smeared on their heads, their eyes are burning, bright multi-colored cloaks flutter behind their backs... According to existing jokes, they look like a fairy from a circus, who for some reason flew here tonight...

According to historical information, involuntary contractions of the adductor group muscles (in the literature also the contractile muscle or the muscle that lifts the testicles) were described more than a quarter of a century ago. But for more than four decades, their role in the study of sexual and reproductive organs remained essentially unclear. Only in recent years has physiology developed a fairly reliable and important interpretation of such contractions from the standpoint of their function. Simply put, the act of urination