
Betazon: properties, use and contraindications

Betazone is a drug belonging to the group of glucocorticosteroids that are produced in the human adrenal glands. It contains the active substance - betamethasone, and is available in various dosage forms, including drops for the eyes and ears.

Betazone is produced in Russia by several companies, including Lecco and FF, and has an international name - betamethasone. It is also known by various synonyms, including Akriderm, Beloderm, Betakortal, Celestoderm B and others.

The use of Betazon is widespread in medicine. It is used to treat various diseases and conditions, such as inflammatory lesions of the joints and soft tissues, skin diseases, allergic reactions, breast and prostate cancer, and others.

Betazone can be used to treat congenital adrenal hypoplasia and adrenal insufficiency. It can also be used for shock, thyroiditis, thyrotoxic crisis, hypercalcemia due to malignancy, acute rheumatic carditis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and other systemic connective tissue diseases.

Betazone can be effective in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, prevention of transplant rejection, severe allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, berylliosis, Loeffler's syndrome, aspiration pneumonitis, cerebral edema and other diseases.

However, Betazon has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when using it. These include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, systemic mycoses, HIV infection, active forms of tuberculosis, chicken pox, herpes and other viral diseases, vaccination period, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, diverticulitis, esophagitis, fresh intestinal anastomoses, congestive heart failure, thrombophlebitis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others.

When using Betazon, caution and doctor's recommendations should be observed, especially when used in children, pregnant and lactating women. Some side effects of Betazone may include increased blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, impaired renal function, blurred vision, development of infections, development of ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases, and development of osteoporosis.

In general, Betazon is an effective drug for the treatment of various diseases and conditions, but its use should be under the supervision of a doctor and taking into account all contraindications and possible side effects.